"Deal?" Lin Ge was puzzled, so he asked, "What deal?"

Luo Xiang smiled indifferently: "It's not something that embarrasses you, I just want to ask you to develop a few mechanical departments for our southern city, it doesn't matter if the race is high or low, it can be popularized in the southern city, similar to the dragon system guarding the palace." Hearing

Luo Xiang's words, Lin Ge replied with a smile: "So that's the case?" No problem, it's still very easy to develop some mechanical transcendent of twenty or thirty race values.

Luo Xiang bowed his head slightly: "In this case, there will be no problem, the Dushan mountain at the mouth of the Nanyan River can be planned to build a research building for you."

Lin Ge pushed his glasses and said, "Then Mayor, give me some more help."

Luo Xiang looked at Lin Ge and said, "What help?"

Lin Ge also said unceremoniously, "It's just... As you can see, I am still a student, and I just want to ask the two of you to help me recruit a construction company and start construction quickly, and the faster the construction period is completed, the better.

Qin Mu said: "The Chen Group has a sub-construction company, you and Chen Baichuan should have contact information, let him build for you, right?" We will approve the documents to you.

Lin Ge smiled awkwardly and said, "I naturally contacted Chen Baichuan, but the problem is that his sub-construction company is now going to build a large-scale breeding base for the Dragon Guarding Palace, and it really can't transfer extra manpower to help me."

Team Zhao spoke up: "I'm dripping obediently, Lin Ge, you seem to be in a hurry with this research building?"

Lin Ge nodded: "Yes!" This research building will be where my mechanical pet beast will be born in the future, so naturally I have to hurry.

Qin Mu looked at the atlas again and said, "How much budget do you have?"

Lin Ge answered truthfully: "1.5 billion Great Xia Coins, this is the bonus I got in the extraordinary appraisal, if there is an excess part, Professor Lin will help me make up for it."

Qin Mu's lips squirmed, his face was pensive, and then he said: "It is expected that within three years, at the latest before you finish college, this building will be completed and delivered." "

Three years is already a short time, and Lin Ge's research building contains three areas, as well as some surrounding facilities, and it is very good to complete it in three years.

Luo Xiang thought for a while, and suddenly said: "Lin Ge, you promise me one thing, if you can do it, I will help you shorten it to less than half a year, how is it expected that you will finish before you go to college in September this year?"

Lin Ge frowned slightly: "Mayor Luo, tell me about it!" If I can do it, no problem.

Luo Xiang was also unambiguous, and immediately his lips moved slightly, and he began to talk with Lin Ge.

Lin Ge's face changed slightly, a little heavy, and finally replied: "With the current mechanical technology, I am afraid that it is difficult to achieve."

Luo Xiang said, "What about after completing your research building?" Can you develop it for me first?

Lin Ge said: "If this is the case, my words are okay!" Of course, it will also take half a year!

Luo Xiang nodded quickly: "Good!" That's it! It's all half a year! If I can't deliver this research building to you within half a year, all the expenses will be counted on my head! I'll give you a part-time job to pay off your debts for the rest of your life!

Lin Ge also said: "Good! After the completion of the research building, if I can't do it within half a year, I will develop a mechanical transcendent race of the same level as the dragon system machinery as compensation! And only belongs to the southern city!

Luo Xiang nodded with a smile: "Then it's so decided!" Start construction tomorrow!

In Qin Mu's puzzled expressions, Lin Ge and Luo Xiang quickly finalized everything.

Team Zhao was confused and didn't know what it meant.

Qin Mu said: "Mayor, are we a little impulsive? Half-year delivery? This Lin Ge's budget may not be enough. "

The shorter the construction period, the greater the money consumed, and it costs money everywhere.

Han Wu also said: "Yes, Mayor Luo, after building this building of Lin Ge in half a year, we will have to put a lot of money into Nandu."

Luo Xiang smiled indifferently and replied, "Then do you know what my deal with him is?"

The three of Qin Mu looked at each other, and then shook their heads, indicating that they didn't know.

Luo Xiang said: "I've been stuck at level seventy-nine for a long time, and if nothing else, this may be the limit of my life, so I want to try Lin Ge's bionic mechanical evolution, so as to break through the bottleneck of this seventy-nine level and become a level eighty-nine imperial beast legend!"

As soon as these words came out, Qin Mu and the three of them instantly became short of breath!

Bionic mechanical evolution?! Level 80 Royal Beast Legend?!

Qin Mu said: "Mayor, is this feasible? You must know that this bionic mechanical evolution is still just a system, and there is no high-level precedent! Not even low-level examples!

Luo Xiang glanced at it and said, "Doesn't that dragon machine count?"


Qin Mu was slightly dumbfounded, he naturally watched the video of the extraordinary identification, but who dared to guarantee this?

Han Wu said: "Mayor, it's still a little too risky.

Luo Xiang let out a breath and said, "There is nothing under the sky that does not take risks, I will be Lin Ge's first guinea pig!" Bionic Mechanical Evolution! I'm also going to be a crab eater for the first time!

Team Zhao shook his head: "This is crazy!"

Luo Xiang said, "Then what if it succeeds? You already know how mature Lin Ge's mechanical system is, he is only poor in scientific and technological equipment now! A year later, the mechanical department is afraid that it is no longer what it used to be!

Qin Mu's eyes were grim, and he said heavily: "If it succeeds!" The mayor is the first in the entire Great Xia Dynasty to rely on bionic mechanical evolution to reach the eighty level of the Royal Beast Legend! At that time, I am afraid that the entire Great Xia Dynasty will shake!

Luo Xiang said: "It's not just Daxia! And all the kingdoms on the Blue Star of the Royal Beast! Those beings stuck at level seventy-nine must be crazy about it! There are even some extraordinary beasts that will take the initiative to come to the door! Make a contract with our Royal Beast Master of the Great Xia Dynasty!

Qin Mu Laocheng said, "This is a big gamble!"

Luo Xiang nodded: "The bet is won, and our southern city will become the fourth big city after the imperial capital, the magic capital, and the ancient capital in one fell swoop!" It doesn't matter if you win or lose the bet! I can't see the eighty-level road anyway! If I fail, at that time, I will retire and retire, and Old Qin will take over the southern capital.

Qin Mu shook his head and smiled: "What do you say, I'm just a forty-level Royal Beast Master, how can I have this ability."

Luo Xiang said with a smile: "Our southern city has risen, and now the difference is just time." "

In Lin Ge's team, except for that Lu Lingyi who is not from the Southern Capital, which of the other four is not excellent?

So Luo Xiang gambles, and dares to bet!

Although the word gambling is very bad, there is really no better way to describe it at this time.

"Hold an overnight meeting tonight, pull all the construction companies in Nandu over, and start construction together!" I don't believe it, all the way to the green light, half a year still can't do it?

Luo Xiang exclaimed, his eyes full of fire! He even saw the eighty-level road beckoning to him!

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