Roam inside the Phoenix Nest Stadium.

It's nightfall, and with the end of the extraordinary appraisal, the place is basically gone.

Lin Ge and Sakurako were parallel, but Lin Ge intentionally or unintentionally kept a distance of one meter.

Seeing this, Sakurako didn't say anything, just walked calmly with Lin Ge.

Lin Ge didn't want to speak, so this calm could only be broken by Sakurako first.

"I am the goddess of the Nanashima Shrine."

Lin Ge nodded slightly: "And then?" Sakurako, I'm very busy with time, so I should say something quickly.

Sakurako also got straight to the point and said, "Lin Ge-san, I sincerely request the mechanical department from you, we in Nanashima urgently need this series!" "

The extraordinary beasts of the seven islands are too single, and the local extraordinary series are almost all dark, and the other departments can only go to other places to hunt them.

Lin Ge shook his head and replied, "This has nothing to do with me, although I have disclosed the mechanical department, but it involves the root of Daxia and Qidao, you Qidao want, you Qidao can only go to talk to our Daxia high-level."

Sakurako pursed her lips, perhaps educated, with an expression of pity.

But Lin Ge didn't have the slightest feeling, judging from the performance of the extraordinary identification, this woman was very dangerous! The way of dealing with the world is calm, everything seems to be watching flowers, and there is no other look!

"Lin Gesang, maybe we can explore it in depth."

Lin Ge glanced at it and said lightly: "Don't try to control me with your Seven Islands' dark transcendence, this is the Great Xia, our location is the Phoenix Nest Stadium, but there are four extraordinary legends of our Great Xia Dynasty with more than eighty levels!" If you make any move, you will die!

Sakurako still didn't die, and said, "Maybe, we can exchange."

Lin Ge asked, "Oh? What to exchange for?

Sakurako said flatly, "Use our Seven Islands' Dark God!" You have to know that each of our Shikami of the Seven Islands has the potential to reach level ninety!

Lin Ge smiled and said lightly: "Potential, after all, is just potential, you seven islands of the dark gods, I have also understood, but the real cultivation to the ninety level, is that there are few of you seven islands, and do you really think I am stupid?" Or do you think I'm a liar? "

The dark gods of the seven islands, passed down from generation to generation, sound very powerful, and all of them can cultivate to level ninety.

But this thing is not fun for ordinary people! And whether you can reach level ninety in your hands is another matter!

Besides, Nanashima would be so kind? In exchange for Shikami? I'm afraid that when the time comes, people will not be controlled by Shikami in turn!

Sakurako continued to speak up: "Is there really no talking? What Daxia can give you, we can do in the seven islands.

Lin Ge shook his head, waved his hand to leave, and said at the same time: "You Qidao want, let's go and negotiate with my Daxia high-level, as for what you said, I'm sorry, I'm really not interested."

Looking at Lin Ge's departing back, Sakurakoko's face was still calm, as if the previous expression was pretended.

"Go and negotiate with the high-level of the Great Xia Dynasty?"

They Nanashima are afraid that they will have to bleed heavily, but if they want a mechanical department, this price seems to be acceptable?

Of course, it's just that Sakurako herself thinks so, I'm afraid that the Nanashima Shrine has already begun to plot.

Nanashima's institutional system gives this shrine goddess an empty status, but her real power is very low, unless she Sakurako cultivates her pet beast to a very high level.


Lin Ge returned to Li Muzhi's people again, bowing his head slightly.

Li Muzhi smiled and said, "What will she exchange with you?"

Lin Ge said lightly: "Shishin."

Liu snorted: "That little lady skin is really willing!" Did she do the Lord?

Lin Ge said: "She is the goddess of the Seven Islands Shrine, no matter what she does in the end, as long as she stabilizes me, those ghost thieves over there in the Seven Islands will agree."

Liu Meng asked, "You agreed?"

Lin Ge replied, "Is it possible?" Senior Liu, is it okay to have a little confidence in me? I'll go to Nanashima?

Zhang Qingfeng said, "Lin Ge Xiao Daoyou is a talent of our Daxia, and that small place in the Seven Islands can't fit it."

Guo Hongyu looked more solemn and asked, "Lin Ge, you still have to pay attention to something, the dark gods of the seven islands are not simple, and it will be the same when dealing with the beast master who has the gods of the seven islands in the future."

Lin Ge nodded: "Yes, besides, the mechanical department will study deeply, not to mention restraining the dark department, but at least it is not afraid of the invasion of the gods."

Li Muzhi nodded: "It's very good that you have this scale yourself, your friend is here, let's go and negotiate with other teams to see what they think of the mechanical department."

Lin Ge turned his head slightly, it was the old driver Jiang Meier, Chen Yunqian, and a man in a dark martial uniform.

Professor Lin was also among them, and Chen Yunjing was excitedly reporting to his sister.

Jiang Meier ran over quickly, quite like she had the momentum of hitting people with the ball.

"Senior Brother Lin! Senior Brother Lin! Wow! You're amazing! It is worthy of being an old driver who can compete with my senior sister and my carpooling skills!


The man in the dark martial uniform snorted twice, as if to remind Jiang Meier.

Jiang Meier said with a big grin: "Come on!" Senior Brother Lin, let me introduce you, this is my brother, his name is..." Jiang

Meier suddenly prayed: "Brother!" One more! Good no good?

Lin Ge didn't know why, but saw the rest of the crowd secretly smile.

The man in the Xuan-colored martial uniform shook his head silently, his expression resolute.

Jiang Meier begged again: "Come one!" Let's have one! I drip good geigei~

" The man in the Xuanxi martial uniform seemed to be unable to stand his sister like this, and could only say with a look of invincibility: "My father's surname is Jiang, and my mother's surname is Jiang, so my name is..."

Jiang Meier quickly jumped out, opened her arms, made a very pompous motion, and then shouted: "Jiang Jiang!" Aha! Brother, every time I do this, I feel so funny.

Jiang Meier laughed heartily, and even Lin Ge couldn't help but laugh.

Then he suddenly realized, Jiang Jiang?! Demon King Jiang Jiang?!

Gao Shenglong said with a smile on the side: "Yes, it is the demon king Jiang Jiang I told you about."

Lin Ge hurriedly greeted, "Senior Jiang is good."

Jiang Jiang bowed his head slightly, looking unsmiling, very serious.

Jiang Meier poked her hand and said, "Oh, brother, you have this expression that others owe you money every time, it's not fun at all."

Jiang Jiang's face was expressionless, one hand covered Jiang Meier's head, and then twisted it directly to the side with disgust: "Dead open!"

Jiang Meier could only stomp her foot in anger, and then grimaced slightly.

Jiang Jiang still spoke to Lin Ge: "The mechanical department is very powerful, and you are also very powerful." "

And then just left, a little out of place.

Gao Shenglong said: "Jiang Jiang has joined the army since childhood, you can get used to it, walk around, eat and drink well tonight!" I treat you! "

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