In a dimly lit room, a man slowly ate his food.

He was the only one here, dimly lit, and facing the table of delicacies of the mountains and sea, the man ate like chewing wax.


At the dinner table, Lin Ge had already opened his heart with Li Muzhi, and the two spoke freely.

Li Muzhi said: "Lin Ge, do you know? We were nervous when you evolved the Dragon System to guard the palace with evolutionary objects.

Lin Ge was puzzled and asked, "Why are you nervous?" How eye-catching was the Dragon Guard Palace at that time?

Li Muzhi said: "It is precisely because it is so eye-catching, the rich light of evolution at that time shocked us.

Li Muzhi's face suddenly became solemn and said: "You are still young, you don't understand the situation of the Royal Beast Blue Star, especially the situation between the extraordinary beast races, and the race level of the dragon system machinery is just stuck in the limit range.

Lin Ge was puzzled and quietly waited for Li Muzhi's next words.

Li Muzhi stretched out a hand and explained while gesturing: "The racial level of extraordinary beasts is in the division of our human race, which are three stages: elementary, intermediate, and advanced, corresponding to the three levels of three, six, nine.

"But in the world of extraordinary beasts, they are more detailed, we don't care about the primary and intermediate levels, let's just talk about the advanced, you say, how many stages does the advanced transcendent contain?"

Lin Ge replied, "Isn't it level sixty, level seventy, level eighty and level ninety?"

Li Muzhi shook his head and replied, "This is our human algorithm, in the realm of extraordinary beasts, sixty-level extraordinary beasts are not considered advanced, they only have seventy, eighty and ninety levels. Among them, the seventy-level overlord corresponds to the imperial beast grandmaster, the eighty-level totem corresponds to the royal beast legend, and the ninety-level legend corresponds to our human being.

Lin Ge spread his hands: "Does this have anything to do with the evolution of dragon mechanics?"

Li Muzhi nodded: "Yes, it has a lot to do with it, the seventy-level overlord-level transcendent beast race is the recognized racial limit!" Whether it is our human kingdom or the transcendent beast realm, all countries default to the transcendent beast race cannot reach level 80 or above, especially the complete evolutionary path!

Lin Ge wrinkled his eyebrows and said, "Isn't this a paradox?" It can only reach the seventy level hegemon, so where do the eighty and ninety levels come from?

Li Muzhi replied, "It's not that you can only reach level seventy, but race!" You know, it doesn't matter if a single individual evolves to level ninety, but no complete race evolution path is allowed to reach level eighty or above!

Lin Ge's heart suddenly raced: "Why?"

Li Muzhi replied, "Because level eighty and level ninety can already break the boundaries of peace, if your dragon mechanical race reaches level eighty at that time, what will Nanashima think?" What would the rest of the human kingdom think? What would the Alien Beast Realms think?

Lin Ge suddenly felt a chill down his spine, and said in a loud voice: "Those kingdoms will only unite, either hand over the complete evolutionary path of level eighty and divide it equally among the countries, or destroy the race and kill me?!"

Li Muzhi nodded: "Yes!" But they will not promise, they will only kill you!

Lin Ge was unwilling and said, "But what is this?" All the transcendent races are limited to level seventy, so wouldn't it be two levels higher... Wait a minute! The nations are here to guard against special beings like the Mechanical Department! "

There is no racial cap bottleneck in the mechanical department! As long as the equipment is given enough and upgraded to the place, each of the mechanical departments can reach level ninety!

Li Muzhi smiled softly and said, "It seems that you have already guessed.

Lin Ge's eyes sank, cold sweat flowed from his sideburns, and his face was a little solemn.

Li Muzhi continued: "It is precisely because the potential of the mechanical department is too strong, we Daxia cannot swallow it alone, and you are not willing to have a mechanical department only in the Great Xia, so I have convened negotiations among the countries, and the content of the discussion is to sell the information of the mechanical department to other human countries, instead of only my Daxia suffering the crime, it is better to pull them all into the water."

Lin Ge said in a deep voice: "Before that!" I must stop high-level mechanical race research! Especially the extraordinary machines of level 80 and level 90!

Li Muzhi nodded: "Yes!" Because level eighty and level ninety already have the power to break the balance, and the plasticity of the mechanical system is too terrifying, do you think those transcendent beast countries with backward technology will be thunderous? Looking at every human kingdom with a mechanical system is not good? And then one by one, they can't help but break the balance and start an extraordinary war again?

Lin Ge's brows furrowed and said, "I'm afraid it will be even crazier!" They haven't even allowed us humans to privately build ninety-level individual extraordinary machines!

Li Muzhi said lightly: "So before we pull down the kingdoms in the Great Xia Dynasty, you have to keep to yourself, study well, study hard, and engage in research is fine, but you are not allowed to touch eighty and ninety level research." "

It's a mechanical involution!

When the Great Xia Dynasty openly sells the mechanical department, will the countries come or not? If you don't come, I can continue to study the seventy-level mechanical transcendence and accumulate the foundation!"

You came to buy the mechanical department, I don't believe you will be able to endure the temptation of level eighty and level ninety!"

At that time, everyone will mechanically roll up together, be harmonious on the surface, polite, and crazy to create mechanical transcendence in private.

And at that time, could the Extraordinary Beast Realm sit still? It must not be able to sit still, after all, when the human kingdom has accumulated enough heritage, the first to be beaten is them!

But at that time, all human kingdoms had a mechanical department, and the abolition could definitely not be abolished, so I could only pinch my nose and join in, and study it vigorously!

The entire Royal Beast Blue Star will fall into a loop until it finally completely tears its face!

But is Daxia afraid? Definitely not afraid!

The pioneer of the mechanical department is his Daxia people, and the origin of the mechanical department is also in Daxia, which can completely delay time and always lead the front.

If anyone dares to step forward presumptuously, they can give him a shot!

Anyway, within the rules, I didn't break the rules in Daxia.

Lin Ge couldn't help but swallow his saliva, slightly shocked.

I didn't expect this to happen.

"Eighty level transcendent is already able to establish a small country, not to mention the level ninety legend, everywhere is a supreme! Sit on one side and command the crowd! Now you understand the scary thing about the mechanical department, right?

The corners of Lin Ge's mouth tugged: "I really didn't expect this relationship, and I am glad that the dragon system guarding the palace machinery did not reach the eighty level after the evolution." "

Judging from the results at that time, if the dragon system machinery reaches level eighty, he Lin Ge will die, and the countries will not pay for the mechanical system!

Li Muzhi smiled slightly: "So it's different now, the dragon system machinery just happened to be stuck in the limit range, and I slaughtered those countries fiercely when I sold the mechanical system in Daxia!" At that time, it is no longer a question of whether they want it or not, but I Daxia took a knife and discussed in front of them what position to cut the meat! They still have to nod and smile! "

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