Thus ended the first civil war.

The overlord jumped and swung his mechanical sword a few times, and his little expression was very satisfactory.

Seeing that the little golden teeth itched, he couldn't help but roar sourly.

Got what? Sooner or later overtake you!

Overlord's eyes widened, hey! Are you still not convinced? Sample!

The dragon machine on the other side will not speak, you two brothers are good, it is the same imperial beast master, if he interrupts more, it may be him who will be beaten in a while.

Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing sat on the side, looked at each other, and then shook their heads with a wry smile.

"You still have to practice for a while! Yes!! "

Zhao Yun was a little crazy, he thought that if he got the Primary Royal Beast Badge, he would be able to relax, but he didn't expect that he would have to continue cultivating now.

Chen Yunjing is the same, the dragon system machinery is very strong, but he seems to be unable to control the dragon system machinery, and he can't exert the strength that the dragon system machinery should have.

Otherwise, at least Lin Ge won't win so easily.


In the assessment venue, applause sounded, and Vice President Fang Tianyuan, Lu Lingyi, and the scientific researchers of the Chen Group all commented on this wonderful battle.

"Wonderful! It's hard to imagine that you guys are fighting against the Imperial Beast Master at more than a dozen levels.

Fang Tianyuan was even more amazed, whether it was the dragon guarding palace, or the dragon machinery, or the overlord.

The combat power displayed by these three extraordinary pet beasts is already difficult to make people feel that they are just a group of pet beasts of more than ten levels.

Fang Tianyuan and they all walked down, watching these three pet beasts, and the researchers were running back and forth between the dragon machinery and the overlord.

Lu Lingyi was very interested in the extraordinary index detector worn by Lin Ge.

Danglian asked, "What do you think?" Came up with this kind of thing? A detector that can detect the combat power of extraordinary beasts? Really interesting?

Lin Ge smiled, took off the detector, threw it to Lu Lingyi, and said, "You can feel it too."

Lu Lingyi put it on, and then his eyes frantically ran back and forth on the body of the three-headed pet beast.

"Wow! This kind of value panel is displayed like playing a game, isn't this the same as cheating?

Lin Ge said with a smile: "Don't talk nonsense, I didn't cheat, this detector can only detect the panel, how to protect your pet beast, how to exert stronger combat power, this still depends on the personal ability of the royal beast master." Lu

Lingyi heard it, and also nodded, everyone can see the numerical panel, but how to operate, how to type the details, this really depends on the personal beast master's personal imperial beast skills.

Looking at Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing, Lu Lingyi said, "You don't lose money." "

Both of them smiled bitterly, two to one can't beat, what is there to say?

Fang Tianyuan said: "Victory and defeat are common things in soldiers, the battle of the Royal Beast Master must be a loss and a win, and the assessment of the Royal Beast Master badge is not urgent, besides, you are still high school students, and the bonus is still very large."

Zhao Yun nodded and said, "Thank you Vice President Fang for your encouragement, we will work hard."

Chen Yunjing also nodded.

However, they are not strong enough, on the contrary, Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing are already very good among their peers.

This battle is that Lin Ge is too perverted, and the strength of the overlord is also very terrifying.

It can only be said that they still have to continue to cultivate for a period of time to improve the strength of the imperial beast.

Lin Ge walked over, pulled up the two, and said: "Chen Yunjing, you have to improve the strength of the imperial envoy dragon system, the battle you had just now did not even exert half of the strength of the dragon system.

Chen Yun nodded, and what Lin Ge said was understandable, after all, he had just contracted the dragon system machinery, and he simply familiarized himself with the panel and participated in the battle.

Lin Ge looked at Zhao Yun again and said, "As for Zhao Yun... If you rely on learning martial rabbits alone, your imperial beast strength will be a little thin, do you need dragon machinery? I

thought that Zhao Yun would nod and agree, but I didn't expect Zhao Yun to refuse, and said: "I don't have the idea of contracting a second pet beast for the time being, Xiao Wu has been with me for many years, I still want to exercise him more."

Lin Ge spoke up: "But Xuewu Rabbit is just an extraordinary beast with a race value ranging from level 20, even if you work hard, he can only grow to the limit of level 29..."

This is not a blow, but a fact, not only Zhao Yun, many low-level imperial beast masters in this era of Daxia are like this!

The initial pet beast is not powerful, there is not enough money in the middle stage, and the talent is exhausted in the later stage... These are all facts that cause a large number of Royal Beast Masters to die at the bottom!

Zhao Yun said with a smile: "Don't you forget, there is still a stage of evolution in learning martial arts rabbits, and after evolving into martial arts rabbits, the race value can be increased to more than forty levels!"

Lin Ge frowned and said, "However, you can guarantee that Xiao Wu can evolve before he grows to the limit?" Once the race value limit is reached and there is no evolution, the probability after that is extremely low. "

The same time, the same consumption of cultivating pet beasts, learning martial rabbits and dragon machinery is incomparable.

Although Zhao Yun didn't want to give up learning martial arts, if he was one step behind in the same level, he would be lagging behind every time in the future!

Don't say anything far, just compare it with Chen Yunjing who is close!

Spending the same amount of time, before they went to university, Chen Yunjing relied on family resources, and it was not a problem for the dragon system machinery to grow all the way to more than twenty levels!

But if it is converted into Zhao Yun's martial arts rabbit, whether it can reach level twenty is another matter, let alone evolution.

"I know, I know."

Zhao Yun took a deep breath, sighed heavily, and said: "I know that you are doing this for my good, and I don't want to drag you down to become a burden, in terms of talent, I am not as good as the head of the work, nor can I compare to Lu Lingyi, in terms of resources, I am not as good as Chen Yunjing, and even Lin Ge, who is in the same family as me, your knowledge is stronger than mine, but I just want to work hard, I don't want to give up Xiao Wu."

Lin Ge didn't say anything, but could only support: "Okay!" Big deal, I'll make it up for you in the later stage with the mechanical department.

Zhao Yun suddenly smiled and said: "Actually, I really don't need to, after the extraordinary appraisal, Zhang Qingfeng Daoist gave me a chance, Xiao Wu can not only evolve into a martial arts rabbit, but also evolve into a grandmaster rabbit in the future, but the premise is that I have to meet the minimum requirements put forward by Zhang DaoChang."

Lin Ge's eyes were suddenly full of doubts, and he couldn't help but look at Chen Yunjing, hoping to get an explanation.

Chen Yunjing smiled and said, "Yes, Senior Lin, not only Brother Yun, I also got the guidance of Zhang DaoChang, and my little treasure can also evolve in the future!" Hey!

Lin Ge was slightly dumb, and suddenly looked at Lu Lingyi, Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing were rewarded by Zhang Qingfeng, and Lu Lingyi and Qin Qingyun were rewarded with flowers and rong!

Seeing Lin Ge's gaze, Lu Lingyi said a little shyly, "Why do you look at me?" I won't tell you about the rewards that Qingyun and I got! "

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