Suddenly! The figure disappeared into the clouds.

Rowan, who was originally observing the clouds, suddenly withdrew his gaze and glanced in front of him.


In a flash! A loud noise suddenly came, and before everyone could even see the attack, Rowan was shot out on the spot!

In less than half a second, Rowan, who flew out upside down, crashed into the peak! In an instant, a huge pit was knocked out of the mountain! There are also stones in the pothole, mixed with dirt, splashing around!

Fortunately, Zhongli reacted in time and mobilized the power of the rock to add a layer of shield to Rowan, so that he did not suffer any damage.

However, after the destruction of invisible attacks, dense holes were born on the shield, and spiderweb-like cracks continued to spread around.

Before Rowan could get up, the attack came again, and a wave of qi went straight to Rowan's forehead!


"This kind of trick played by children, it is enough to use it once."

Rowan split the tomahawk, only to see the axe flash of light, and the incoming attack was split by him accurately.

The qi wave that was split in two streaked through Rowan's hair and fell on the hillside, and its powerful power instantly completely penetrated the mountain!

"Such extreme malice, should I call you the Abyss, or what?"

Although he asked Xiang Heiyi, Rowan did not look at him, but looked at the dull luster on the tomahawk in his hand, and chose to take it back.

The black shadow standing in front of Rowan at this time was not so much an abyss as a collection of extreme malice.

It is composed of the darkness in the hearts of countless contestants, plus the black qi buried deep underground, and the mad will of the abyss before he dies.

It can be described as the most chaotic black in the world.

"Give up your weapons and you will die too."

The abyss spat out a hoarse and chaotic voice with an icy coldness.

"Oh? Did you make a mistake about something.

"I just don't want your blood to stain the Axe Rhitta."

Rowan's eyes wandered into the abyss, and the hot sun magic continued to gather in the palm of his raised right hand.

In this way, in front of the abyss, a small sun with great power condensed, completely not putting the abyss in his eyes at the moment.

The words fell, and the abyss no longer spoke, but raised his palm.

Next second! The air was twisted by an invisible force, constantly putting pressure on Rowan!

And the already broken shield on Rowan's body shattered on the spot!

However, at this moment, a fierce wind accompanied by the sound of the piano drifted towards the abyss.

The wind howled through the mountains and forests, smoothing it out in an instant!

Seeing this, Abyss raised his other hand and aimed it in the direction of the howling wind.

In an instant, the fierce wind that was originally like a wild beast became weaker and weaker, and even when it reached the abyss, it only blew the grass on the ground to the ground.

But the abyss was also distracted, resulting in the failure to involve Rowan in turbulence in the first place.

Seeing this, Rowan immediately closed his palm and compressed the small sun that condensed huge magic power in his palm!

Immediately after, Rowan punched out! The fist with the hot white glow instantly smashed into the abyss!


The white mangs generated by the explosion suddenly wrapped the entire mountain!

The boundless wave of air blew around, rolling up a puff of smoke!

After the white glow dispersed, the originally high mountain peak was completely annihilated in the explosion at this moment!

However, the abyss, which was hit by such a powerful punch, appeared intact in front of Rowan after the smoke and dust dispersed.

"You are, you can't kill, mine."

"Your strongest blow, used it, I, will not die."

The sound of the abyss is full of chaos and makes people extremely uncomfortable to listen to.

But Rowan didn't care at all, but slowly withdrew his fist and looked down at the abyss in front of him.

"The strongest blow? When did I say that I used the strongest blow? The

words fell, and I saw a dazzling golden light suddenly burst out from Rowan's body.

After the golden light dissipated, the dragon pattern dazzling golden armor placed in the system appeared on Rowan's body.

Immediately afterwards, under Rowan's mobilization, the power of the sun hidden in the dragon pattern dazzling golden armor erupted like a volcano!

Its radiant light resembles the real sun, making it impossible for darkness to come near Rowan's surroundings again.

At this moment, driven by the power of the sun, Rowan has officially entered the noon hour.

Heaven and the world are self-respecting!


Rowan spat out the two words without emotion, and then turned his left hand into a knife and slashed towards the abyss in front of him.

The flames contained in his fingertips, even the places they crossed, ignited a raging fire out of thin air.

Even if the space here has long become distorted under the power of the abyss.

But the flames on Rowan's body were not affected in any way, but cut the distorted space on the spot!

In the face of Rowan's menacing attack, it was clear that the speed of the fall of the hand knife was extremely slow in his eyes, but for some reason, a sentence suddenly appeared in the heart of the abyss.

Can't dodge.

"Then, don't hide."

The abyss mobilized the darkness around him, condensing a veil-like shield in front of him, and at the same time raised his right hand, his fingers shrunk slightly, and an invisible momentum suddenly spread at his fingertips.

Then, the finger popped out, and the layers of darkness were released by him, and the momentum attacked Rowan.

Next second.

The shield formed by darkness was easily broken by Rowan and fell towards the abyss with unstoppable might.

However, the attack of the abyss also followed, colliding with Rowan's falling hand knife on the spot!

The flames collided with the darkness again, making a violent sound.

But the darkness released by the abyss was obviously no match for Rowan in the form of solipsism in the sky and the world at this moment.

The two attacks collided with each other, and in just an instant, the darkness clearly had a tendency to dissipate.


The darkness has completely dispersed! Rowan's hand knife also slashed directly at the body of the abyss!

Like cutting tofu with a kitchen knife, Rowan's attack easily sliced through the body of the abyss.

But the abyss is like a fog.

As soon as the attack cut his body, it regained in the next second.

Immediately afterwards, the abyss clenched his fist in his right hand and slammed into Rowan's face!

However, Rowan, who ate a punch into the abyss, did not move, and he couldn't even see a single scar on his face.

On the other hand, looking at the abyss, the fist that hit Rowan was stained with raging fire.

It's just that after the abyss withdrew his hand, the raging fire attached to the fist gradually extinguished.

No, it is not so much extinguished as absorbed by the abyss.

"It turns out, it is, this, construction."

Abyss clenched his fists, looked at the traces left by the flames on his fists, and said something incomprehensible.

Rowan, on the other hand, didn't care what the abyss said, and immediately withdrew the remaining four fingers of his left hand, leaving only his index finger with all-encompassing power, stabbing towards the abyss.

"Holy gun."

But when the attack fell on the abyss, the abyss was burst like a balloon, turning into fog and scattering on the spot.

"Yours, attack, I have seen through, give up, right."

The abyss resolidified into entities and fell behind Rowan, speaking intermittently like a person who had just learned to speak.

Then he raised his hand and released black flames, which hit Rowan like a rolling wave.

But at this moment, a wind and wave swept silently, and the wave of flames released by the abyss was instantly dispersed with just one face!

"Again, wind."

"Hehe, it's not just the wind~"

A voice full of youthful and active voices came from the wind.

Then I saw that the sky suddenly rose and clouded, white clouds like mutton fat and beautiful jade, rolling violently, constantly turning into various shapes, gathering and dispersing.

The atmosphere of the entire space is becoming more and more depressing.

Suddenly! The clouds in the sky were completely torn open in a large hole. A thick flame fell from the distant void through the white clouds in the sky, towards this side.

The flames grew bigger and bigger, it rolled violently, and suddenly there was a terrifying roar in the air.

That was....


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