The feast lasted for a day, and the research teams talked as if they were hungry and tireless.

Faced with this scene, Li Muzhidu couldn't help but smile bitterly.

This is how it is every time these academics come together to discuss a problem.

As if the problem in these academic fields is their spiritual food and soul sleep.

When Lin Ge detonated the series of mechanical departments, Li Muzhi understood that all the research teams in the Great Xia Dynasty would just drop the rest of the research on hand and enter the field of mechanical departments instead!

After all, other system series are already very mature, and the mechanical department is only a newborn newborn, and there is still a lot to do.

Guo Hongyu smiled and said, "It is estimated that next year's extraordinary appraisal will all be extraordinary in the mechanical department, and there is no extraordinary in any other department."

Li Muzhi nodded with a smile: "Be confident, remove the word 'estimate', the mechanical department has just been born now, and many fields are waiting for them to explore, to pick their fruits in the mechanical department, and the mechanical department can be expected in the future."

Hua and Rong also spoke up: "It's a pity, the mechanical department is a little unsuitable for us female beast masters."

Zhang Qingfeng said: "Since ancient times, there is no perfect thing in this world, but according to the development of the mechanical department, it may be possible to give birth to a mechanical transcendent suitable for your female beast master in the future."

Hua and Rong also nodded slightly and said, "I hope, after all, Lin Ge is only a high school student, and the future is promising."

Li Muzhi agreed with this sentence very much: "Hmm! The future is promising! I have added another fierce general in Daxia!

Liu Meng sat in his seat, and this reckless man was already a little unable to sit still.

Those scientific research teams are constantly discussing, they are all intellectuals in the academic community, pull out one at random, the knowledge reserve is comparable to the sum of ten Liu Meng.

So Liu Meng really couldn't bear it anymore, and asked: "This place is not suitable for my old Meng, secretary, or let me leave."

Li Muzhi shook his head: "No, no one can run today, tonight I also arranged a banquet to entertain everyone, and also celebrate Lin Ge by the way that they developed the mechanical department."

Guo Hongyu said: "And the reward of extraordinary appraisal is not given to others, you who do coolies, you still want to run?"

Zhang Qingfeng said with a smile: "Don't forget, you still owe Lin Ge Xiaodaoyou a treasure."

Liu waved his hand: "Cut!" Can I have less of them? Isn't it just a treasure, can't I give it?

At this time, a voice suddenly came to Liu Meng's mind.

"Give him that piece of starry sky metal from your collection."

Liu Meng's eyes widened suddenly, and he hurriedly looked around, and finally glanced at the person in the mysterious private room on the third floor of the auditorium.

With just one glance, Liu Meng's figure couldn't stop trembling, and his strong muscles seemed to be weak at this moment.

Liu Meng's breathing gradually became rapid, cold sweat flowed, and his expression was terrified: "Yes!" No problem! I'll give it!

And Liu Meng's change instantly shocked Zhang Qingfeng and Hua and Rong.

Guo Hongyu said cautiously: "Secretary, why did you transfer this person back?"

Li Muzhi smiled and said, "There is no extraordinary person in the northern realm who dares to make trouble, and besides, the others are busy, I can only 'transfer' him back." At

this moment, Guo Hongyu, Liu Meng, Zhang Qingfeng, Hua and Rong, the four legendary imperial beast masters all sat up with a somewhat restrained expression.

But without thinking, the man said again: "You talk about yours, don't pay attention to me."

Liu Meng wiped his forehead, already having a fine layer of sweat.

Li Muzhi said with a slight smile, but he could only shake his head and send a message to the cafeteria side, asking them to send lunch here.

Li Muzhi's eyes looked around, these research teams were already chatting crazy, chatting excitedly, and chatting red-faced.

If the uninformed person sees it, they think they are discussing something unhealthy.

On the rostrum, Lin Ge looked at this scene, already not knowing what to say.

These old professors have rich knowledge reserves, people are old and refined, and as soon as the topic is opened, with their thirst for knowledge, they can't help but talk about the south and north of the world, and talk about the sea and the rotten rocks.

After all, the emergence of a new extraordinary series is too attractive for these old professors.

What's more, this series is still a mechanical department, and these old professors like to engage in research, and they can't bear to press one by one.

Professor Lin and they walked up, the friends looked excited, and Professor Lin was more stable.

Lin Ge bowed his head slightly and said, "It seems that I don't need to say anything more."

Professor Lin answered, "They are all cutting-edge talents in my Daxia, and as soon as your introduction to the mechanical department was proposed, they had already drilled in. Lin

Ge inevitably lost his smile, this is good, you don't need to explain it in detail, you can save a lot of effort.

Zhao Yun came over and said, "Lin Ge, don't you know, there are already many universities that have sent messages in advance, asking if we want to study at their place."

Lin Ge looked at Zhao Yun and asked, "Then where do you plan to choose to read?"

Zhao Yun didn't think about it, and replied: "I must be following you, I'm not stupid, with my strength, I can't touch this level in this life."

Chen Yunjing spoke: "Senior, my father promised to invest in us, and promised you to take the lion's share."

Qin Qingyun also said: "There is an uproar in the southern city now, and the news about you is already spreading crazy.

Lu Lingyi also said: "The impact of the mechanical department is too big, and the hot search list of the neck is full of hot search headlines of the mechanical department and dragon machinery.

Lin Ge smiled gladly, good things are always one after another, and these young people can be regarded as becoming famous in one fell swoop.

At this time, the scientific research team of the magic capital came over and asked Lin Ge: "President, your energy reactor, can we make a super large one?" Lin

Ge was interested, the sample of the energy reactor he provided was only about the size of a fist, and if someone was willing to study super-large, he was naturally willing.

Lin Ge nodded and said, "Of course, now that I'm all public, you can just let go and do it." "

A huge energy reactor, maybe he Lin Ge will use it in the future."

The Modu team was very excited and quickly thanked him: "Thank you, President."

This scene caused others to laugh secretly.

Zhao Yun quipped, "President Lin Ge! Wouldn't it be a little embarrassing to be called that all of a sudden?

Lin Ge smiled and said, "You can shut up, hurry up and cultivate, now you and Chen Yunjing have not broken through to the tenth level, and our team will go to school together at that time." Professor

Lin looked at these young people, maybe it was too bright, they almost ignored it, Lin Ge was just a group of students.

Professor Lin glanced at the mysterious private room on the third floor, and then nodded gently.

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