Another day passed.

When the sun rose the next day, Lin Ge and they gathered again at the side of the Royal Beast Master Association in Nandu.

If yesterday's meeting, the municipal side planned the future development of the southern city, then today's meeting planned the future mechanical pet beast!

Today's meeting of the Royal Beast Master Association has three major themes, the first is that Lin Ge is the president of the mechanical department in Nandu, and his position is equal to the seventy-level president on the association's side.

The second is about the establishment of the Mechanical Department Association, which has already been negotiated on the side of the imperial capital, and now it is just another show.

Third, naturally, it is about the development of the Department of Mechanics, and researchers from this side of the southern city have come here to learn the development and research knowledge of the Department of Mechanics.

These can only be explained by Lin Ge, and it is also expected that the researchers in Nandu can master and develop the mechanical department.

The meeting is not very cumbersome, most of them are a process, in addition to the final explanation, it took some time, the three processes came down, and it just ended at noon.

After that, the Royal Beast Master Association hosted a banquet for Lin Ge and them to lunch together.

Both sides are old acquaintances, naturally they are chatting, there is nothing to be born.

When everything was over, Lin Ge and they returned to the school.

It's all over and life is back on track.

Pet Beast Research House.

Lin Ge was bored lying on a large long table, with rewards from extraordinary appraisal placed in front of him one by one.

Three Skill Proficiency Inheritance Books, one Perfection, Two Excellence, Soul Fruit, and Super Skill Deep Meditation.

"Yo, the reward hasn't been used up yet?"

At this time, Gao Shenglong's voice suddenly sounded, Lin Ge turned his head slightly, this senior Gao was still elegant and polite.

Lin Ge replied, "Well, sometimes it's quite tangled.

Gao Shenglong walked over, looked at the five items, and said: "The skill proficiency inheritance book can be used directly, but the perfect level book still needs to be cautious and do some thinking, it is not easy for the extraordinary pet beast to cultivate a perfect level skill, it is best to use it on the super level skill to achieve the best effect."

Lin Ge nodded and said, "I know this, but I'm thinking about which pet beast to use." "

Is it for the Overlord? Or to Xiao Jin?

Both of them are not bad, the potential and strength are enough, and there are also super-level skills, and there are quite a few, so they should be used more carefully.

Goldman Sachs said with a smile: "Then you have to think about it for a long time, but if it really doesn't work, give them the proficiency inheritance book of the excellent level, and the perfect level will see who performs well in the future."

Lin Ge bowed slightly, this is not a method, but Lin Ge always feels a bit of a loss.

Thinking about it, Lin Ge could only ask the system: "System, do you have any good suggestions?" System

: "Ding! This system suggests that the host can adopt Goldman Sachs Long's words, and can give the Overlord them a proficiency inheritance book of excellence, and as for the perfect proficiency inheritance book, the system recommends that the host keep it first.

Lin Ge frowned slightly and asked, "Keep it first?" Why? System

: "Ding! After the host completes the task of 'having its own research building', it will get a mechanical assistant, and then use the inheritance book of perfection-level proficiency for the assistant, and the perfect-level intelligent god network has a miraculous effect.

Lin Ge frowned, "Isn't it the same if I use it for the Overlord?" System

: "Ding! Although the combat system machinery and the auxiliary system machinery both have intelligent god networks, they will have different effects in the use of this skill, and the intelligent god network of the combat system is more biased towards the combat aspect, while the intelligent god network of the auxiliary system can provide more research help to the host.

Lin Ge thought about it carefully, and seemed to think that it was feasible, not to mention that there were two excellent books.

Seeing Lin Ge smile indifferently, Gao Shenglong said: "It seems that you have the answer."

Lin Ge smiled slightly and replied, "Well, I can think of it as having figured it out."

Gao Shenglong looked at Lin Ge and said, "Why is your face a little pale?" It doesn't look like yesterday was too good.

Lin Ge smiled bitterly and replied, "Because the overlord has upgraded, after the two pet beasts retracted the imperial beast space, my small imperial beast space almost couldn't be loaded, causing my head to feel a slight dizzy pain. "

At the current overlord level seventeen, Xiaojin has also risen to level twelve, and Lin Ge has just reached level eleven.

The overlord is now large, and he is still mechanical, and his tonnage is also heavy, so Lin Ge has this feeling of pain.

Gao Shenglong pointed to the soul fruit and said: "This thing can help you solve this problem, after absorbing the soul fruit, enhance the soul link with the pet beast, and the pet beasts can also sense the state of the royal beast master in turn, this thing is a treasure, it is an incomparably rare existence in the market, and it can be regarded as the treasure of the royal beast master."

Lin Ge nodded and said, "I will take it tonight, after all, I haven't been free since returning from the imperial capital." "

School celebrations, South City meetings, and Royal Beast Master Association meetings, are all busy.

Look at the last remaining super inheritance skill book above and meditate deeply.

Lin Ge and Gao Shenglong both thought slightly.

Lin Ge spoke, "Senior Gao, which kind of pet beast is generally used the most by this kind of skill?" "

Deep meditation is a versatile skill, there are no attribute restrictions, any kind of transcendent beast can use it, and obtain this skill.

Gao Shenglong wrinkled his eyebrows slightly and replied: "Although the skill of deep meditation is a versatile skill and a super-level skill, it is a post-war recovery class, which leads to its limitations, and if you ask like this, I can only tell you that the most used is not which kind of extraordinary pet beast, but the royal beast master, the royal beast master with the talent of fit." "

The Imperial Beast Master with the Fusion Talent uses it the most?" Lin Ge was a little puzzled.

Gao Shenglong nodded and said: "The most representative person is the judge Liu Meng, the talent of the body, the legend of the eighty-fourth level royal beast, the main pet moves the mountain ancient ape, the judge Liu Meng will often use this skill, use the combined talent, and then match this skill to enter the state of deep meditation of the body, improve the time of merging with the pet beast, pursue higher explosive strength and faster meditation recovery, and the judge's deep meditation proficiency is extremely high, that brute force is known as the existence of destroying the city with bare hands." Lin

Ge's mind suddenly remembered this five-big, three-thick, tiger-backed judge, and it seemed right to think about it carefully, after all, meditation does not need to use your brain.

It is equivalent to entering a state similar to deep sleep, and this skill is really versatile for Liu Meng.

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