In the Phoenix Nest Stadium, everyone's eyes were on it.

Lin Ge exhaled heavily, and then took out the Hundred Transformation Source Gold, the energy reactor, and the mechanical deformation metal.

"The evolution of mechanical departments is different from other departments, we have to build relevant and needed metal parts, and then mechanically deform these metal parts into pieces."

Lin Ge summoned the Overlord and asked him to digitize the mechanical metal first.

This thing is a system reward item, and now that the mechanical department is public, Lin Ge still has to make this thing.

However, there is a system, these are not difficult, the initial starting point has already been there, and the later ones can walk in step by step.

As Overlord digitizes the mechanical deformed metal, the deformed metal can fuse those metal parts according to the upgraded form that Overlord wants, and transform into the desired new parts.

I saw Lin Ge let go of the stage, allowing the mechanical deformation metal to devour those parts and weapons one by one.

"The upgrade program of the Overlord has been set by me, and the upgrade metal that should be owned has also been built, and now it can be assembled with deformed metal."

Lin Ge explained, the overlord was very happy, Xiaojin became so powerful after inheritance and evolution, but it made him envious for a long time.

In the Phoenix Nest Stadium, it was getting late today, but no one would feel that there was anything wrong with this, but instead watched with relish.

Soon, when the deformed metal integrated all the metal parts, it had already turned into a huge metal ball about ten meters high, Lin Ge signaled slightly, and the overlord was finally approaching the metal ball!


When the Overlord touched the metal ball again, an evolutionary light that belonged exclusively to the mechanical system instantly brightened.

The ten-meter-tall metal ball began to merge with the Overlord, and even if it was wrapped in white evolutionary light, you could still clearly see the mechanical parts assembling, integrating and deforming!


The sound similar to metal mechanical assembly sounded, and the form of the overlord gradually changed.

The baby dragon disappeared, and the ten-meter-tall metal ball began to transform into the upgraded form of the overlord!

Lin Ge continued to explain: "The evolutionary form of machinery can be roughly divided into two types, one is to use deformed metal, as it is currently the case, to transform the whole evolution, and the other is to transform the mechanical pet beast through capital consumption, step by step, in the same way in the laboratory, to achieve the effect of upgrading and evolution.

A scientific research team raised his hand and asked, "Lin Ge, can't these two be combined?" Wouldn't that work better?

Lin Ge raised his glance slightly, it was someone from the scientific research team of the magic capital.

Lin Ge replied, "Yes!" I have also studied this theory, there is program construction support, but I don't have this condition, so when I released the mechanical department, I said that how strong the mechanical department can be depends entirely on how much money you have as a budget.

Lin Ge pushed his glasses and said jokingly: "Except for a small part of the metal parts that I paid for, the rest are borrowed from Professor Lin, I'm just a student, I really don't have money to do big research."

Everyone smiled, and suddenly found that this young man who started the mechanical department was still a high school student.

On the jury's side, Li Muzhi said with a smile: "In view of Lin Ge's performance, the Daxia side allocated more funds afterwards, and the founder can't be too tight, right?"

Guo Hongyu also smiled slightly, "The Royal Beast Master Association also gives support.

Zhang Qingfeng was still embarrassed and said, "The poor road is extremely shy. From

Lin Ge's words, it can be heard that the mechanical department burns money, at least from the mechanical metal laid out, and each one needs money.

Hua and Rong are more far-reaching: "It seems that the price of our metal veins in Daxia is going to rise."

Li Muzhi said: "It's okay, it can't rise much, the moment Lin Ge announced the mechanical department, I already asked people to place orders to buy metals from other countries."

As soon as these words came out, the other four judges all looked up instantly, and this action was too fast.

Guo Hongyu couldn't help but smile slightly: "Secretary Li still has a vision."

Liu Meng didn't think about this, as long as it was a waste of brains, he didn't like it.

Looking at the stage, as the white light gradually dispersed, the metal ball had disappeared, replaced by a mechanical metal tyrannosaurus about fifteen meters tall and majestic.

The metal body reflects the luster under the light, looks domineering, the mechanical tail gently flicks, there is a row of protruding metal scales on the back, and there seems to be a sword hilt at the back of the neck.

The mechanical sounds were staggered, the Overlord successfully completed the upgrade, and Lin Ge also sensed the attribute panel of the Overlord's awakening.

"Ding! Post the task! The mechanical department is already exciting, how can there be no other mechanical department pet beast? Please ask the host to research ten races for Daxia with a level of more than thirty mechanical transcendence! Rewards are temporarily kept private. (Current task progress: 1)" The

system has released the task again, but this is still a bit far away for Lin Ge for the time being.

Immediately, it is time to announce the panel of the overlord first, so that everyone in the Phoenix Nest Stadium is boiling.

[Advanced Extraordinary Mechanical Beast: Overlord

] [Attributes: Mechanical, Dragon

] [Race level: 60 levels]

[Growth level: 17

] [Awakening skills: Super super electromagnetic cannon, high-level mechanical sword, high-level super speed, high-level dragon burn, intermediate mechanical analysis, low-level jet propulsion.

When this panel came out public, Lin Ge was not surprised.

Liu Meng looked at it and said loudly, "Huh? How is this not as good as that dragon machine?

Guo Hongyu covered his face: "Old Meng, is it okay to think before speaking?"

Lin Ge on the stage gave an explanation and replied: "After this upgrade, that super electromagnetic cannon and mechanical sword are upgraded equipment, high-level super speed and low-level jet propulsion should be obtained from that rocket thruster, Dragon Burn is a flamethrower, and medium-level mechanical analysis is the only awakening skill, do you see anything?"

Lin Ge smiled mysteriously, and those present, as long as they had brains, were short of breath.

Only Liu Meng, a reckless man, is still scratching his head, and he doesn't know why.

Sakurako was the first to speak: "Lin Ge-san, do you mean that the skills of the mechanical department are the weapons we have developed?" How many skills can the mechanical department have, except for his own awakening, we can equip the rest?

Lin Ge nodded: "Yes!" After all, the mechanical department is not a flesh and blood life, and it cannot obtain a large number of awakening skills from itself, so most of the skills of the mechanical department are artificially carried by us, and the more weapons are carried, the more skills there will naturally be. "

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