"Slightly! I won't tell you boys!

Lu Lingyi flicked her hair and immediately turned to leave.

Lin Ge turned around and looked at Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing, and the next moment the three of them spread their hands very tacitly.

The scene suddenly lost his smile, and Lin Ge said: "Okay, since you have received the guidance of Zhang DaoChang and have the next direction of cultivation, then I won't say anything more, but I must redouble my efforts." "

Chief Zhang Qingfeng is a royal beast legend of more than eighty levels, pointing Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing these two little rookies is as easy as playing, but falling on Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing's side, Zhang DaoChang's words, that is the words of the golden stone, it is a big chance!"

Ordinary Royal Beast Masters did not have the opportunity to get the guidance of more than eighty level Royal Beast Legends when they were less than level ten!

Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing both nodded, and they couldn't relax their cultivation more.

Zhao Yun said: "I will try to let Xiaowu evolve into the form of a martial arts rabbit before going to university.

Chen Yunjing also followed: "I'm the same, the dragon system machinery doesn't need to be cultivated for the time being, let Xiaobao evolve into a fierce beast dog first."

Lin Ge pushed his glasses and asked, "What are the preconditions for the evolution of your pet beast?" "

Although the extraordinary beasts of this world all have evolutionary forms, there is no fixed reason why they can evolve at a fixed level.

There are two evolutionary routes of extraordinary beasts, one is suitable evolution, which everyone already knows.

The other is the evolutionary route that all beast masters call 'evolutionary preconditions'.

Only by meeting the preconditions for evolution will the extraordinary pet beasts take the initiative to evolve.

This also has great research value in Lin Ge's opinion!

Zhao Yun replied: "The 'evolution precondition' of learning martial arts rabbits is to raise the skill proficiency of fast fist and fast fight to the extraordinary level, and then the grandmaster rabbit form, Zhang Daolong did not say, but when the time comes, I feel that the time is ripe, and then I will go to him." "

Extraordinary level proficiency skills?" Lin Ge frowned slightly: "Is the time ripe?" When is the time ripe?

Zhao Yun spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders, indicating that he didn't know.

Lin Ge looked at Chen Yunjing again and said, "What about your little treasure?" What are the 'evolutionary preconditions' for the evolution of a beast-hunting dog into a beast dog?

Chen Yunjing replied, "It's hunting!" The super skill of the beast department, Zhang Daochang said, only if the beast hunter learns the skill of hunting, will it evolve into a fierce beast dog, if you can't learn it, you can only rely on evolution.

Lin Ge still wrinkled his eyebrows and said, "Then do you know how to let Xiaobao learn the skill of 'hunting'?"

Chen Yunjing smiled awkwardly and replied, "I don't know, Chief Zhang Dao's words were cloudy at that time, and we all listened to the clouds and fog. Brother Yun is okay, let Xuewu Rabbit keep hitting iron, I can only go to explore.

Lin Ge couldn't help but smile slightly, how come the Dao family is the same everywhere? It's all about talking.

However, it is not bad to get the 'evolutionary preconditions' information.

For ordinary people, they may not be able to reach it for a lifetime.

"Then first develop in the direction of the martial arts rabbit, Zhao Yun, starting tomorrow, lead Xiao Wu to fight iron, and strive to raise Xiao Wu's fast fist and fast fight to the extraordinary level in advance!"

Zhao Yun nodded: "No problem!" Penance begins tomorrow! "

Anyway, follow Lin Ge to strike iron and don't spend money, three meals are full, and there are extraordinary nutritional products to eat, in addition to no salary, life is beautiful."

Chen Yunjing scratched his head and said, "Senior, I have to take a leave."

Lin Ge was puzzled: "Leave? If you don't practice well, why are you going?

Chen Yunjing said: "I contracted the dragon system machinery, I have to go back and help the group do some research."

After listening to it, Lin Ge said, "This way, no problem."

Chen Yunjing said again: "By the way, I will discuss with my family by the way, I am going to skip a grade this semester, and I will be able to advance with your seniors at that time." Lin

Ge looked at Chen Yunjing, this is completely fine, Chen Yunjing has the strength to jump this level!

So he also said, "Well, okay, this is something that needs to be discussed." "

It's good that Chen Yunjing jumped the grade, Lin Ge and they all went to school when they got it, and Chen Yunjing could only stay alone in Nandu No. 1 Middle School.

Although Nandu University and Nandu No. 1 Middle School are located in Nandu, the two schools are still quite far apart.

Chen Yunjing nodded fiercely and left happily.

Fang Tianyuan came over and said, "Lin Ge, is this extraordinary index detector of yours for sale?"

Lin Ge replied, "Sell!" This must be sold, Vice President Fang, you also know, I am building a research building at the mouth of the Nanyan River, and I am very short of money.

Fang Tianyuan said with a smile: "Then there is no problem, Lin Ge, the setting of your extraordinary index detector is very novel, which can better analyze the extraordinary index of extraordinary beasts, I want to buy it from you on behalf of the Royal Beast Master Association."

Lin Ge squinted his eyes and said, "Vice President Fang, I myself am the president of the Mechanical Department Association, I am selling it to myself?"

Fang Tianyuan was slightly dumb, and thought for a while: "It seems to be too."

Lin Ge said: "Otherwise, Vice President Fang, you come to contact the general association, just say that there is such a thing to start?" There will always be money anyway. "

Once the extraordinary index detector is popularized in the Great Xia Dynasty, it is necessary to build a powerful data network, and then the processor alone can dry up the smoke.

Lin Ge can't afford it now, so it's better to sell it, take a patent, and sit back and enjoy it.

And to whom? Ordinary groups are definitely not good, sit at high prices, love to sell or not.

Therefore, the best trading object is naturally the Royal Beast Master Association!

Especially the imperial beast master association in the imperial capital, they are very rich, and the money for extraordinary appraisal is all from them!

And with the purpose of the Royal Beast Master Association, it will definitely be able to quickly popularize the entire Great Xia Dynasty!

Fang Tianyuan immediately smiled, yes! It is worthy of being the president of my Nandu Mechanical Department! Sure enough!

No one cuts! Just cut your own people!

"Okay! I went to negotiate with Chairman Guo, and I guess he also bought it with tears and laughter.

Lin Ge immediately grinned and handed the Transcendent Index Detector to Fang Tianyuan.

Now in the entire No. 11 assessment venue, only they are left.

Lin Ge looked back and saw that the overlord was bullying Xiao Jin, stepping on Xiao Jin's back, holding a mechanical sword in his hand, and gesturing to be decapitated!

"You put it down for me!"

Lin Ge was so angry that his face darkened, although the overlord would not really kill, but this skin personality was too much? Young children? Disobedient children?

No, the overlord's intelligent god network is already at an excellent level.

Lin Ge's vision skimmed slightly, and he saw that Xiao Jin, who was stepped on by the overlord, tilted his head, and secretly burned the other foot of the overlord with a small flame, which seemed to be in the head of the iron who did not believe in the overlord's fire!

"You two two hundred and five!"

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