National Highway Survival, I Have A Small Map System

330. Faster Speed, Happy Slime (Ask For A Monthly Pass At The Beginning Of The Month!)

'The second round of defense after 30 minutes??

'That is to say, the challenge time...has advanced?

Lin Nan was slightly taken aback,

Although he didn't pay attention to how long it took Angela to kill 100 dark Lin Nans just now, but Lin Nan is sure that it will definitely not exceed 5 minutes~minutes.

Even including the time for the black lightning to mutate when the first wave of the Sky Island Defense Battle started, it is absolutely impossible to exceed 10 minutes!

That is to say,

The interval between the first wave of monsters and the second wave of monsters is less than 40 minutes?

‘There are 10 rounds in total, and each round is calculated as 40 minutes, so it will take about 360 minutes in total!

'Doesn't this mean that I just need to hurry up and complete today's challenge in about 8 hours?'

Lin Nan now has the 'Loulan Royal Training Ground', which can increase all attributes by 5 points every 2 hours, for a total of 20 attributes.

There are 12 hours of activities during the day today, and if you speed up, you can save about 5 hours.

It is equivalent to increasing all attributes by 12 points!

'It seems that we need to find a way to speed up next!

Thinking of this, Lin Nan looked directly at the super universal glasses.

"Xiaoyue, you drive over to my place and put down all the slimes!"

Lin Nan didn't plan to let the slime clan join, thinking that Angela alone would be enough.

Angela alone is stronger than the entire clan!

But, now plans have changed.

With the help of the entire slime clan, Lin Nan can further shorten the time spent defending the sky island today.

"By the way, Xiaoyue, there's no need to shout about the slimes in the super laboratory!"

After the last sacrifice, the number of slime clan has increased a lot.

Even without counting the slimes that helped Eudora in the super lab, there were nearly 90 slimes.

"Got it, driver!"

After Lin Nan issued the order, an armored giant above the clouds moved and moved quickly towards Lin Nan's position.

Lin Nan thought for a while, and after confirming that there were no omissions, he closed the universal glasses and touched his chin with his hand.

The setting of 30 minutes at this interval is quite good!’

"Even if there is an accident in the future and I need to use the Ice Empress state, it will not affect my continued use of the Ice Empress state in the next round of defense!"

Lin Nan decided that if necessary in the future, he is not going to save the ice emperor status.

Can speed up the time a little bit!


A roar from far to near appeared above Lin Nan,

at the same time,

A black shadow quickly approached Lin Nan from the ground.

As time goes by, the shadow gradually expands.

After the vehicle approached, Lin Nan stopped thinking and looked up in the direction of the sound.

Because Lin Nan raised his head suddenly, Angela slipped back unprepared, and half of her body hung on the back of Lin Nan's head, almost jumping down.

Quickly sticking to Lin Nan's hair, Gollum whispered.

It seems to be complaining that Lin Nan didn't tell it in advance!

Noticing Angela's cute behavior, Lin Nan couldn't help laughing.

After getting to know her well, Lin Nan found that Angela was naive and lazy.

Nothing like the king of a race!

Just after killing the dark mirror image, he turned around and returned to his original body, lying on his head.

It's like using his head as a bed!

The vehicle quickly closed the distance, and when hovering at a certain height, the door opened.

Lin Nan immediately saw three heads popping out from the side of the car door.

It was Luo Shuhe, Luo Yuhe, and Hu Jingjing.

There was a large wave of slimes around their legs, they were tightly squeezed together, and they looked down together.

If not every slime has two eyes, it's really the same as a big piece of clear 'silicone'.

Among them, several slimes were held by the three women, and it could be seen that they took the opportunity to send off the slimes and greeted Lin Nan by the way.

While shouting at Lin Nan, he kept waving his hands.

Luo Yuhe also enthusiastically blew two kisses to Lin Nan.

Unfortunately, the distance was a bit far, and with the noise of the vehicle's engine, Lin Nan couldn't hear what they were saying.

I could only greet them with a smile.

Then, the slimes jumped from the sky one by one like parachuting.

"Grunt! (Whoa!)"

"Gurl! (Whoah!)"

The slimes swayed irregularly in the air, their eyes narrowed, and they were very happy to see it.

In fact, Lin Nan is quite envious of the mentality of the slime clan.

No matter how hard their life is, even if they are kept in captivity underground in the castle for countless years, they are still optimistic and happy all day long.

It's like not knowing what suffering is.

At this time, Lin Nan looked at their naive smiling faces, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise slightly.

The slimes landed halfway, and faint blue lights began to flash on their bodies one after another, and soon turned into Lin Nan’ in the state of ice emperors!

They flew neatly, like a long belt of ice and snow, falling on Lin Nan's body one after another.

After landing, they returned to their slime appearance one by one.

This is another discovery of Lin Nan.

Rather than imitating other creatures, slimes prefer their original appearance.

If it wasn't for the battle or Lin Nan's request, Lin Nan would never have seen them take the initiative to transform.

Lin Nan can understand this point.

…… Ask for flowers……………

The reason why they belong to the slime family is not because they always maintain the appearance of the slime family?

Otherwise, they would be called the 'Lin Nan family'.

After the slimes landed, they quickly protected Lin Nan in the center, looking loyal.

However, Lin Nan knew that what they were protecting was not him, but Angela on top of him.

However, there is essentially no difference!

Shaking his head, Lin Nan sat down cross-legged, mingling with the slimes.

Lin Nan has mastered the method of "spiritual" communication with Angela, so he can naturally use this method to communicate with slimes.

It's like having a private channel number!

Slime also respected Lin Nan very much, and bluffed and said things that Lin Nan couldn't understand.

Hmm, I don't understand.

Looking at the group of cute animals around him, Lin Nan always has a sense of being in a cat cafe and watching the cats quarreling and purring.


Incomprehensible and boring.

But the giant.

Lin Nan didn't react until the second round of Sky Island Guard's challenge started and the notification sound of the survival game appeared.

【Ding! The second round of challenges is about to begin!】

The notification sound of the survival game fell, and with a bang, it appeared in Lin Nan's ear.

The familiar black lightning appeared neatly around the two orange stone tablets.

However, Lin Nan's eyes almost popped out when he saw the number of black lightning bolts.

'Are you kidding me, 1000 black lightning bolts?

This is the second round of defense!

Lin Nan just read Luo Shuhe's private message.

For the ordinary stele challenge that started earlier, the number of the second round is 15 mirror images.

Not even double the number of mirror images in the first round.

However, the number here has directly doubled by 10 times!!!

‘Hey guy, I figured it out. In addition to the white, blue, and purple qualities of the survival game, there are traces of difficulty to follow!’

'Once orange is involved, it's totally two games!!!"

Orange represents infinite possibilities.

At the same time, it also represents the difficulty of purgatory!

Not to mention, Lin Nan here, is still double orange!

'Now, I can be sure that today will definitely be a tough battle!

With a sigh of relief, Lin Nan opened the game panel!

Subconsciously glanced at the attributes of the dark mirror image.

Witness the changes on the breadboard of the Diablo mirror game,

Lin Nan's mood instantly became heavier.

Thank you for the monthly pass of 'Book Qi'shi..'!

Originally, I wanted to do a single update, but when I saw the monthly pass, we endured the pain in our hands and made a double update.

For the sake of seeing the author's misery, I beg Hua Fan!.

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