Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The entire Zhongsha Island was in a mess, and the water demon octopus seemed to go crazy, and one after another powerful water cannons were vented on this island!

"Where did you get this egg?"

Gao Shenglong looked at the water demon octopus that went madly, and said to Lin Ge.

Lin Ge wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and replied, "Inside that mountain, there is a huge cave inside, which should have been the lair of the Deep Sea Demon Seal, and this Deep Sea Demon Seal egg was found there.

Gao Shenglong's eyelids jumped when he heard it, but he didn't expect that the biggest benefit of this blink of an eye was actually obtained by Lin Ge.

And now, the White Dragon King is holding the octopus egg in his claws, and the target of the Water Demon Octopus is naturally also targeting the White Dragon King!

Four of the eight octopus tentacles immediately extended towards the White Dragon King! The tentacles are extremely elastic and chasing after the White Dragon King!

Goldman Sachs Dragon is naturally not ambiguous, immediately let the White Dragon King quickly retreat, extremely fast to increase the distance!

The water demon octopus was already sworn unabated, and the black beak similar to the eagle's beak immediately launched an attack on the White Dragon King!

One after another extremely powerful water cannons are bombarding, not only that, but the demon system skills of the water demon octopus are also brewing!

But fortunately, Goldman Sachs Dragon is not alone!

"Guys! Sell! "

Jiang Jiang took the lead! In the state of demon possession, he immediately used the demon realm!

The attraction between the demonic extraordinary beasts immediately made the water demon octopus look at it a few more times.

However, it is clear that the water demon octopus is now only targeting the deep-sea demon octopus egg in the White Dragon King's dragon claw!

Jiang Jiang looked cold, and said in a deep voice: "Demon Gaze!" "

[Super Demon Gaze: Demon System First Hand Skill! ] Forcibly turn the opponent against yourself! Opponents can't avoid it!

And as Jiang Jiang launched his demonic gaze, the water demon octopus was really attracted!

Although the attributes of the demonic extraordinary beasts resisted each other, under the influence of the super-level skills, the water demon octopus still turned to attack Jiang Jiang angrily!

Jiang Jiang immediately swept backwards and flew away, and then the pet beast demon lord also lifted his possessed state and turned to face the water demon octopus!

"Good opportunity! Old horse!

Ma Bao naturally seized the moment: "I saw it!" Mountain Luan horse! Mountain trampling! "

[Super Step Mountain Treadling: Every trampling will be as heavy as a mountain! Can deal huge damage to opponents! The

mountain luan horse has been lifted from restraint and transformed into a huge horse hundreds of meters tall, with yellow-white stripes full of majesty!

Shan Luan's horse galloped behind the water demon octopus, the front body was raised high, and the two front hooves stepped down heavily!


The water demon octopus neighed in pain, and wrapped four octopus feet around the mountain luan horse!

For a time, the originally violent water demon octopus was immediately restrained!

Luo Xiang controlled the blue-backed goshawk to slide down at great speed and launch a final attack on the water demon octopus!

"Blue-backed goshawk! Use Ultra Vision! Use Death Dive again! "

[Advanced Ultravision: Improve concentration! Increase the chance of hitting your next skill! 】

【Super Death Swoop: Flying Super Skill! 】 Dive down from the sky at breakneck speed and inflict serious damage on your opponents with powerful impacts! (Skill hit rate is low!) Easy to self-harm! In

the past, Luo Xiang rarely used matching skills like this.

Because one careless can easily cause back injury to the blue-backed goshawk.

But now there are no scruples!

The Water Demon Octopus has already been restrained by the Demon Lord and the Mountain Luan Horse!

The blue-backed goshawk was the first to launch with super vision, and this time the death dive hit rate was almost 100%!

So in the eyes of everyone, the blue-backed goshawk swooped down at great speed and knocked the water demon octopus out with a heavy blow!

Even the blue-backed goshawk is sharp and still holding the water demon octopus with both claws, and pulls a deep ditch in the ground!

After this battle, the water demon octopus was deeply injured, fell to the ground and was weak, and the octopus's feet were broken several times.

"Go! Royal Beast Ball! Seeing

the situation, Jiang Jiang immediately threw a Demon Imperial Beast Ball towards the Water Demon Octopus!

The moment the Royal Beast Ball touched the Water Demon Octopus, it immediately took it in.

But obviously, it was still underestimated the water demon octopus's ability to resist, and after the imperial beast ball trembled violently for a while, the water demon octopus escaped again.

Jiang Jiang wrinkled his eyebrows and said loudly, "Demon Lord!" Use fear! "

The humanoid Demon Lord immediately unleashed a fear skill against that water demon octopus!

This time, Jiang Jiang threw out the Royal Beast Ball again and subdued it!

Very smooth!

Seeing that the water demon octopus was finally subdued, everyone was relieved.

The recall of their respective pet beasts also means that the elimination of extraordinary beasts in the South China Sea Sand Islands has finally been completed.

Ma Bao wiped his forehead and said, "It's really too difficult, if it weren't for the attention of this water demon octopus all on the White Dragon King, I'm afraid it wouldn't be so easy to subdue!"

Luo Xiang nodded slightly, just looking at this messy Zhongsha Island a little distressed, it is estimated that he will have to spend money to repair it.

Jiang Jiang weighed the imperial beast ball that had just subdued the water demon octopus a few times, and finally collected it into the imperial beast space ring.

The White Dragon King landed and was retracted by Gao Sheng Long in the imperial beast space, and Lin Ge was finally down-to-earth.

And the black egg finally appeared in front of everyone.

Ma Bao looked amazed: "Gee! No matter how you look at it, it feels strange, the egg of the Deep Sea Demon Chapter?!

Luo Xiang said: "It may have been born before the death of the Deep Sea Demon Seal, and was collected by the Water Demon Octopus to protect it in that mountain.

Gao Shenglong looked at the black egg membrane and said slightly analytically: "The small Abyssal Demon Seal inside has taken shape, and it is estimated that it will almost hatch out."

Lin Ge nodded: "There is still an incubation period of about a month, if you cultivate properly, the growth level should be higher." "

Now that you are still in the egg, there is already level ten, and feeding some demon or water system babies, and raising a few more levels is not a problem.

Jiang Jiang was more crisp and said, "Sell?"

Everyone looked at Lin Ge, after all, this Deep Sea Demon Seal Egg was discovered by Lin Ge first.

Lin Ge looked at this Deep Sea Demon Seal Egg, then shook his head and said: "Not for sale, I plan to stay and raise it, cultivate it from a young age, even if it is not contracted, it will be a reliable existence in the future."

Lin Ge looked at Ma Bao and said with a smile: "President Ma, it's okay to keep this thing in the Royal Beast Master Association, right?"

Ma Bao immediately understood what Lin Ge was paying attention to, and could only answer with his eyelids jumping: "No problem, no problem, just apply for breeding funds from the General Association, and Daxia is still very tolerant of this existence that has the potential to grow into an extraordinary protector of the country." "

The extraordinary beasts cultivated since childhood are still very easy to bring, just like raising children.

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