The meteorite fell from the sky, and it was like a burning fireball, with a pressing momentum, falling towards the abyss!

On one side is the sweeping wind and waves, and on the other side is a meteorite falling from the sky.

The abyss weighed the pros and cons slightly, and then raised his right hand to awaken the darkness buried under the rift.

Next second!

Only the sound of a heartbeat was heard, bursting from under the earth.

Then I saw that the earth seemed to come to life, and the ground was constantly undulating and shimmering, as if breathing.

Then, under the call of the abyss, the darkness hidden in the great underground gradually floated out along the rift valley and rushed towards the abyss.

But its speed is obviously not as fast as the meteorite falling!

Before the meteorite approached, a violent wind suddenly blew from the sky! Under this wind and wave, the abyss was constantly blown away by a steady stream of black particle-like mist, and at the same time, his body gradually bent under this pressing momentum.


A loud bang resounded in the sky! A huge dark red mushroom cloud rose from the sky, and the powerful shock wave caused smoke and dust to roll up in a radius of tens of miles! All the creatures in the vicinity did not withstand this heavenly meteorite, and finally their bodies turned into char on the spot in this impact!

As for Rowan, he was taken away by Wendy long before the meteorite landed.

"This is my battle, you are involved!"

Rowan, who was in the mode of solipsism in the sky, did not thank Wendy and Zhongli for their sudden move, but blamed them for not staying in a safe place, but came to help him.

Wendy smiled, he naturally knew what Rowan meant.

After these days of getting along, he has long understood that this extremely arrogant and unsightly person in front of him is actually exceptionally gentle.

"Brother Sun, don't you forget, there are five of us, but it's a group~

" "There should be no problem in helping each other in groups, right?"

"What's more, dealing with the abyss is not just your business."

Hearing this, Rowan looked down at Wendy, who was talking to himself, and then turned his head, but saw that not far away, Bai Yuekui was cooperating with Luo Xiaohei to break those tentacle lanterns that were directly inserted on the ground.

Then, Rowan turned his head and walked forward with heavy steps.

"Even so, I didn't allow you to mix in casually."

Saying that, Rowan clenched his fist with his right hand and slammed it on the ground in front of him!

Immediately after that, only to hear boom! With a bang! A crack suddenly appeared in the position where he fell, and he crawled towards the direction of the abyss at an extremely fast speed!

At the same time, in the crack, there is also a hot and dazzling orange-red light!

The vitality of the abyss is extremely tenacious, and it is simply more alive than Xiaoqiang, who cannot be killed.

Judging from the destructive power caused by the giant meteorite just now, it would definitely not solve him.

Just as Rowan expected, I saw the location where the meteorite fell, and a black mist returned to human form again under the dark envelope floating out of the rift.

It was just as soon as he returned to his human form that the crack that Rowan had smashed spread to his feet.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a pillar of fire several meters thick, with a scalding high temperature, which instantly gushed out from under the foot of the abyss!

However, Abyss stood in the pillar of fire, but like a nobody, he said to Rowan in a flat tone: "I, said, your strongest blow can't kill me, and you can't kill me."

As he spoke, Abyss stepped out of the pillar of fire unhurriedly, and the whole person was safe and sound, and not even a trace of flame was ignited on his body.

It was as if the pillar of fire hadn't attacked him at all.

But as soon as the abyss came out of the pillar of fire, Rowan stretched out his index finger to meet him, and hit the head of the abyss with wind and waves!

"Holy Gun Rowan!"

The fingers wrapped in thick fire, under Rowan's power, shot straight towards the abyss like a spear that could run through everything!

"Fire, it's time to extinguish, it's time."

The abyss opened its right hand, and the darkness continued to gather in his hand, condensing into an extremely cold black sun in the blink of an eye.

Immediately afterwards, the right hand of the abyss clenched, and the black sun was instantly compressed in his palm.

This was exactly the move Rowan used to deal with him earlier!

Next second! The abyss raised his fist and smashed into Rowan's attacking finger!

The two attacks collided with each other, and the impact generated instantly knocked the earth under them out of the giant pit!

The gloomy black sun was held in the hands of the abyss, and even the air around him condensed frost.

Rowan, on the other hand, is draped in a layer of blazing sun, dispelling all cold and darkness and raising the temperature around him to an unbearable level.

The two attacks were comparable for a while, and the abyss, aided by the darkness floating out of the rift valley, even had a faint tendency to push Rowan's finger back.

But at this moment, a wisp of breeze quietly floated over, adding a handful of wood to the flames and completely igniting the flames on Rowan's body!

With the help of this wind, the stalemate between the two was instantly broken! Rowan's attack pierced the arm of the abyss on the spot, and went straight to the head of the abyss with an unstoppable posture!

