As the core secrets of the mechanical department came out, the atmosphere present was undoubtedly instantly solemn.

With these two most core mechanical department information, these scientific research teams can be regarded as having obtained the entry ticket to enter the door of the mechanical department.

Li Muzhi reminded: "Everyone can write it down, but they can't teach it privately, if they really want to pass it on, we have to wait for us Daxia to walk a long distance in the field of mechanical department." "

This is a strategic opportunity, in order to let Daxia always have the mechanical transcendence of one step ahead!"

Otherwise, how to cut someone else in negotiations among the countries?

The longer those human realms dragged on, the more ruthlessly the Great Xia Dynasty would cut!

If you fall behind, you will be beaten!

The birth of the mechanical department has given Daxia this confidence!

And when those extraordinary beast realms reacted, the mechanical department was afraid that it was already a hundred flowers blooming, and a hundred schools of thought were contending.

All the scientific research teams looked serious, they were not stupid, and naturally knew the pros and cons.

Moreover, once they enter the mechanical department, then everyone is on the same starting line, and they still wish that they would announce their results as soon as possible, so that other people's teams would be envious.

Guo Hongyu spoke up: "The Mechanical Department Association has been established, the president is Lin Ge, everyone has also seen it, and then the guest is Professor Lin, there is no doubt about this, but naturally there cannot be only a few people in Lin Ge's team in an association, so in the Mechanical Association, so many positions are still empty, and whoever has research first can ascend to the top position first."

Lin Ge echoed: "If you want to join the Mechanical Department Association, you can go to Vice Chief Guo to sign up at that time, or you can find me in the south later." "

All the research teams were excited, and one by one they were short of breath.

They worked hard on other departments to find some soup and water to drink.

But the big cake of the mechanical department has just been baked, except for Lin Ge who ate the big head, the rest are still waiting to be cut, which of these scientific research teams is not crazy?

On the rostrum, Lin Ge continued: "In addition to the research of the Department of Mechanics, I also hope that everyone can participate more in the research of extraordinary metals and extraordinary weapons, which are also linked to machinery and cannot be ignored.

Lin Ge looked at the magic capital team, and there was an old professor with a brown beard inside, "Especially Ge Lao's Hundred Variety Source Gold. "

The self-healing ability of Variety Source Gold still has great development value.

Named by Lin Ge, this old professor Ge, who had been in the world for many years and had no contact with any status, trembled with excitement.

"Okay! President, my old Ge must focus on the in-depth study of Variety Source Gold! "

I already directly called Lin Ge the president.

Lin Ge bowed his head slightly, and looked at Professor Li Tao of the imperial capital university.

"Professor Li's rocket thrusters are also good, especially after my Overlord mechanical promotion, that thruster gives Overlord extremely high acceleration benefits."

Professor Li Tao suddenly became excited: "President, can I also study it in depth after I go back?"

Lin Ge said with a smile: "You can study two aspects, one is small jet propulsion, and the other is giant hundred-ton propulsion."

Professor Li Tao suddenly became excited: "No problem! No problem! "

Both of the Variety Source Gold and the rocket thruster have great in-depth research value.

Lin Ge pushed his glasses and continued: "In addition to the research of extraordinary metals, in addition to the alloys we have artificially developed, the metals on some extraordinary beasts also have mechanical properties, even better than most of the metal properties on the market.

A professor from Gudu University raised his hand: "President, is it such as the back armor of the shield armor beast, this kind of extraordinary beast, its carapace density and plasticity surpass most metals, and can even be used to study mechanical shield armor beasts?"

Lin Ge nodded: "Yes, shield armor beasts with a race level of more than forty are not bad to study. The

professor of Gudu University immediately smiled at the corner of his mouth, and he also found a research direction.

Lin Ge continued: "The war roar beast on the side of the imperial capital university can also carry out bionic mechanical evolution, and maybe the race panel can be raised to another level. The

research team of the imperial capital university raised their hands: "President, can we try the purely mechanical war cry beast?"

Lin Ge nodded and said with a smile: "Of course, the mechanical department has been made public, a lot of things, you can rest assured to study, maybe what I didn't notice, but you have researched it."

Everyone laughed, and the atmosphere in the auditorium was finally no longer so solemn.

Lin Ge continued: "If there is any problem, while all the research teams are there, we can raise it, and everyone will brainstorm and open up the field of mechanical engineering.

With Lin Ge's speech, these scientific research teams also opened their mouths and began to discuss.

At the same time, he also actively spoke one by one, asking questions about various fields of the Department of Mechanics.

For example, whether it is possible to use the study of dead extraordinary beasts and revive them by means of mechanical systems.

For example, whether the ancient transcendent beast bones can be used to carry the means of mechanical systems to regenerate the species.

Even more, it was proposed to let those Imperial Beast Masters or Extraordinary Beasts who became disabled in the war join the mechanical evolution.

The problems of these scientific research teams are more bizarre and imaginary.

However, as long as they are all within the scope of morality, under the premise that you are willing, Lin Ge will not restrict anything.

The broad future of the mechanical department should not be bound by his Lin Ge.

He Lin Ge is a trailblazer on this path, not a limiter.

The mechanical department is destined to popularize Daxia in the future, and even other extraordinary countries.

What Lin Ge wants is that the mechanical department can multiply on the Royal Beast Blue Star like other big departments, and even really achieve flesh and blood, and the machinery soars!

After all, this world has magical powers, and everything impossible can be possible!

"Ding! Feel the host's expectations for the future of the mechanical department, release unlimited time missions, and make the mechanical department popular in every country! For each kingdom popularized, the host can get a mysterious reward!

Lin Ge frowned slightly, and asked in his heart: "System, didn't I popularize the Great Xia Dynasty?"

"Ding! Back to the host, the host only disclosed the mechanical department, these scientific research teams have not yet begun to develop the mechanical department extraordinary, and the temporary positioning is not popularized in Daxia.

Lin Ge bowed his head slightly, "That means that only the scientific research team in that country has developed their own mechanical department is extraordinary, can it be regarded as popularization?"

"Ding! Yes! So please also host to work hard!

Lin Ge smiled slightly, well, this task is a long way off.

"How do you count the Extraordinary Beast Realm?"

"Ding! In view of the technological level of the Extraordinary Beast Country, the country knows the mechanical system and has a mechanical evolution of the Extraordinary Beast!

Lin Ge nodded slightly, so he couldn't study a large number of mechanical evolutionaries?

It seems that the scientific research team watching the endless discussions, endless discussions, and endless questions in the audience.

The corners of Lin Ge's mouth raised slightly, today is destined to be a gluttonous feast belonging to the mechanical department!

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