
The banquet began as usual, and Li Muzhi personally presided over it to celebrate this extraordinary appraisal.

The development of the mechanical department has become a foregone conclusion, but it still takes time, but it is already possible to imagine how big the impact of the mechanical department is.

With the top ten hot search lists about the mechanical department on the neck, the mechanical department is now known by more and more people in Daxia.

Especially in the stable evolution path of the dragon system guarding the palace, it has attracted the attention of civilian imperial beast masters.

As for the mechanical department, since there is not yet a large number of extraordinary mechanical pet beasts, there is still a discussion on the Internet, but when they see the species of dragon mechanics, they can't help but gasp.

So all the imperial beast masters of the Great Xia Dynasty began to look forward to it, and at the same time, they also asked where the Dragon Guard Palace could be purchased.

As for the reproduction of the Dragon Guarding Palace, it has gradually increased.

The richest man in Nandu and Chen Yunjing's father, Chen Baichuan immediately announced that the Dragon Guard Palace had begun large-scale breeding with the investment of their Chen Group, and also released a video.

In the case of such a fire, the Chen Group has already made a profit in advance.

All in all, both the Dragon Palace Guard System and the Mechanical Department are already on the right track.

In the banquet hall, Li Muzhi and Lin Ge sat at a table and shared dinner.

On the left and right sides of Li Muzhi were Professor Lin and Lin Ge.

Lu Lingyi, Qin Qingyun, Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing were in the lower row in turn, of course, in this kind of dinner, they looked a little restrained.

After all, Li Muzhi's status was extremely high in the Great Xia Dynasty.

Lin Ge was a little more relaxed, but only some, chewing slowly and saying as little as possible.

Li Muzhi took the lead in chatting with Professor Lin, and the general content was nothing more than the prospect and research direction of the future mechanical department.

Professor Lin replied with a smile, appearing relaxed and ordinary, but when it came to whether he would do research in the future.

Professor Lin shook his head: "Secretary, I am already very old, to put it bluntly, the dragon palace guarding system and mechanical department this time were all researched by Lin Ge, I just provided some basic help, as for whether to continue to do research in the future?" Forget about this.

Professor Lin took a bite of the dish and said slowly: "The next step is to try to cultivate these four children Lu Lingyi, so that their knowledge reserves and research operations can keep up with Lin Ge's pace without leaving behind the power of the imperial beast to practice." "

Doing research is very tiring, and it can be seen from before that Lin Ge is busy from day to night, and from night to day, and has not even slept a peaceful sleep.

Even most of the time, you need extraordinary nutrition to maintain your condition.

So Lu Lingyi, Qin Qingyun, Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing were all a little nervous about this.

Lu Lingyi is okay, after all, she has some foundation, and the remaining three are not proficient in the slightest, and they still need to be taught.

Li Muzhi looked around, nodded slightly, and said: "They are all good seedlings, Professor Lin, you educate people, I still have a number in my heart."

Professor Lin was also not polite and said, "When there is trouble for the secretary, I will say hello to you."

Li Muzhi replied, "No problem.

There was another silence, and the dinner was too tense.

But fortunately, Professor Lin generously solved the siege and left the table first, and Zhao Yun and the four of them quickly followed if they were amnestied.

Lin Ge also wanted to leave, but I don't know if it was arranged, but Li Muzhi spoke at this time.

"Lin Ge, let's talk to the two of us."

Lin Ge could only continue to do a good job, still taking chopsticks and vegetables, chewing slowly and swallowing.

Li Muzhi said: "Don't be nervous, I'm also a human, and even I'm not even a Royal Beast Master now, take it easy."

Lin Ge couldn't help but turn his head slightly and glanced at Li Muyi.

And taking advantage of this situation, Li Muzhi opened the chatterbox and said: "Due to my busy work, I have hardly repaired the power of the imperial beast, and when I finally cultivated to more than thirty levels, I was promoted to secretary, in order not to delay the pet beast, I also endured the pain and released the pet beast."

Lin Ge was silent, and could only say: "For the country and the people, the secretary has worked hard."

Li Muzhi smiled lightly and said, "Seeing the prosperity of the Great Xia, I can still be a little proud."

Lin Ge didn't dare to answer, just took a piece of meat and put it in his mouth, slowly chewing it.

Li Muzhi continued: "I heard that you are a single-parent family?

Lin Ge nodded: "Yes, I have lived with my mother since I was a child, and it was my mother who worked hard to raise me."

Li Muzhi paused for a moment, and then said, "What is your impression of your father?"

Lin Ge shook his head and replied, "No impression, from my memory, I have never seen my father, nor have I heard my mother mention it, maybe he is no longer alive."

Li Muzhi suddenly froze, so he also took a piece of meat into his mouth and chewed dozens of times before swallowing it.

"Do you hate your father? He made you live with your mother from an early age, and let you grow up in an incomplete family.

Lin Ge thought about it, thought about it, and even thought about it for a long time, and finally said: "I hated it before, but I don't hate it now."

Li Muzhi put down his chopsticks and asked, "Why?" You can have the right to hate him.

Lin Ge replied: "Because I have never seen my father since I was a child, I was angry and hated when I was young, and I hated him for ruthlessly leaving me and my mother to live alone, and in my young stage, my mother took odd jobs while taking care of me, so tired that I didn't even have time to take a nap." At that time, I hated it the most!

Li Muzhi picked up the chopsticks again, silently ate a bite of the dish, did not continue to ask, and seemed to be waiting for Lin Ge to speak.

Lin Ge also continued: "But my mother has never complained about anything, never complained about life, that hard time, even complained about my father who has never met, the love that a complete family can give, as long as my mother can have it, she has never skimmed half a point, maybe under this influence, I gradually grew up, and gradually did not care about this, studied harder, except for the lack of royal beast combat, my other achievements are full marks, never exception."

Li Muzhi's lips squirmed, swallowed the food, and gently put down the chopsticks, put his elbows on the table, and crossed his fingers.

"Your mother is great, it's hard to imagine that you grew up in this environment."

Lin Ge smiled shallowly and said to Li Muzhi: "My mother is an ordinary person like you.

Li Muzhi suddenly smiled with relief, and said in a loud voice: "The most ordinary ordinary is precisely the most extraordinary greatness, Lin Ge, I toast your mother." "

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