Fortunately, at the critical moment, the abyss condensed into a shield with the darkness floating out of the rift, which prevented the head from being penetrated.

But it was also shot out by Rowan's finger.

Before the abyss that flew out upside down landed, a huge rock suddenly rose up and pushed the abyss directly into the air!

In the air, Zhongli has been waiting for a long time.

Holding a rock spear and wearing a god costume, Zhong Li's eyes were slightly closed, waiting for the abyss to come, slowly opening his eyes, and the amber pupils of the ancient well without waves faintly reflected the appearance of the abyss at this moment.

Then, Zhong Li pulled out his gun and stood up, brandishing the rock gun in his hand with one arm, piercing the chest of the abyss!

Seeing this, Abyss did not dodge, but just watched the rock spear pierced his chest.


With the tip of the gun sinking into the chest of the abyss, the strong rock power on the rock gun is also continuously affecting the body of the abyss.

And where the tip of the gun pierced, there has also been a phenomenon of petrification.

But in the next second, Abyss suddenly raised his hand, held the head of the gun, and directly crushed it with force.

"It turns out that it is this, the structure."

The words fell, and the petrified body of the abyss was gradually expelled by it like a time reversal.

Immediately afterwards, in the face of Zhong Li's spear fired again, the abyss was also like Zhong Li, and the power of darkness condensed into a gun in his hand, looking in the direction of the tip of the gun, and stabbed it accurately.

The black spear and the rock spear collided with each other, and in just an instant, the rock spear that Zhong Li casually pinched out was shattered on the spot, turning into yellow sand and scattered all over the sky.

Seeing this situation, Zhong Li was not in a hurry, raised his right hand sideways to slap the head of the gun, and after turning the position of the spear attack, he stood up with his left hand and pointed it to the chest of the abyss, and then turned his palm into a fist, taking advantage of the momentum to punch!

Inch fist.

The abyss was hit by this sudden inch, lost its stagnant, and his body fell backwards, falling from a height on the spot.

And Zhongli also followed the wind and waves, dashingly falling downward.

It's still too hard to use in the air.

Nor can it manipulate the power of rocks contained in the earth.

With the power of the Demon God in his body at this time, I am afraid that it will be difficult to distinguish the victory from the abyss in the air.

Surrounded by the wind and waves, Zhongli smoothly fell from the sky to the ground.

But the abyss that fell downward did not respond to this, but just turned his body upside down, listening to the wind and waves whistling in his ears, and fell towards the rift valley that was still bubbling with black gas.

Zhong Li fell to the ground, looking at the location of the abyss falling, with his arms behind his back, making it impossible to guess what he was thinking.

Wendy, who had witnessed everything, looked at the rift cautiously, and said in a slightly surprised tone:

"If I'm not mistaken, he seems to be using your tricks just now."

Zhong Li nodded slightly: "That's right, the strength and accuracy are the same, but the spear is wrapped in cold darkness."

"That's strange, even Brother Sun's tricks were imitated by him."

Wendy supported her chin with her left hand, and after a little thought, gasped for her conjecture.

"Mo Fei, he's learning the tricks of all of us!!"

"It seems to be right, and we don't know what can kill him."

Zhong Li looked at Bai Yuekui and the two who were still breaking the lantern in the distance and cutting off the release of darkness, and said slowly.

"The only way now is to put an end to the abyss and continue to absorb the darkness in the hearts of others."

"Well, there is only one way, even if it is useless, at least it can weaken his strength, right?"

Wendy retracted her mind and was just about to call Rowan back when a violent vibration suddenly came from under her feet.

"Huh?? Why is it an earthquake again?? "

The tremor of this attack was stronger than any previous one, as if some earth-shattering giant beast was about to emerge from under the earth!

Next second!

I saw a black shadow suddenly jump out of the rift valley! Rush straight towards the nearest Rowan!

Although a minute had passed, Rowan had already broken away from the heavenly and earthly solipsism mode.

But in the sun mode in his heart, Rowan still has the strength that is not lost in the morning.

Facing the sudden attack of the black shadow, Rowan waved his big hand, immediately grabbed the head of the black shadow, and slammed it heavily on the ground!


"What is this?"

Rowan looked at the creature that was still struggling in his hand, and he was a little confused about what this thing was.

The head looks a bit like a beast, but it is very smooth, and even the fangs are black as blades.

There is also a body, similar to a strong man, but the limbs have claws and horses' hooves.

To say that man is not like man, and to say that beast is not like a beast.

It can only be said that it is a monster.

As Rowan's palm gradually became stronger, the monster quickly stopped struggling, and then was pinched on the spot and turned into a pool of pitch-black liquid.

