"Boss, the Dragon Kingdom player is there, shall we do it?"

On the plain, Kelvin Susan, who was attracted by the sound of explosions, pointed precisely to the location of Rowan's people through the layers of darkness.

After thinking for a moment, Locke Nalori nodded: "Several people from the Dragon Kingdom have just experienced a difficult battle, and now is a good time to start.

Then Locke waved his big hand, took out the long sword at his waist, and plunged it into the ground and looked ahead: "Inform the Rottweilers that it's time to use his power."


Then Kelvin spread his wings behind his back and rushed towards the position of the Rottwiners.

After entering the Dark Night Battlefield, everyone's vision was restricted to a certain extent except her.

So they originally planned to divide the army into two ways.

Locke takes Kelvin to find the most dangerous opponent in this battlefield, the Dragon Kingdom contestant.

The other three kill monsters nearby to earn a certain number of points that can be used to stabilize the ranking.

But the unexpected came suddenly.

The sea of flowers and the arrival of Heituo not only quickly eliminated the competitors of the rest of the countries, but also made the points of the Dragon Kingdom reach an unrivaled height.

Therefore, they can only change their original plan and use the dark power hidden in Rottweiler's body in advance to counter the strongest player in the dragon country.

Next, as long as the four of them combine their strength and eliminate the weakest Luo Xiaohei and Bai Yuekui, they can form a situation that can be broken one by one.

Time passes minute by minute.

It didn't take long for Kelvin to bring a few Rottwiners to Locke's side.

"Captain! Isn't it time to do it! I can't hold back my heart to do it!

Wyatt swung his paws twice into the air, like a bloodthirsty beast, clenched its teeth, and then crawled on the ground.

It seems that as long as Locke attacks, he will not hesitate to rush in the direction Locke is pointing.

"Wyatt, can you suppress your bestial desire, do you know that we are being broadcast live now! Your ugly appearance will make outsiders think that the people of Eagle Country are a bunch of beasts.

Baker glanced at Whitet to draw his attention.

"Oh, hypocrite, you don't look much better than me when you move your hands." Wyatt shot back disdainfully.

Locke didn't care about the two, but looked back at the Rovina, who was standing at the end of the line, wearing a hood.

"Rowan depends on you."

Rottliner nodded and did not speak aloud.

It's just that the eyes hidden in the hood are gradually filled with blood, like the eyes of a demon, constantly switching between calm and cold killing intent.

Then, Locke turned around, pulled out the long sword stuck in the ground, and pointed forward.



When the words fell, Wyatt instantly beasted, passing past Locke like a gust of wind, straight to the direction pointed by the tip of the sword.

At the same time, Baker also transformed into a lava giant again, breaking a boulder from his body that was still flowing hot lava, and throwing it into the distance.

"I know." Seeing the reckless operation of the two, Kelvin sighed.

"Nothing, with the strength of those people in the Dragon Kingdom, the sneak attack will definitely be discovered, it is better to be reckless and directly hit the yellow dragon."

Saying that, Locke carried a long sword and led Kelvin and Rottweiler, like arrows, shooting out on the plain!


The boulder thrown by Baker also came to the sight of Rowan and several people.

"It seems that there are bugs coming again."

Rowan looked at the boulder nearby, slowly opened his right hand, and the hot sun magic instantly gathered in his palm, condensing into a magic ball no more than the size of a peanut.

Immediately after Rowan casually threw it upward, the magic ball rushed straight towards the boulder like a rocket, and there were several sounds of breaking the air in a row.

In an instant, it hit the boulder.


The magic ball instantly penetrated the boulder, and the dense cracks spread out at an extremely fast speed from the penetration, and at the same time emitted a dazzling red glow.

The next second, only to hear boom! With a bang, the boulder exploded from it.

Only the stones with flames remained, like fireworks, smashing irregularly into the surroundings.

Suddenly! Waiat, who turned into a behemoth, burrowed out between the gaps where the stones fell, opened his fangs and pounced on Rowan.

"Let me taste you!"


Rowan tilted his head and muttered the doubts in his heart, but the fist in his hand was not slow at all, and it had already slammed into Wyatt's body.


Wyatt, who was smashed overhead by Rowan's punch, immediately flew back upside down at the same faster speed.

"It's so weak."

Rowan, who couldn't mention the desire to fight at all, even if he watched Wyatt fly upside down and fall to the ground, he didn't choose to chase after the victory.

At this moment, a black mist suddenly emerged from Rowan's shadow and quickly wrapped around Rowan's arms.

"You're right, he's really weak."

As he spoke, the black mist turned into chains and tightly locked the joints on Rowan's arms, and then reformed into human form and stood in the open space behind Rowan.

"Introduce yourself, my name is Rottweila Carlomell, a Eagle Country competitor, responsible for pestering you."

"Oh? Entangle me? Just by these fragile chains of yours?

Rowan's body shook, and the chains wrapped around him shattered instantly.

And Rottweiler, who was standing behind Rowan, suddenly flashed a picture in his mind, so that he had to quickly turn into black fog and leave the place.

It wasn't until he was separated from Rowan by three positions that Rottwiner returned to his human form, pale and half kneeling on the ground, panting heavily.

What exactly was going on just now?!

Obviously, Rowan just shattered the chain just now, why do I feel dead?!

Rottwiner recalled the image of his head shattering and falling to the ground and dying that flashed in his mind just now, and suddenly felt like the aftermath of the disaster.

"How? Aren't you trying to pester me? If I'm scared like this, it won't be able to entangle me.

Rowan tilted his head slightly, looking at Rottweiler with contempt, his tone was full of casualness, he didn't put Rottweiler in his eyes at all.

Rottweiler, who was well aware of the gap in strength, stood up on his knees after hearing Rowan's words, and some involuntary self-doubt rose.

Can he really hold Rowan back?

Even if he used that power, I am afraid that in front of Rowan, he would be like a mote facing the sun, extremely weak.

Next, what should he do....

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