The days gradually calmed down again, and there was not so much bustle.

Everyone's life seems to be back to a fast-paced life.

However, Lin Ge's life is still full of energy every day, working between home and school.

Professor Lin went to socialize, because Lin Ge really did not want to show his face in front of too many people, and he was easily accused of getting carried away, so Professor Lin was responsible for attending various occasions and running around major cities every day.

For example, today in the magic capital to communicate, tomorrow flew to the ancient capital to hold a meeting.

In the past few days, Professor Lin, who originally wanted to support the elderly, sighed with fatigue and had to drink extraordinary nutritional products.

Goldman Sachs Dragon is still dashing, not only looks handsome, but also has extremely perfect body proportions, plus is a dragon royal beast master, giving people a sense of elegance and a little domineering.

Gao Shenglong can get the contact information of various beautiful women when he goes out for a walk every day, but this guy does not indulge himself, but helps Nandu increase his seventy-level combat power.

Lu Lingyi represented Lin Ge's team to participate in the cooperation of the Chen Group, and no one dared to underestimate this top student in the imperial capital.

Qin Qingyun is still the class leader, continuing to study at the school, although she has been escorted, but the school can still hope that she will play a leading role.

In this regard, Qin Qingyun naturally did not object, it just so happened that she also needed to learn various research operation knowledge, which was also a daily course.

As for Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing, they have cultivated hard, and as the men in the team, their strength is really too low.

Zhao Yun's martial arts rabbit is still helping Lin Ge strike iron every day, and this little rabbit's skill proficiency is quack-taking, and fast punching and fast fighting have even reached the perfect level!

Chen Yunjing also accelerated the training of Xiaobao, a beast-hunting dog, and backed by the Chen Group, and the family had money to consume, Chen Yunjing's progress was the fastest, and he caught up with Zhao Yun in almost a short time.

As for the dragon machine, it is currently handed over to the Chen Group for study, although this road is very complete, no one will refuse to have a dragon machine as a reference.

Moreover, even pulling out a walk can attract the attention of a large group of people.

It is estimated that after Chen Yunjing breaks through the tenth-level Royal Beast Master, he can contract this dragon system machine.

All in all, life is back to what it was before the extraordinary identification.

Apart from a few more mechanical news from time to time, nothing special happened.

The negotiations between the countries have also made hot headlines, but no one knows to what extent, but the Daxia side still seems to have got what it wants.

Guo Hongyu also invited Lin Ge and them to celebrate in the imperial capital.

However, he was pushed back by Lin Ge, and finally Professor Lin was allowed to attend.

Then there was another thing, on the side of the divine frame, someone took a photo of Liu Meng and put it on the Internet.

The rugged man held a huge stone with a dark silver sheen on his shoulder with both arms, and walked towards the southern city one by one.

Then the Internet spread more and more evil, saying that this is a special tempering practice, which can exercise willpower and improve physical strength.

Then Liu Meng this guy became inexplicably famous, and the hot topic was 'the exclusive founder of the back stone cultivation walked in the southern capital', attracting a large number of fanatical strong men to join in.

So on the road, many people can see a kind of wonder, a group of people carrying metal ore on their backs to carry the weight, and there are various people next to them to shoot videos, and even follow along the way.

It set off a short video storm.

The parent of Liu Meng's Back Stone Cultivator.

As for whether the actual situation is true or not, let's interview the exclusive founder.

Liu Meng: "you!" Wait for Lao Tzu to put down this stone in the south and beat you up one by one! "

It's just that at Liu Meng's speed, he won't be able to reach the southern capital in a few months.


this day, Nandu No. 1 Middle School Laboratory.

Lin Ge was wearing short-sleeved casual clothes, a white coat over it, and research goggles, and was sitting on a research table doing something.


The door was pushed open, and Zhao Yun broke into it and shouted, "Lin Ge! I've broken through level ten! What about Xiaowu? After

almost a month of hard practice, Zhao Yun finally managed to break through to level ten.

This speed is already fast.

Lin Ge casually fingered, that Xuewu rabbit was still forging a piece of metal material.

Seeing the arrival of his own imperial beast master, Xuewu Rabbit suddenly cried and sold miserably, this day is simply not a rabbit can live.

Working in this lab every day, it's not 996, it's 715.

Boss Lin squeezed his little rabbit.

But Zhao Yun didn't feel anything wrong with this, because his martial arts rabbit learning was really improving, two intermediate perfect proficiency skills, which were not available in the entire Nandu No. 1 Middle School!

Not even Lin Ge!

It can be said that these two perfect proficiency skills alone can give Zhao Yun a plus.


At this time, the door of the laboratory was pushed open again, and Chen Yunjing also broke in.

Before entering the door, he could hear Chen Yunjing's elated voice: "Senior Lin! Senior Lin! Level 10! I've broken through to level ten! "

Yes, just today, he Chen Yunjing also reached the tenth level of the Royal Beast Master!

Lin Ge then turned around, glanced at the two people, and said, "Not bad, you two reached the tenth level of the Royal Beast Master at the same time today, which is worthy of the reward."

Zhao Yun then saw what was inside Singer Lin, it was a unilateral goggles, only one lens, and the style was a bit like a headphone.

Lin Ge smiled slightly, weighed the latest product in his hand, and said: "This is my latest gadget, I call it the Transcendent Index Detector!" "

This thing refers to the combat power detector of the Dragon Ball world in the previous life, and the appearance is almost the same.

Zhao Yun came over, picked up this extraordinary index detector, and said curiously: "What is the use of this thing?"

Lin Ge gestured, "You put it on and take a look."

Zhao Yun immediately put it in the position of his left ear. This is an in-line one, press the top button, put it away and release, and the soft leather inside will wrap the ear under the push of the mechanical parts, so as not to feel uncomfortable.

Didi Didi——(Data loading——)

[Extraordinary index detected! ] (→)]

Looking at the display on the monolithic mirror, Zhao Yun naturally followed the arrow instructions and turned his head.

The next moment, I happened to look at my pet beast Xuewu Rabbit!

[Primary Extraordinary Beast: Learn Martial Rabbit

] [Attribute: Martial Fighting System

] [Race Level: Ranging from Level 20

] [Growth Level: Level 10

] [Extraordinary Skill: (Detecting——)] [

Extraordinary Index: One Thousand Points (Fluctuation)]

The front is normal, and Zhao Yun does not feel that there is anything wrong, until this detector shows his Xiaowu's extraordinary index!

"A thousand points for the transcendent index? What does that mean? Is Xiao Wu's combat effectiveness so low? "

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