The next day, early in the morning.

The top small fresh meat in the Great Xia, Cai Kun, Cai Tianwang yawned, and finally woke up.

The burden of idols forced him to get up to wash up and then prepare for the day.

"Today is another beautiful day."

Cai Kun gave himself a good blessing, as a traffic student in Daxia, Cai Kun's most important thing every day is to think of dominating the hot search and bringing better resources to himself.

"Let me see how many hot searches I made the list yesterday."

Cai Kun picked up the mobile phone, skillfully opened the bib, and clicked on the hot search list.

And then...... Cai Kun was suddenly surprised, the top ten on the hot search list did not have his hot search at all, and thought that it was an update error, and quickly pulled a few times.

I saw that on the hot search list of the neck, it was already dominated by a person.

【The new series is extraordinary! 】 The age of machinery is coming! 】


[Shock! The transcendent appraisal appeared on the first hundred points in history! 】


[Shock! Kill the fifty-level ghost demon knife of the seven islands! It turned out to be a dragon machine with a race level of seventy?! 】


[Flesh and blood are weak! ] Machinery soars! Brothers! Enter the glorious evolution! 】


[Extraordinary appraisal turned into a personal show stage? Who is this high school student named Lin Ge? 】


Cai Kun was stunned, who is this? Unexpectedly so ignorant, dare to rob his hot search?

"The Department of Mechanics... Extraordinary identification... High school student? ...... Lin Ge... Tut.

Cai Kun looked at these hot search headlines, and couldn't help frowning slightly, "The previous extraordinary appraisal was not so popular, why were the top ten hot searches snatched by him?" Cai

Kun is very puzzled, Cai Kun is very confused, you must know that there are so many big guys in the circle, staring at these hot search lists every day.

In the end, Cai Kun could only helplessly click on his super talk group and began to gather his fans.

[Your good brothers: brothers! The tour is open! Someone snatched me hot! Come on! 】

【Love my brother (group owner): curry curry, curry kang curry ~ beep ... Brothers! Come on! 】

【Group member: Rush! The list is definitely ours! 】


The super talk group immediately became lively, and one after another information appeared like a tide.

Cai Kun nodded with satisfaction, "It's worthy of being my fans!" Sure enough! "

Refreshing the hot search list again, you can already see that the hot topic about him is increasing.

As a top-notch small fresh meat, Cai Kun is not worried about whether he can grab it in the end.

Didi Didi -

At this time, the phone suddenly rang.

Cai Kun quickly picked up: "Hey! Assistant! Can I help you? The

assistant replied, "Brother Kun! Don't rush the list! These hot searches can't be rushed!

Cai Kun was puzzled and asked, "Why?" Aren't the hot search headlines of extraordinary identification the same in the past? The

assistant said anxiously: "This time is different!" What happened in this session of the extraordinary appraisal is too bizarre, all in all, Brother Kun, let your fans stop quickly, the top ten headlines on the hot search list are all operated by the official Daxia Dynasty, we really can't rush ah.

"I lean!" Cai Kun almost jumped on the spot and shot a three-pointer.

Hurriedly turned on the super talk group to send a message to stop this group of little sunspots who were already crazy.

[Your good brother: Brothers, stop! ] Can't rush ah!

But as soon as his message was sent, it was wiped out by the news in the group.

Cai Kun suddenly wailed: "Ouch! What are you doing~"————

Imperial Capital, Daxia Auditorium."

This is the highest-level reception hall in Daxia, and it does not open at all on weekdays.

But today, the Great Xia Auditorium has opened early, waiting for all the research teams from all over the Great Xia Dynasty!

Taking advantage of the fact that the extraordinary appraisal had just passed, and all the scientific research teams had not yet left the imperial capital, Li Muzhi sent a message last night, asking all the teams to meet in the Great Xia Auditorium.

The main content of the conference is, naturally, the Department of Mechanics.

In the same way, as the core figures of this meeting, Lin Ge naturally could not be absent.

The Daxia Auditorium can accommodate 10,000 people, fan-shaped, and the rostrum can be seen from every position.

Therefore, it is naturally more than enough to hold this meeting of only a thousand people.

In addition to the scientific research team, the five judges and some of the bigwigs in the imperial capital can participate.

Such as the representative of the Shenlong Kingdom, the dragon king Gao Shenglong, the eldest son of the Yunlin Jiang clan, and the demon king Jiang Jiang.

On the rostrum, Li Muzhi took the lead in speaking: "This meeting is named the Mechanical Department Conference, and the content of the meeting is naturally around Lin Ge's Mechanical Department, I believe that everyone has different opinions after watching yesterday's Mechanical Department."

"Let's welcome the first president of the mechanical department branch of the Royal Beast Master Association! Lin Ge! "

Snap~ Warm applause sounded, Lin Ge dressed appropriately, and slowly stepped onto the stage.

The face of the high school student is still a little childish, but the sunshine between the eyebrows is already indicating the bright future of this young man!

Li Muzhi said softly: "This stage is handed over to you, show your mechanical department well."

Lin Ge focused on the point, if last night's announcement only started the mechanical department, then today, in this Great Xia Auditorium, the mechanical department conference, the discussion is the most important!

The core information of the Department of Mechanics!

The people here are all talents from all over the Great Xia Dynasty!

The information was all examined by the Royal Beast Master Association, and before coming in for the meeting, everyone signed a confidentiality treaty in order not to let the core of the mechanical department leak it privately!

It can be said that now the entire Great Xia Dynasty Hall is heavily protected, Zhang Qingfeng, Liu Meng, Hua and Rong, Guo Hongyu, four legends of more than 80 levels are spreading perception all the time, exploring all the little people who dare to spy on this place!

Lin Ge also glanced at the third floor of the auditorium, where there was a makeshift private room, the tulle was hazy, and there seemed to be a person who couldn't see his figure sitting in it, sitting here!

I don't know if it's an illusion, Lin Ge always feels that the person in the temporary private room seems to be smiling at him, and the person is smiling kindly, and he is very relieved.

But it was only an illusion for a moment, Lin Ge stood on the rostrum and cleared his voice.

"Hello everyone."

Enthusiastic applause sounded again, even Li Muzhi and the people of the third layer.

Lin Ge gestured slightly, and Professor Lin skillfully played the PPT that Lin Ge had already prepared in the audience.

"I believe that everyone has also seen the potential of the mechanical department, and also looks forward to the future of the mechanical department, presumably you all can't wait to know the core information of the mechanical department."

On the large screen of the auditorium, the core information of the mechanical department was immediately played.

Lin Ge narrated: "The most important core code of the mechanical department, I will disclose it to you now, as well as the energy reactor, the core power energy of this mechanical pet beast. "

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