"It doesn't matter if it's far from the southern city."

Lin Ge said. This research building, which belongs only to him, is related to future development, and it is a top priority!

So even if it is far away from the southern city, Lin Ge can accept it, after all, it involves the extraordinary core!

Lin Ge didn't make one more thing clear, the bottom of that eight-hundred-meter playground would be empty in the future!

So it is very likely that the budget of this 1.5 billion Great Xia Coins is still not enough to spend!

This research building must use the best materials of Daxia, buildings and equipment!

But Lin Ge is not in a hurry, he is still young, and he still has a lot of time to grind slowly, little by little to build his mechanical field!

Professor Lin looked at Lin Ge and suddenly said, "You won't unilaterally study the ninety-level mechanical transcendence behind the back of Daxia, right?" "

Li Muzhi has already informed him, let him look at Lin Ge, don't engage in such advanced mechanical research!"

And Professor Lin had no doubt that Lin Ge had this ability!

Just imagine, in the case of nothing, Lin Ge can come up with a mechanical department, once the conditions are ripe and the funds allow, which day Lin Ge creates some incredible extraordinary machinery, Professor Lin is not surprised at all!

Hearing Professor Lin's words, Lin Ge smiled shallowly and replied, "How come?" I'm not stupid enough to do this kind of thing secretly, and Professor, you can also see, the budget of this research building alone is so high, I don't have any spare money, okay, even if I rely on the salary of the Royal Beast Master Association, it's just a drop in the bucket, not quenching thirst at all, and with the current Daxia is not enough to support the ninety-level mechanical transcendence I want! Professor

Lin listened to it, the ninety-level machinery was extraordinary, but it might not meet Lin Ge's expectations.

"You're waiting for the technological explosion of the mechanical department? Or maybe you rely on this research building to drive a technological explosion in the mechanical department? "

The mechanical department has been made public, more and more scientific research teams have joined, and when the time is ripe, these scientific research teams will quickly release their own mechanical works."

At that time, the mechanical department will start from scratch, achieve a class leap, and even surpass modern technology, research new scientific and technological products, and achieve the effect of technological explosion!

And if you want to achieve a technological explosion, Lin Ge alone cannot solve it, it must be a hundred flowers blooming in the mechanical department!

In layman's terms, Lin Ge is limited by the current mechanical technology!

Lin Ge nodded heavily: "Yes, this is not only my way out, but also the future way out of Daxia, the mechanical department has just been made public, and the countries will definitely study and study mechanical pet beasts, but limited by contemporary technology, the level of these mechanical pet beasts will definitely not be very high, even if it is high, it will not achieve the effect of starting a war." "

This point Lin Ge deeply understands, just take the overlord, with Lin Ge's strength, the overlord can break through to a higher level in a short time, and the Great Xia Dynasty also has this background to improve Lin Ge's strength!

But what's the use? The weapons that the Overlord can load are not some small shotguns?

As for those cannons or something, don't think about it, it's too bulky, and the effect is really not much.

In the end, what you have worked hard to upgrade is just a bunch of iron pimples!

"What I want is more advanced technology! A more advanced metal! More powerful high-tech equipment! Instead of some hot peanut rice now. Professor

Lin was silent, and he could already see the future mechanical department of the Great Xia Dynasty from Lin Ge's words.

"These ideas of yours are also too crazy, I don't know where this knowledge of yours comes from."

Professor Lin said heavily, as if as long as it was in the field of the mechanical department, Lin Ge could always propose some strange advanced fields.

"So, you let them study Variety Source Gold, energy reactors, and even rocket thrusters because of this?"

Lin Ge nodded slightly and said: "Part of the reason, other scientific research teams can study the best, it doesn't matter if they can't be researched, there will always be some unexpected surprises born, and that's what I'm waiting for!"

Professor Lin tapped lightly on the table, and finally his eyes narrowed, and he said in a deep voice: "After the completion of this research building, they haven't researched what you want, can you make it yourself?"

Lin Ge was silent for a moment, and then nodded gently, the mechanical knowledge given to him by the system had been digested, and what Lin Ge lacked now was only the equipment that could be built!

Professor Lin gasped, he really wanted to open Lin Ge's head now to see, what was in it?

How is this mode of thinking so different from ordinary people?

However, Professor Lin still supports it, as Lin Ge said, this is the way out for the future Great Xia!

The same mechanical department, then the competition is naturally the level of technology!

Directly give a dimensionality reduction blow to the mechanical departments of other countries!

"Okay! Professors support you! I will make up for the excess part, just let me, the old man, take a look at the glorious future of the mechanical department!

Lin Ge smiled gladly and nodded, "Thank you Professor!"

Professor Lin picked up the drawing again, and with the conversation with Lin Ge, Professor Lin analyzed in his mind for a while, and finally his eyelids jumped straight to the eight-hundred-meter playground.

I'm afraid I don't have to take out his coffin book!

Professor Lin suddenly looked at Lin Ge, and saw that the latter showed him a grin, and it was obvious that he had been recruited.

"Why are you like a ghost, even the teacher I lied."

Lin Ge also learned the words of Zhang Qingfeng Daoist and said, "The student is shy.

Professor Lin put on his gold wire glasses, and then took out the pen that he had been carrying on his chest for many years, and helped Lin Ge improve the building drawing little by little.

During the period, Professor Lin said: "Now that Nandu is looking forward to the future, you can open your mouth to the mayor lion, trade with Nandu with some small mechanical objects in the future, and get some funds in advance, your building is completely a gold-swallowing beast, and the third area also has to buy a batch of equipment?"

Lin Ge explained: "The third area I want to use as my private research area, and I will buy the things myself.

Professor Lin nodded silently, as for whether Lin Ge had extra money, he didn't have to bother.

Chen Yunjing's father, the imperial capital Li Muzhi, which one can't borrow a large amount of money?

Even if Lin Ge doesn't return it, they are willing.

"If according to your atlas, this building will have to have a cooling device in the future, which is not easy to get."

Lin Ge smiled, and then pointed to the map of the southern city at the meeting.

Professor Lin suddenly looked up and saw Qin Mu above explaining the future planning and development of the Nanyan River.

This river stretches all the way to the sea!

Professor Lin immediately smiled and said, "It turns out that you already have a plan. "

Lin Ge's goal is water cooling! The best cooling device under the sun!

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