Chapter 543: I’m not a fool

At Yaochi, the flat peach event is still going on.

The cultivation base has soared to about 24,000 years, Lou Hang can clearly feel his current power, the realm of Taiyi True Immortal, this power is indeed strong enough!

However, the main thing is that Flat Peach has increased his strength for about 15,000 years.

In a short period of time, the increase in strength has been too strong, so Lou Hang understands that he should still consolidate his own cultivation!

Otherwise, even if you have the cultivation base of Taiyi True Immortal Realm, it will be difficult for you to fully exert your Taiyi True Immortal’s strength!


However, just when Lou Hang secretly figured out how to consolidate his own cultivation level next.

Suddenly, Lou Hang’s heart moved slightly, and he looked into the distance!

In the direction of Huaguo Mountain, Lou Hang can clearly feel the breath of Son Goku, and it skyrocketed!

There is even a huge tower across the sky and the earth!

“That huge tower, why do you look so familiar?” Lou Hang muttered in his heart secretly looking at the huge tower that traverses between the sky and the earth in the distance!

Li Jing “Why did he do it with Son Goku?”

Lou Hang is only Taiyi True Immortal who can perceive the situation on Huaguo Mountain.Naturally, the Queen Mother of the Quasi-Saint Realm can feel the situation there even more, and said with a strange color on her face!

“Are Big Brother and Li Jing doing it?” Lou Hang’s heart moved slightly after hearing this!

Although based on the situation in the original book, Lou Hang still believes that Son Goku can deal with Li Jing.

However, at this flat peach event, I also got all the benefits I deserved. Taking this opportunity, I just can leave!

“Niangniang, there was an accident on Huaguoshan, the minister has resigned, thank you Niangniang for her hospitality!”

Lou Hang stood up and said to the Queen Mother!

“Well, Ai Qing, let’s go!” After hearing this, the Queen Mother did not intend to keep Lou Hang, nodded and said!

Immediately, Lou Hang said goodbye to the other fairies at the Pantao Festival!

He lifted his hand to open the magic portal, a portal composed of countless small sparks, just like this linking Yaochi and Huaguoshan.

Lou Hang stepped forward and returned to Huaguo Mountain!

“What kind of magical power is this!”

“Can you actually connect two different places in an instant?”

“This Lou Hang, although the cultivation base is not high, but this method is amazing!”

It’s no wonder that “the Queen Mother and Your Majesty the Jade Emperor can look at him differently!”

The immortal officials and generals at the Pantao event next to Lou Hang showed some excellent looks on their faces as they watched Lou Hang’s trick of leaving the magic portal.

At the same time, I muttered secretly in my heart!

Not to mention the situation on the flat peach event.

After crossing the magic portal, Lou Hang followed to Huaguo Mountain!

When I arrived at Huaguo Mountain, I naturally saw the huge exquisite pagoda!

Even his own magic weapon has been revealed? It can be seen that this Li Jing can be regarded as a real move!

Look at Son Goku again? At this time, he seemed to be serious, and the magical powers of the heavens and the earth were displayed.

Then, the golden cudgel in his hand was raised, turning into an optimistic pillar and smashing down towards Li Jing’s exquisite pagoda!

Boom boom boom!

It was like the sound of Mu Guchen bell, under the constant smashing of Son Goku, Li Jing’s exquisite pagoda was smashed back and forth!

In the end, Inverted Fei returned to Li Jing’s hands!

Looking down at the Linglong pagoda in his hand, there were some cracks on it, which made Li Jing’s heart shocked, angry and distressed!

“Son Goku, look at my magic weapon!” Li Jing shouted to Son Goku!

“Damage your magic weapon? My grandson still wants to destroy your magic weapon!” Son Goku’s form of heaven and earth, like an ancient magic ape, waved the golden cudgel in his hand and grinned, revealing a white mouth. tooth!

“Brother Xian, are you back? Didn’t you go to the flat peach feast at Yaochi?”

As Lou Hang returned, Son Goku felt his breath and greeted Lou Hang condescendingly!

“I heard the Queen Mother said that something happened here, so I just came over and have a look!” Lou Hang said, greeted Son Goku!

“Lou Hang is back? Did the Queen Mother also know what happened here!?” Li Jing’s heart sank a lot when he heard the greeting between Son Goku and Lou Hang!

I just lied to Son Goku under the guise of the Queen Mother!

If Son Goku is really wrong, everything will be fine!

However, if you haven’t lied to Son Goku, what you said before is really investigated, and you won’t have any good results!

After all, everyone can see that the Jade Emperor attaches great importance to Lou Hang!

…For flowers…

“Li Uranus, for no reason, why did you and my brother start?”

Not to mention what kind of thoughts Li Jing’s heart is at this moment, Lou Hang’s gaze fell on Li Jing’s body, and at the same time he opened his mouth and asked him!

“Star Officer Lou Hang, congratulations on your cultivation level, you have broken through to the Taiyi realm…

Li Jing looked at Lou Hang and found that his cultivation level had actually reached the level of Taiyi True Immortal, and a strange expression appeared on his face. At the same time, he opened his mouth to congratulate!

Thank you “Li Uranus!” Lou Hang nodded and said without being rude!

Immediately, he still looked at Li Jing with a searching gaze, and he didn’t mean to be fooled by him!

“This Uranus just made a joke with Son Goku. I didn’t expect that his temper is so straightforward. It’s just a joke that he can’t stand it. So, let me learn from it!” Li Jing replied, somewhat vague. Words!


“Okay, Lao Li, don’t talk so much nonsense, go ahead and do it!”

Son Goku looked a little impatient and shouted to Li Jing!

Fighting is on the rise, suddenly, stop to chat? Son Goku thinks this is a bit too troublesome!

Let’s do it first and then fight for a while!

This old Li’s strength is indeed good, and if he fights with him, it is indeed very interesting!

“Shut up!” It’s just that, after listening to Son Goku’s words, Lou Hang grumbled at Son Goku’s side angrily!

Son Goku, who was berated by Lou Hang, opened his mouth and dared not say anything!

Although he is the eldest brother, sometimes, the identities of the two brothers seem to be reversed!

Smart is Lou Hang is smarter, and his cards are more powerful.

Of course, it seems that Lou Hang takes care of Son Goku more in terms of taking care of each other.

“Worship brother? So, Son Goku, the eldest brother, is not like a elder brother at all!”

Seeing Lou Hang’s scolding, which made Son Goku obediently silenced, Li Jing muttered secretly in her heart!

“This big brother, hey, is this being tricked by others? Where is the important thing in fighting?”

Looking at the appearance of Son Goku, Lou Hang felt a little hate that iron could not become steel, and shook his head secretly!

Immediately, he looked at Li Jing and said, “Did you just kidding? So, what was the joke you just made? Li Uranus, can you tell me more specifically?” Next,

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