At this moment, Lin Ge was shocked beyond belief, this was too shocking!

"System! Help me check it out! "

This black octopus egg is beyond Lin Ge's knowledge!

[High-level Extraordinary Beast Egg: Deep Sea Demon Chapter

] [Race Level: Level 94

] [Growth Level: Level 10]

The moment this small panel appeared, Lin Ge only felt that his throat was dry and his heart was beating faster!

No wonder! No wonder that water demon octopus refused to leave! It turned out to be guarding this egg!

If it weren't for Lin Ge's cruising around and found out, I'm afraid that Jiang Jiang would have left after they subdued that water demon octopus!

At that time, you will miss the egg of this Deep Sea Demon Chapter!

System: "Ding! Discover legendary extraordinary beast eggs! The Extraordinary Beast Egg is about to hatch in a month! Please take the host away! "

Take away?" Lin Ge wrinkled his eyebrows, honestly this is a test of courage!

"System, you are asking the water demon octopus outside to chase and kill me."

The egg of the Deep Sea Demon Chapter with a race value of up to ninety-four levels, this is fake to say that it is not moved!

Lin Ge looked at the little abyssal demon chapter wriggling in the black egg membrane, and honestly he didn't like octopus pets.

And the Overlord was already eager to try, just waiting for Lin Ge's order, he could now roast and eat this Deep Sea Demon Chapter!

Lin Ge rubbed his temples, quite a headache, after the little Abyssal Demon Chapter hatched, it was also to be taken care of....

"System, the cost of our mechanical department is already very large, and if we come to a small Abyssal Demon Chapter, we have no money to raise it."

System: "Ding! The host can raise it, and Nandu is willing to pay this money.

Lin Ge grinded his teeth, looked at the egg of the Deep Sea Demon Chapter, and then crossed his heart.

"Okay! Dry! Overlord! Use the mechanical sword to remove this octopus roe for me! When

the overlord heard that it was not the Dragon Burn barbecue, he was suddenly a little lost, but he still followed Lin Ge's words and used a mechanical sword to remove this black octopus egg!

The huge octopus egg landed on the ground, fell into the pool below with a bang, and was then fished up by the overlord.

And with the overlord's fifteen-meter size, he just held this black octopus in his arms.

And at this moment, a sharp whistling sound suddenly sounded throughout Zhongsha Island.

Lin Ge couldn't care so much, and immediately jumped on the overlord's shoulder and said, "What are you still stunned for?" Yo! It's time to run! "

The Overlord immediately ran outside the cave...


'll talk about the fighting outside.

Luo Xiang, Ma Bao, Gao Shenglong, and Jiang Jiang were originally working together to round up the water demon octopus.

Therefore, the battle was a little stalemate, and originally everyone wanted to exhaust the physical strength of the water demon octopus first, and then use the high-level imperial beast ball to subdue it.

Unexpectedly, when things were going smoothly, the water demon octopus seemed to sense something, and suddenly became violent!

Goldman Sachs Dragon rode on the head of the White Dragon King and took in this scene in full view.

Jiang Jiang's pet beast was a seventy-nine extremely extraordinary beast called the Demon Lord, which was possessed by Jiang Jiang's body at the moment.

"Be careful! This water demon octopus is stormy! Don't fall for the demon move, otherwise it will be difficult to entangle. "

Needless to say, whether it is Luo Xiang or Ma Bao, they are both experienced old imperial beast grandmasters.

"What's going on? Well, how could this water devil octopus suddenly run away?

"How do I know? You ask me, I ask who to go? "

I saw that after the water demon octopus stormed away, it had already ignored the four of them, but suddenly turned around and roared towards the only mountain on Zhongsha Island!

I don't know how many plants were destroyed along the way, and how many extraordinary beasts were crushed before they had time to escape!

"What exactly is going on here?"

At this moment, Jiang Jiang was a little stunned, as the grandmaster of the demon department, he knew that the water demon octopus should not run away, just wait for the strength to run out and accept it, but now...

And Gao Sheng Dragon stood tall, looked far away, followed the route of the water demon octopus, and saw a mechanical dragon, coming out of that mountain!

"Not good! Stop him! This water demon octopus rushed to Lin Ge! "


Luo Xiang was suddenly shocked, and immediately let his pet beast blue-backed goshawk fly out to block the water demon octopus!

Ma Bao also stood on the head of his mountain Luan horse and ordered, "Mr. Gao! You go and take Lin Ge and leave! Mr. Jiang! I'm afraid you water demon octopus can't catch it.

Goldman Sachs Dragon immediately let the White Dragon King soar out.

Jiang Jiang looked indifferent and said, "It depends on the situation, if you can't accept it, you will kill it."

So, immediately, the four people had a clear division of labor, Luo Xiang, Ma Bao, and Jiang Jiang blocked the water demon octopus.

Gao Sheng Long rode the White Dragon King towards Lin Ge, and he was very puzzled during the period.

After all, the water demon octopus also stormed away violently and chased and killed Lin Ge!

"Senior Brother Lin! Are you breaking the rules?

Lin Ge didn't look back, just said loudly: "Senior Gao!" Running is important! I

saw that the water demon octopus waved its eight claws, extremely fast, and rushed towards Lin Ge, hoarse and very angry.

At the same time, the water demon octopus also set off an attack, and a tide more than twenty meters high suddenly formed above its body, like a fierce wave heading towards Lin Ge!

Ma Bao had already chased after him and waved his hand: "Shan Luan horse!" Mountains on top of each other! "

Mountain Luan's horse blocked in front, as if the layers of mountains blocked that fierce tide!


The tide is stirring, I don't know how much things have been washed away, and the land is a mess!

But the water demon octopus still ignored it and continued to chase and kill Lin Ge!

Luo Xiang rode the blue-backed goshawk, and soon caught up with Lin Ge, and asked urgently: "Lin Ge!" What the hell are you doing?

Lin Ge was fluctuated by the overlord's bumps, and only felt a surge in his stomach, and then stretched out his finger and pointed to the black octopus eggs in the overlord's small short hand.

"What is it? Did you steal its eggs?

Lin Ge replied loudly: "It's not it!" It's the egg of the Deep Sea Demon Chapter!

As soon as these words came out, Luo Xiang and the four of them were all shocked.

"Groove! You're crazy too!

Lin Ge said loudly again: "Don't save me soon!" Zhongsha Island is so big, I have nowhere to run! "

Goldman Sachs Dragon was the first to ride the White Dragon King, looking at the egg of the Deep Sea Demon Chapter in the overlord's arms, and his eyelids couldn't help but jump!

"White dragon! Take the egg of the Deep Sea Demon Seal. Lin Ge, come up quickly!

Lin Ge immediately jumped on the back of the White Dragon King, and the White Dragon King had now appeared in shape, more than three hundred meters long! The whole white dragon!

The black Abyssal Demon Seal egg was also caught by the White Dragon King in the dragon's claws.

Lin Ge withdrew the overlord and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Whew! Scare to death! Gao

Sheng Long did not dare to relax the slightest, and immediately ordered the White Dragon King to rise into the air.

Above the ground, the water demon octopus roared furiously.

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