Chapter 544: Haki’s Lou Hang, the domineering golden cut

Lou Hang’s gaze, staring at Li Jing seriously!

Just kidding, let Son Goku do it directly!?

Although Lou Hang could tell, Son Goku really wanted to do it himself.

However, if this joke is not excessive, Son Goku will not seize this opportunity to do it on him!

Being stared at by Lou Hang with a questioning look, Li Jing sighed silently in her heart!

If you can tell this matter, it’s your own fault.

Moreover, Lou Hang does not look as good as Son Goku!

“Why? Is there anything I can’t say about this? Didn’t Uranus say that this is just a joke?”

Seeing Li Jing’s speechless appearance, Lou Hang only felt that the thoughts in his heart had been confirmed at this moment, and said to Li Jing.

“My virtuous brother, “Seven Three Zero” said at the time that Lao Li…

At this moment, Son Goku next to him suddenly spoke and said to Lou Hang!

“Let Li Uranus say by himself: “It’s just that, before Son Goku finished speaking, Lou Hang interrupted him and continued to look at Li Jing!

“Lou Hang, Ben Uranus said it, just a joke!

His face sank slightly, Li Jing spoke to Lou Hang!

“Since it’s just a joke, is there anything I can’t say?” Lou Hang still asks the bottom line!

Since you were the one who caused the trouble first, don’t blame me for giving you no face!

It’s for this reason, but you want to pass the vaguely foolishly?

Lou Hang doesn’t agree!

“Well, this Uranus still has a lot of important military equipment to deal with, so I won’t accompany you to waste time here!

Li Jing suddenly spoke at this moment, the voice fell, and he turned around and was about to leave!

This is wanting to pass!


However, just when Li Jing turned around and was about to leave, suddenly, two dragons roared.

At the same time, two golden flood dragons crossed over, blocking the way Li Jing was about to leave!

Lou Hang’s expression has also become a lot more solemn, staring at Li Jing earnestly, and said: “Li Uranus, it’s not that I don’t give you face, but that if you don’t say things clearly today, you don’t want to leave today! ”

Golden Jiao cut!

Looking at the two golden dragons in front of him, Li Jing took a breath!

Lou Hang cut out the golden Jiao directly.

Obviously, this is true.

Of course, Li Jing is very clear about the horror of Jin Jiao’s cut!

“Lou Hang, what do you want to do?” Seeing Lou Hang cut out Jin Jiao, Li Jing was shocked, hated and angry, and shouted at Lou Hang!

“Hugh is so nonsense, let me say it again, what was your so-called joke just now? If you don’t say anything, don’t blame me for being polite!”

Lou Hang spoke and said to Li Jing.

These words can be described as extremely domineering!

“Lou Hang, you have to figure it out. This Uranus is a second-ranked god general. You are just a mere fifth-rank. You are the following

Li Jing opened his mouth and shouted at Lou Hang, but he didn’t mean to be scared by him!

The heart moved at will, and the two golden dragons in the air crossed towards Li Jing!

I have already given the final letter, so let him stop talking nonsense.

But he still wants to talk about the nonsense of the following crimes, what is the difference between the second and fifth ranks!

Then just do it yourself!

I didn’t expect Lou Hang to be so cruel, he said he would do it.

Seeing the two golden dragons crossing towards him, Li Jing was shocked, feeling that his souls were coming out.

After that, he immediately put his exquisite pagoda in front of him to resist the attack of the golden Jiao Shear!


Two golden dragons crossed by!

Immediately afterwards, in the shocking eyes of Son Goku, Li Jing’s exquisite pagoda was cut directly and split into two!

“Is this golden hinged shears so powerful!?” Seeing that the exquisite pagoda was cut by the golden hinged shears, Son Goku beside him took a breath!

Although I already knew that Jin Jiao cuts really well, after all, Lou Hang has shown it before!

But, cutting those mountains, and cutting the exquisite pagoda in front of me, can it give people the same feeling?

As for the mountains, as long as you want, you can smash them at any time!

However, the Linglong pagoda in front of me, I have smashed my golden cudgel many times before, and I can’t break it.

But Lou Hang’s golden hinge cut, cut it all at once?

Doesn’t this mean that his golden hinges are much better than his golden rods?

“I promoted, Li Jing, and Son Goku started!”

“Just kidding? It’s kidding, but it forced Son Goku to show the golden hoop to start his hands? There is only one truth, this so-called joke must be very excessive!

“Upstairs, do you still use this? Visually, these five or six arms are not from the same corpse? Isn’t this nonsense?”

“Brother Hang is forcing Li Uranus, Haki, my brother is actually forcing Li Uranus!

“Li Uranus has been reluctant to tell what happened just now. It can be seen that the so-called joke in his mouth is indeed very excessive!”

“The more Li Uranus refused to say it, the more he proved it!”

“He, did he leave directly? He wants to run!!

“Damn, my Hang brother actually showed that Jin Jiao had cut it directly, not letting Li Jing leave!”

“What is Haki? This is called Haki!”

“What if I’m just a fifth-rank star officer? For a dignified second-rank god general, my Hang brother also said to do it!”

“It’s actual combat. This is the first actual combat since my Hang Ge got the Golden Jiao Clipper, right? I don’t know, how much effect it can play!”

“Looking at the fight between Li Uranus and Son Goku just now, the weapons of both sides did not have much damage. It seems that Li Jing’s pagoda can be regarded as a weapon of similar quality!”

“So? My Hang Ge’s gold is more cut, and the quality of the weapons should not be worse than their weapons, right?”

3.2 “Damn, Haki, my Hang brother is indeed Haki, so I can just say it!”

“Wait, what did I see?” “The golden hinge cuts off Li Jing’s exquisite pagoda in one fell swoop!?”

“Damn, this, this golden hinge shear, is it too powerful?”

“Who is that? That is Torta Uranus Li Jing, a dignified second-tier god general. His exquisite pagoda is even a very famous treasure. Was cut off in one fell swoop?”

“Underestimated, we all underestimated the power of this golden hinge!”

“So, isn’t it worthy of being a treasure bestowed by the Jade Emperor himself? These golden hinges are simply invincible!”

“My hero Haki, the jade emperor’s size and courage are indeed admirable!”

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