"What kind of monsters are these guys, didn't he tell me that these humans are easy to solve!"

The fool who died again, after being resurrected from the flower, lay weakly on the ground, his face was pale, and some silvery-white liquid oozed from his back.

But strangely, this time in resurrection, his legs turned into rhizome-like branches, stuck in the soil.

"Is it used too many times in a row? This time it wasn't completely resurrected..." Crazy

looked at his legs and let out a delicate gasp.

His resurrection came at a price.

The continuous resurrection caused his soul to be damaged again, and the liquid oozing from his back turned into the legs of the root, which meant that his soul was about to be unable to hold on.

"I must get the sheep totem as soon as possible, only in this way can I live."

When the words fell, Idiot stretched out his hands, tightly grabbed his legs that had been inserted into the soil, and looked fierce and wanted to pull his legs out of the soil.

But no matter how hard he tried, his legs were stuck in the soil without moving, as if his legs were connected to the earth.

Realizing that he was doing this in vain, he threw his body back, collapsed to the ground, put his arms on the ground weakly, gasped heavily, looked up at the moon that did not belong to this world through the layers of darkness, and waited for death to come.

"I didn't expect that if I finally survived, I would end up waiting for death."

"Moon, if only you had been there."

"If you are there, I will not be killed by Him until my soul is broken, and I will have to accept His slavery."

"Moon, I miss you so much..."

the idiot whispered, putting his hands on his chest and slowly closing his eyes.

I don't know what came to mind, a tear crossed the corner of his eye, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

His name is delusion, which means delusional thinking, taking delusion as reality.

I don't know how long it took, when his consciousness fell into a trance, he suddenly heard a sound of light footsteps.

Footsteps from far to near.

Immediately afterwards, Crazy heard the familiar voice that he missed so much.

"I really can't appreciate your art, so only you like these flowers."

Saying that, the man lowered his body, reached out and put his hand on his forehead, and an invisible fluctuation spread outward from his palm.

"It seems that the soul is seriously damaged, and I can't let you die for the time being."

The man got up and took out a silvery-white leaf from his arms.

Crushing it in his hand, the man lifted his head and opened his chin and poured all the broken leaves into his mouth.

After a while, the idiot, whose consciousness had fallen into darkness, suddenly coughed twice and slowly opened his eyes.

“... Month? Is that you?

"No, it seems that your soul has not fully recovered, and you still can't tell the difference between delusion and reality."

Hearing the man say this, he smiled brightly: "It is precisely because there is a moon in the void that I am willing to sink into the boundary between delusion and reality all the time, and I can't tell where is delusion and where is reality." "

As you wish." The man replied indifferently, and then took out a pitch-black compass from his arms and placed it on his chest, without any emotion in his tone.

"He commands you to cooperate with me to release the darkness that oppresses the darkness beneath the battlefield and drive away the tigers."

"His command..." he murmured softly, touching the compass on his chest, "Also, the best way to deal with those monsters is to drive away the wolves." On

the other side of ————

, after confirming that the idiot was no longer resurrected, Rowan took Wendy and returned to where everyone was.

Heita, which originally made the earth tremble, has now turned into a stone statue and stands on the earth.

The silent roaring motion, the raised claw blade, and the waving tail end represent its anger during its lifetime.

Zhong Li stood in front of Heituo, staring at the appearance in front of Heituo, and sighed slightly:

"Although you are not him, you do make me feel his breath."

"Goodbye, my old friend."

The words fell, and some small cracks suddenly appeared on the body of Heituo, who turned into a sculpture.

Immediately afterwards, the rift spread outward, covering the entire body of Hetuo at an extremely fast speed like a spider's web.

Next second.

Only hear boom! With a bang, the petrified black tuo collapsed with a bang, turned into many stones of different sizes, and fell to the ground, stirring up a burst of dust.

Watching an old friend leave is exhausting.

But Zhong Li, who has lived for thousands of years, can be sorted out by the word exhaustion after witnessing the departure.

Perhaps, this is also one of the wear and tear.

When Heituo's body was completely shattered, a golden light emerged from it, and at the same time, a crisp and loud sheep cry was reflected in the ears of everyone in the battlefield.


With the sound transmitted, everyone on the battlefield only felt that their bodies were suddenly much lighter, and the feeling of dizziness brought about by the blooming of the flowers completely disappeared.

After the sheep totem makes a cry, it will disappear into the earth and disappear from there.

But at this moment, a huge force suddenly came from its head.

"Oh roar, where are you fleeing? Little sheep~"

The sheep totem looked stunned, and before it could react, it was tightly held by Rowan on his forehead and forced out of the ground.

"Meh..." for

a second....

Two seconds....

Three seconds....

The sheep totem then came back to his senses and began to struggle hard, bleating sounded one after another, and strange fluctuations emanated from it, affecting Rowan.

However, when the fluctuations passed through Rowan's body, not only did he not feel uncomfortable, but he even had a cool feeling that his soul was being washed.

But at this moment, the sheep totem in the struggle suddenly turned into a golden light, poured into Luo Wen's body, like water droplets falling into a river, igniting faint fluctuations, and disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, Rowan discovered that the world around him turned black and white.

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