"Extraordinary Index? What is that?

Chen Yunjing asked suspiciously, and then also took the extraordinary index detector from Zhao Yun's ear and put it on.

The panel of Xuewu Rabbit appeared in Chen Yunjing's left eye again, which made Chen Yunjing slightly shocked.

So Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing both looked at Lin Ge suspiciously, expressing puzzlement.

Lin Ge motioned for the detector to be given back to him, and then put it on as well, looking at the panel of Xuewu Rabbit.

Lin Ge said: "This is what I built with some mechanical materials, the purpose is to detect the combat effectiveness of extraordinary beasts, the extraordinary index shown here is the extraordinary index, of course, this thing is still in the clinical trial stage, the overall data is not very perfect, and it needs to be strengthened." System

: "Ding! Discover mechanical products that can be popularized all over the world, and ask the host to sell the Transcendent Index Detector! Mission completion rewards the power of the beast level 1! The

sound of the system sounded, a very ordinary system task, easy to complete.

Zhao Yun asked suspiciously, "So more than a thousand points is my Xiaowu's final combat strength?"

Lin Ge shook his head and said: "It's not so calculated, because the overall data is not perfect, at present, this detector can only show the fluctuation of the value on the surface of the extraordinary beast, which can be understood as the normal value, if the extraordinary beast has some amplification skills, or hidden skills like introverted, this value will change."

Lin Ge took down the detector and said: "This thing can only detect elementary transcendent beasts at present, and it is expected that the limit value will explode when it reaches about one million, so I still have to study it."

Zhao Yun thought for a while, and finally spoke up: "So Xiao Wu is still a value of more than a thousand?"

Lin Ge was slightly stunned, and then nodded with a smile: "It seems to be the case at present."

Chen Yunjing was interested after hearing this, and immediately summoned his own little treasure, and then said: "Senior! Come on, come on! Check out Xiaobao's value! "

Lin Ge skillfully put on the Transcendent Index Detector...

[Primary Extraordinary Beast: Beast Hunting Dog

] [Attribute: Beast Lineage

] [Race Level: Level 30 (Limit)] [Growth Level: Level 10

] [Extraordinary Skill: (Detecting——)] [Extraordinary

Index: 1,500 Points (Fluctuation)]

Lin Ge said: "Xiaobao's extraordinary index fluctuates between 1,500

points, the same is level ten, it may be that the series and race values are different, The extraordinary indices shown are also different. "

Some departments are inherently strong, such as dragons, and some are inherently weak, such as grass and trees.

Moreover, Xiaobao's overall race value is even higher than that of Xuewu Rabbit.

After Chen Yunjing listened, he immediately pondered for a while, and then said: "Xiaobao! Unintroverted! The

little milk dog immediately lifted its restrained state after hearing this, and turned into a little wolf dog.

And at this time, Lin Ge's extraordinary index detector also changed immediately!

[Extraordinary Index: 10,000 points (fluctuation)]

Lin Ge said: "Xiaobao's extraordinary index has come to 10,000 points!" It seems that it is true that some skills do interfere with the display of the transcendent index.

Zhao Yun suddenly became depressed after hearing this: "Huh? Isn't that my Xiaowu with the lowest combat effectiveness?

Lin Ge tilted his head, then pressed the probe again and said, "Xiao Wu! Use Quickfist and Kombat to see!

Xuewu Rabbit did not dare to slacken, and immediately jumped up and quickly slammed his fist against the air in front of him!

[Transcendent Index: Nine Thousand Points (Fluctuation)]

But when Xuewu Rabbit finished playing these two skills, the Transcendent Index also quickly

fell to about 1,000 points, and Lin Ge fell into a little contemplation: "More than 9,000 points of extraordinary index, it seems that some offensive skills will also increase when used, hey, I have to improve it." "

If you even count the attack skills, this algorithm is too large, it is better to take a burst maximum value as a reference.

And hearing Lin Ge's words, Zhao Yuncai breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It scared me to death, I thought Xiao Wucai only had a thousand points of extraordinary index." "

But for now, this extraordinary index detector is obviously enough, and it can be improved one by one later."

And this thing has the possibility of upgrading, after the establishment of the data network in the future, it can be loaded on large machinery extraordinary, real-time detection of extraordinary index, so that the mechanical department can make the best judgment.

Lin Ge turned around again, plugged in the data line for the Transcendent Index detector again, and changed the numerical algorithm, especially after entering the combat state, he must take the highest combat power that burst out at that moment as a value.

As for some skills of the increase and decrease class, this is too much, Lin Ge will not count it, mainly to improve the skill enhancement of the attack class.

If you suffer from negative skills and the combat effectiveness of the extraordinary beast is weakened, this one does not count it, it is still the highest value!

After all, I have suffered from negative skills, this kind of thing is not accurate, maybe people still have to solve the control? And what about purification skills? Can there still be an explosive skill?

Therefore, Lin Ge abandoned this huge algorithm, took the highest value data, and calculated the increase skill separately, and the negative skill effect was not included in the overall data.

So for now, only these can be changed, and if there is anything wrong in the later stage, then improve.

When the algorithm is successfully rebuilt, the Transcendent Index detector is also restarted.

Lin Ge put it on again and detected Xiao Wu and Xiao Bao, two extraordinary pet beasts.

As expected, the Transcendent Index is very stable at nine thousand and ten thousand.

"All right! This extraordinary index detector is barely qualified.

Zhao Yun really wanted to give Xiao Wu a fight, so he asked, "Lin Ge, could it be that this transcendent index is too low?" That's only 91,000, not enough to see.

Lin Ge said, "You can be content!" They are all level ten extraordinary pet beasts, ninety-one thousand is not enough to see? How many ordinary people can be killed when you go out to the wild extraordinary beast forest outside?

Lin Ge took the extraordinary index detector and continued: "Don't underestimate this value, the extraordinary index that can reach about 10,000 at level ten is already very high, your talents are relatively good, you let those students from the last class come to see?" There may not be more than a thousand points if you hold on. "

Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing are both in the same class! And which one who can enter the first class is not a genius imperial beast master?

Except for Lin Ge, who is admitted to the exam, if you pull out one of them casually in the first class, you can fight with the strongest in the second class and the third class!

For example, Chen Yunjing! This year, he is already a level ten imperial beast master in his second year of high school!

To put it bluntly, after Lin Ge and them graduate, Chen Yunjing will be the bearer of the third level of Nandu No. 1 Middle School and High School after Qin Qingyun!

Other students in the same class may still be hovering in the fifth or sixth grade.

So this value is really not low!

Even Lin Ge had taken an ordinary palace guard that had not evolved to investigate, and the index of this extraordinary beast race was only five!

What a real war scum!

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