At the same time, in all the rift valleys in the battlefield, a steady stream of monsters jumped out of it, attacking the creatures that existed around regardless of the enemy.

For a while, the scene was extremely chaotic.

Even Bai Yuekui and Luo Xiaohei, who were dealing with the lantern, also received a sudden attack from several monsters.

Fortunately, the two reacted in time, plus the shield that Zhongli attached to the two, so that they were not harmed.

"What's going on here?"

Bai Yuekui, who laboriously hacked the attacking monsters to death one by one with a knife, asked with a frown.

"I don't know, but I feel a lot of familiar breath inside them."

Luo Xiaohei couldn't figure it out either.

As a goblin, he has the ability to sense breath.

The breath of all the monsters that struck was like a layer of white paper, clearly exposed in front of him.

But the breath on these sudden monsters gave him a familiar feeling as if he had just seen.

Just as Luo Xiaohei was wondering what was going on, Bai Yuekui looked at the figure that began to struggle inside the lantern, and had a vague sense of foreboding.

"I hope I guessed wrong, otherwise I can only ..."

Bai Yuekui did not continue, but raised the Tang Dao, revealing the edge above.

On the other side of ————

, after solving one monster after another, Rowan's gaze suddenly skimmed towards the rift.

Next second! I saw a black mist suddenly gushing out from the rift valley.

"I want to thank you, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to adapt so quickly."

Walking out of the abyss and black mist, compared to the puppet-like appearance before, the abyss at this moment is more alive.

Then the abyss swept around, and finally his gaze gradually stopped on Rowan's body.

"When I solve you, I will slowly devour your world."

When the words fell, Abyss looked at Rowan who attacked in front of him, first raised his hand to disperse the blowing wind wave, and then released the black mist to devour the huge rock spear flying sideways.

Finally, in the face of Rowan's fist, the abyss opened his heart and let Rowan's fist smash on his body.

Then he didn't forget to mock:

"Oh, it's really weak."

"After leaving that form, you are really weak now."

Rowan's punch smashed into his body without pain, and the abyss only waved his hand casually, but knocked Rowan out on the spot.

Wendy flew to pick up Rowan, but the force of the abyss was too great, and even Wendy retreated several meters before stopping.

"Brother Sun, are you all right?"

Wendy looked at the blood spilling from the corner of Rowan's mouth and asked worriedly.

Rowan stretched out his finger to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then looked at the blood on his fingertip, recalling what the abyss said just now.

If you lose, will the blue star be swallowed by darkness.

"Let me down first."

Rowan said softly.

Looking at Zhong Li, who was confronting the abyss in the distance, Rowan took a deep breath and completely squeezed out the last bit of solar power in the dragon pattern golden armor.

Enter the second heavenly and universal solipsism mode.

And the dragon pattern dazzling gold armor also broke away from Rowan's body and fell to the ground.

Under the collision with the ground, the armor, which was already full of cracks, could no longer hold on, and it turned into fragments scattered all over the place, gradually losing its luster.

Next second!

He was using Zhongli's move to deal with Zhongli's abyss, only to feel a sudden wave of heat behind him.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Rowan like a fierce lion, raising his fist and smashing towards him!

The abyss was just about to withdraw, but Zhong Li could not let him get his wish!

The last punch falls! Even the space is distorted by the heat wave!

The abyss was also smashed to the ground by this punch!

But in the next second, several finger-sized holes appeared out of thin air on Rowan's arm!

The constant flow of blood coming out of the cave proves that this is not an illusion.

And the abyss that should have been smashed into the ground by Rowan came to Rowan at some point, and inserted his palm straight into Rowan's chest.

Rowan's heart was pierced on the spot!

It all happened so suddenly! Suddenly, even Wendy and Zhongli didn't react!

"I seem to have forgotten to say."

"Even if you enter this form again, it will still be weak."

"Look, won't I kill you easily."

"Even the world you want to guard, I can easily destroy."

Saying that, the abyss was about to withdraw his palm, but at this moment, Rowan suddenly stretched out his hand and held the abyss's arm.

The corners of his mouth spilled blood, but his voice was still thick.

"The world I guard?"

"Blue Star? No.

"Country? Nor is it "

"people? Again not.

"I tried to protect... Once longed to protect everything... But... I can't do it, it's my sin. So this time, I have to guard it.

As he spoke, Rowan raised his head, and flames ignited again in his deep eyes, and at the same time, even his hair turned into a roaring flame, and his body was covered in flames, like a sun god!

"And really because of this, this battle, you will definitely lose."

This is the pattern of burning life.

Heaven and the world, self-respect, the ultimate.

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