Lin Ge looked at the deep meditation skill book again, and then spread his hands and said, "But Senior Gao, I don't have a talent for fitness, and I really don't know where to use this skill." "

Whether it's for Overlord or Xiaojin, the skill of deep meditation doesn't seem to be suitable.

Goldman Sachs Long said: "No, no, no! Junior, I mean, if you really want to use the skill of deep meditation, you can find a transcendent pet beast with skills that can feed you back.

Lin Ge pondered this sentence: "Having skills can feed back my extraordinary pet beast?

Gao Sheng Long nodded: "Yes, why is deep meditation a versatile skill?" Because this skill can not only be used on the body of the pet beast, but also on the body of the royal beast master, the skill of deep meditation is the sought after skill of the Combined Talent Royal Beast Master, because they can also use this skill by merging with the pet beast, restoring the power of the imperial beast, recovering injuries, and even recovering mental trauma. Hearing

these words of Gao Shenglong, Lin Ge's eyes suddenly widened, and his heart beat faster!

The perfect level intelligent god network is equipped with an auxiliary mechanical pet beast for deep meditation!

"System! I get it!

Lin Ge smiled evilly, it turned out to be like this!

Seeing Lin Ge's smile, Gao Shenglong not only asked curiously: "Have you figured out which pet beast this skill is used on?"

Lin Ge took the deep meditation skill book and said, "No, no, no! It won't work for now! I'm going to use this skill on the third auxiliary supernatural machine!

Gao Shenglong suddenly frowned: "What do you want to do?"

Lin Ge smiled and said, "Senior Gao, as you said, since this skill can be applied to the body of the Royal Beast Master, can it also be applied to the body of ordinary people?" If I use an auxiliary mechanical pet beast to assist, can this skill be placed randomly? "

You put this card bug?

Goldman Sachs' dragon's eyelids suddenly jumped: "Why are your ideas so crazy sometimes?" "

If you think about it, it seems to be ... Feasible?

Gao Shenglong couldn't figure it out, so he shook his head and said: "You can make your own judgment, anyway, I don't understand your mechanical department very well." "

Auxiliary mechanical pet beast? What is this?

And Lin Ge smiled slightly, suddenly looking forward to it, this mechanical assistant will give him a lot of surprises!

If you calculate it in this way, then all five items have a direction of use.

The two Excellence Proficiency Inheritance Books are given to Overlord and Xiaojin, and the Soul Fruit is used by himself, and the Perfect Proficiency Inheritance Book and Deep Meditation are mechanical assistants obtained after leaving a mission to complete!

In this way, the research building has to be put on the agenda quickly.

"Senior Gao, you went to the South China Sea before? What's going on over there?

Gao Shenglong said: "Oh, something did happen in the South China Sea, there is a powerful existence who has killed the extraordinary legend that has dominated the South China Sea for hundreds of years, causing the extraordinary beasts on the other side of the South China Sea to seize the territory and set off a turbulent wave, but now it has calmed down, there is no big problem."

Lin Ge's heart beat faster as he listened: "Someone killed the ninety-level transcendent legend?" "

Extraordinary legends, only existences who have reached level ninety or above can be called so!

Gao Shenglong nodded and replied: "It is estimated that it was arranged by the Daxia side, that guy has been making trouble in the South China Sea for hundreds of years, and the tsunami in the southern coastal area is basically set off by that guy, so that the southern coastal area of Daxia loses a lot every year." This time it was better to slaughter, just do it.

Lin Ge was shocked to hear it, level ninety! One supreme! Say kill and kill? How strong is that?

"This extraordinary legend of being killed is from the ocean?"

Gao Shenglong nodded and replied: "Yes, the ninety-level demon system is extraordinary, the Deep Sea Demon Chapter, gee, I feel terrible." "

Lin Ge is a shrank pupil, a ninety-level Deep Sea Demon Chapter? Demons are extraordinary legends! Extraordinary nucleus?!

"I have to go to the mayor to discuss it!"

Gao Shenglong was puzzled: "What to discuss?"

Lin Ge said without looking back, "Discuss some things about building a building." "


South City, City Hall.

Lin Ge has been unimpeded, he is now a celebrity, and he has held several meetings, and the image posters are plastered all over the large advertising space in the southern city.

So after coming here, naturally you can get it there.

Lin Ge, on the other hand, followed the signboard all the way to the mayor's room.

Coming to the door of the mayor's room, Lin Ge knocked lightly.

"Please come in."

Lin Ge pushed the door and entered, and was surprised to find that there were many acquaintances in the mayor's room, Vice Mayor Qin Mu, Officer Han Wu, and Team Zhao.

In addition, there is a man who looks to be in his forties, plain-looking, not very tall, looks like a passerby character, the kind that can be quickly forgotten when walking into the crowd.

The mayor of Nandu, the seventy-nine-level imperial beast grandmaster, Luo Xiang.

"It turned out to be a little genius in our southern city! Come in, come in, Han Wu, pour tea.

Lin Ge greeted one by one, glanced at the documents on Luo Xiang's desk, and estimated that Qin Mu was reporting to Luo Xiang about the future development of the southern city.

But now seeing Lin Ge coming, Luo Xiang also smiled indifferently and said, "President Lin Ge, is there something wrong?"

Lin Ge said with a smile: "Mayor Luo, let's talk about yours first, I'm talking later."

Luo Xiang said with a smile: "I am also a handshaker on weekdays, the planning of the southern city is done by Qin Mu more, he reported to me, it was just a process, and then he still worried, President Lin Ge, you can say something." "

In Nandu, outside Luo Xiang's main and inside Qin Mu's main house, one martial arts and one text, both of them are auxiliary to each other.

Qin Mu put away the documents and said with a smile: "Indeed, President Lin Ge, if there is anything, you can just say it."

Seeing this, Lin Ge did not shirk, took a sip of tea, and said: "I want to requisition a piece of land from Nandu City to build a research building.

Saying that, Lin Ge took out the drawings that had been finely prepared, and then put them on Luo Xiang's table.

Qin Mu glanced at it and said, "The area is a bit large, and it may not be satisfied within the urban area."

Lin Ge said: "No need to be in the urban area, I have also chosen the location of the area, there is not an independent mountain not far from the mouth of the Nanyan River, I will choose that side." "

Away from the city but not too remote, after all, it is close to the sea.

Luo Xiang also looked at it and said, "President Lin Ge's request is fine, but this place has made some plans for the future... Forget it, since it was President Lin Ge who asked for it, we agreed. "

With the help of Lin Ge's mechanical popularity, the future development of Nancheng City has no worries.

Luo Xiang suddenly said, "But Lin Ge, we can't give this land for nothing and make some transactions?" "

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