No, it's

not so much that the world has changed to black and white.

Rather, the whole world stopped working and fell into a state of stasis.

Rowan reached out and touched the static smoke beside him, the originally invisible smoke, but at this moment, like cotton, was easily held in his hand.

Under the light of the fire, the dust particles in it are clearly visible.

"A peculiar phenomenon, is Mianyang a ghost?"

In the face of the sudden phenomenon, Rowan did not panic, or rather, he was not interested in it at all, so why panic.

At this moment, a tall person wearing a golden-white cloak, unable to see his face clearly, unable to distinguish gender, and unable to follow his footsteps, gradually walked into Rowan's sight.

"The sheep represent the soul, and the soul is the essence of a person."

"It enters your body and makes your essence beyond this world, so that the world will become black and white in your eyes."

While speaking, the mysterious man did not know when, he had already walked in front of Rowan, raised his hands to put his fingers together, and held it in his palm.

"Introduce yourself, I am the embodiment of the balance of the world."

Although the mysterious man revealed the unknown from beginning to end, Rowan's eyes did not move in the slightest, and he was still a rambling that was not interested in anything.

"Oh? The embodiment of balance? So what should I call you?

"I am an avatar, nameless and nameless, if you want to be called, just call me balanced." The mysterious man said in a flat tone, and then separated his fingers together and spread them on both sides, and a black and white two-color ball appeared on his palms.

Combined with his tall figure, the whole is like a humanoid balance.

"The gods started this game, but the existence of you and your companions upset the balance of this world and tilted the scales."

As he speaks, Balance drops the white end down a section and the black end up a segment.

"If the balance of the world cannot be reversed at all, the world will fall into absolute chaos, which the gods do not want to see."

"So, let's make a choice."

When the words fell, the white end of the balance transformed into a gate, while the black end transformed into a blood-stained knife.

"It is to choose to take the initiative to leave here and save your life."

"Or choose to stay here and wait for death."

The balanced voice has no emotional fluctuations, but there is an attitude in the words that cannot be refused.

Hearing the balanced words, Rowan did not make a choice, but laughed.

"Choice? Are you asking me, as the sun, to make choices for your mistakes? Saying

that, Rowan looked down at the balance, obviously without any unusual movements, but made the balance obviously feel contempt.

"If the balance of the world collapses, the world will fall into chaos, the whole world will step by step into destruction, and all living beings will usher in the end of life."

"Even so, don't you want to quit?"

In the face of the moral kidnapping of balancing the moral high ground, Rowan said four big words lightly.

"What do you have to do with me?"

As soon as these words came out, the balance hands could not stop trembling, and the balance that had been stable collapsed at this moment!

"If the gods themselves were in charge of the chessboard, you and your companions would cease to exist, and even then, would you be obstinate on doing so!"

It seemed that Rowan's attitude towards his disregard for life was too angry, and the balanced voice fluctuated significantly.

Hearing this, Rowan slowly raised his hand, his right fist was clenched, and his fist was like holding a blazing sun, and a dazzling light revealed from the gap, shining into this black and white world, illuminating Rowan Gaolong's body.

"Hahaha, didn't I say that the only one who can make Uncle Ben make a choice is Uncle Ben and me."

Saying that, in the eyes of balance and disbelief, Rowan's raised right fist slammed down!

A punch containing the blazing sun smashed on the balance, and the hot light instantly covered his entire figure!

Just listen to the bang! With a sound, along with his balanced body, Rowan smashed his fist to the ground!

"If the balance of the world just collapses, it will lead to the death of living beings, then this world is inevitably too fragile."


Suddenly, a faint breeze blew in Rowan's ears.

The black and white world gradually returned to its original rich colors, dust fluttered in the wind, and dirt splashed out.


The world regained its flow, and a giant pit was born from under Rowan's fist, accompanied by a sound.

Luo Wen straightened up with his fists and looked at the empty giant pit, and Luo Xiaohei's childish inquiry suddenly came from his ears.

"Rowan! What happened? Luo

Xiaohei, who was holding the tree seed, rushed to Luo Wen's side and looked at the huge pit he smashed out of suspiciously.

"Did an enemy just come?"

In the face of Luo Xiaohei's inquiry again, Luo Wen's personality did not explain much, but said lightly:

"No, there is only a mosquito that disturbs people's tranquility."

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