"The mechanical department can be upgraded independently, transformed, highly malleable, and can be equipped with modern high-tech weapons, but the shortcomings are obvious, but I think as long as the energy can meet the needs of the mechanical department, and there is no one that does not cost money to cultivate pet beasts."

Lin Ge patted the overlord's... The legs, after this deformation upgrade, the appearance has not changed much, it is already the style of a mechanical Tyrannosaurus rex, and the small short hand is still a small short hand.

In the Phoenix Nest Stadium, those scientific research teams looked at the overlord, and they couldn't wait to run up and study it now.

Lin Ge continued: "All in all, the future of the mechanical department is very broad, and there is only so much I can show at the moment.

Lin Ge bowed slightly, his purpose of disclosing the mechanical department had been achieved.

There is no doubt that after this extraordinary appraisal, the popularity of the mechanical department will immediately spread in the Great Xia Dynasty.

Li Muzhi and they took the stage again and said: "Thank you Lin Ge for bringing such an exciting mechanical department to our Daxia, I believe that in the near future, the extraordinary beasts of the mechanical department will spring up like mushrooms."

"At the same time, the plasticity of the mechanical department also shocked us, even modern high-tech weapons can be carried, which is tantamount to adding wings to the Great Xia Frontier!"

The Phoenix Nest Stadium erupted into a tidal wave of applause, and this extraordinary appraisal was really wonderful.

Guo Hongyu spoke up: "Then this extraordinary appraisal is successfully over!"

"First place! Needless to say, it's the Lin Ge team! Whether it is the Dragon Palace Guarding System or the Mechanical Department, it has very great potential, and this is still the first full score that appeared on our Great Xia Extraordinary Appraisal! Congratulations to the Ringe team! Warm

applause sounded, and Lin Ge bowed slightly to show their gratitude.

"The second is the ghost demon knife from a friend of Nanashima, the fifty-level race level is also very strong, and it can also overcome the demon line, which can't help but make us sigh, let us congratulate the team of Nanashima."

Sakura also bowed, of course, except for Sakurako's calm face, the old woman and the other three Nanashima young men were not very good.

"The third place is the war roar beast of the imperial capital research team, the thirty-level race level is also very powerful, but unfortunately, this year's extraordinary identification is too terrifying, but the war roar beast is still not to be underestimated, if it can be combined with the bionic mechanical evolution of Lin Ge's team, the war roar beast should be able to upgrade a notch, let us congratulate the research team of the imperial capital!"

The research team of the imperial capital can only bow helplessly and thank, with the previous extraordinary identification, basically take out the thirty-level race, you can win steadily, but I didn't expect that this year's seven islands and southern capital are so terrifying.

"The fourth place is the team of the magic capital and the ancient capital, they are also ninety-seven points..." With

the announcement of the award link of the extraordinary appraisal one by one, the extraordinary appraisal finally came to an end.

Li Muzhi put his hands on Lin Ge's shoulders and said gratifyingly, "Very good!" The body is also very strong, Lin Ge, you are an eye-opener for us.

Lin Ge smiled slightly: "Secretary Li praised, as a member of the Great Xia Dynasty, I just happened to have this effort to contribute."

Li Muzhi was very appreciative, "Not arrogant or impetuous, a good seedling, in view of your performance, I am afraid that this extraordinary appraisal reward will only have to be doubled a few times, first stay in the imperial capital for a few days, and then give it to you when the settlement is ready."

Lin Ge naturally did not object, after all, the combined impact of the Dragon Palace Guarding System and the Mechanical Department was too shocking.

On the other side, Liu Meng was looking at the overlord again, and this rough man seemed to like it very much.

Then he came to Lin Ge and said: "Really domineering, Lin Ge, you said that our pet beast can also achieve further evolution through bionic machinery?"

Lin Ge pushed his glasses and replied: "In theory, yes, but at present, my level is too low, plus there is no equipment support, so I may not be able to get it at present."

Liu Meng asked, "Then what if the device supports it?" There are all kinds of equipment in the imperial capital university, but I really can't do it, so I cheekily went to ask Secretary Li for it.

Lin Ge replied with a smile: "Senior Liu, this is not a question of equipment support or not, but the mechanical department has just been made public, the theoretical system is only mature in the foundation, and the mechanical department has just stepped on the right track, how can there be that kind of strength to help your pet beast carry out bionic mechanical evolution?" We're not there yet.

Guo Hongyu also followed and said: "Liu Meng is like this, you don't have to pay too much attention to him, this guy can't talk enough." "

The mechanical department has just been made public, and he turned his head to help Liu Meng, a pet beast of more than eighty levels of recklessness, to carry out bionic mechanical evolution, which is no longer a big step to the crotch, but the egg is torn open.

Li Muzhi suddenly became curious about this question, and asked Lin Ge: "If Daxia gives you unconditional support, how many years will it take you to reach the research that helps advanced transcendent mechanical evolution?"

Lin Ge smiled bitterly and said: "Secretary Li, this is not unconditional support, my ability alone is limited after all, and these things take time, and the meal must always be eaten bite by bite."

Li Muzhi said with a smile: "Also, I'm too eager to get some, it's okay, we wait for Daxia." At

this time, the people from Sakurako's team came over, and among the five judges, Liu Meng had never had a good face.

Sakurako said unceremoniously, "Lin Ge-san, can you have a private chat?" In

front of everyone, Sakurako did not shy away.

Lin Ge glanced at Li Muzhi slightly, and then he was gently patted on the back again.

Lin Ge realized and walked over: "Yes, Sakurako, what do you want to talk to me about?" If it's still those words from before, forget it.

Sakurako was also in no hurry, stretched out her hand and asked Lin Ge to walk with her.

Looking at the back of the two leaving, Liu Meng suddenly sank his voice: "Little lady skin!" Secretary, aren't you afraid that she will tempt Lin Ge to go to the Seven Islands?

Li Muzhi said lightly: "I have confidence in him, Mrs. Hua, and then I will bother you to receive Seven Islands."

Hua and Rong nodded: "Okay."

Zhang Qingfeng dusted off and said loudly: "The people of the Seven Islands should want the core information of Lin Ge's mechanical department.

Li Muzhi smiled a little badly and said, "Don't worry, Lin Ge won't give it privately, we Daxia will prepare for negotiations next, and slaughter those countries well!" Especially Nanashima!

Guo Hongyu said: "Then you have to invite someone back to the town, the countries negotiate, the last time seems to be eighteen years ago, right?"

Li Muzhi said: "This is not bothering Vice Chief Guo, I have already arranged it, the countries want the mechanical department, they can only pinch their noses and recognize, and obediently cut off a piece of flesh and blood by our Daxia!" "

The Extraordinary Beast Realm may not want a mechanical system, but the Human Realm will definitely not let it go!

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