National Highway Survival, I Have A Small Map System

331. The Second Stage Of The Ice Emperor State, The Tenth Weird Wave (Please Ask For A Monthly Ticke

See the properties of the second wave of dark mirror images,

Lin Nan was speechless.

In the first wave of challenges, the dark scene can only mirror one skill of the player.

However, when it came to the second wave of dark mirroring, it became mirroring two skills!!!

‘Fortunately, the number of skills in my hands is relatively large and complex, and there are more than a dozen basic skills alone! If I only have two or three skills, after two and a half rounds, won’t all members of the dark mirror have the god’s sword skills porridge?

What made Lin Nan even more speechless was that the attributes of the dark mirror image had also increased accordingly.

Came to the 120% level!

Directly increased by 20%!

Thinking of the empty island of the white stone tablet, the attribute of the second wave mirror image is only 92%, Lin Nan really wants to greet the survival game.

"If it weren't for my many hole cards, who would be able to complete this difficult challenge?"

After the Sky Island Defense Campaign started, Lin Nan doubted it more than once!

When the first wave of monsters defended, among the 100 dark mirror images, only about 10 mirrored the god's sword skills.

Of the 1,000 dark mirror images in front of me, more than 400 have mastered the sword skill of God.

Although they still couldn't stop Angela after possessing the God's Sword Skill, they could resist Angela's attack without dying, blocking it for a moment.

In this way, for each dark mirror image that has mastered the sword skill of God, Angela needs to attack twice.

Big waste of time.

If it is the castrated version of Ice Empress state imitated by slime, it even needs 3-4 attacks to completely kill the dark mirror image that has always possessed the sword skill of God.

It is really disgusting to have the sword skill of God in the dark mirror image.

Lin Nan inspected the dark mirrors around him, and quickly landed on one of the dark mirrors.

[Skill: Mirror Image (God's Sword Technique 1st Style, Overload)]

Compared with the dark mirror image that only has the sword skill of God, the dark mirror image that masters super skills at the same time is even more troublesome!!!

At the same time, Lin Nan is also full of joy for "May 47"!

'Fortunately, I have only mastered the first paragraph of the overload, and I haven't had time to copy the second and third paragraphs. '

Otherwise, according to the leveling rules of monsters, it is very likely that there will be a dark mirror image with three skills and four skills, then I will be in trouble!"

[Skill: Mirror Image (God's Sword Skill, Overload 1st Stage, Overload 2nd Stage, Super 3rd Stage)

Lin Nan felt a headache just thinking about the above scenes.

In that case, wouldn't he have to follow the dark mirror image desperately?

The point is, the mirror image is just a monster, even if it dies, there will be another wave.

However, he can't afford it!

He knows very well what will happen after overloading for multiple stages!

Don't just kill the dark mirror image, and overload yourself to death in the next second!

Shaking his head, Lin Nan suppressed the distracting thoughts in his heart.

His eyes regained clarity, he took a deep breath, and looked forward firmly.

"Angela, let's go together!"

In order to hurry up, Lin Nan plans to use the ice emperor state as well.

'Just be proficient in reality!

‘It’s just right, let’s try with Sofia what she said, and work hard for the next stage of Ice Empress status!

In the first wave of defense, Lin Nan did not use the Ice Empress state, because he was not sure about the time interval between waves, and he wanted to keep his hand.

Now, it is clear that there is a minimum of 30 minutes of rest between the two rounds of defense.

In addition to being able to end 10 waves of disaster challenges ahead of time, in order to save time, Lin Nan plans to fight!

"Grunt! (Mmmm!)"

A pink light jumped down from Lin Nan's head, and soon formed a figure exactly like Lin Nan.

The other slimes around saw their king's transformation, and they also moved with a grunt.

next second,

A Lin Nan brigade of nearly a hundred people appeared around Lin Nan.

Lin Nan let out a breath, and when he opened his eyes again, he muttered silently in his heart.

"Ice Emperor state!"

"Overload for a while!"

In an instant, white snowflake-shaped energy fluctuations emerged from his body.

An ornate mask quickly covered his face.

The wings behind him, as if they were alive, stretched out from behind and flapped slightly.

Finally, a white phantom appeared on Lin Nan's shoulder, accompanied by Suo Fia's playful voice.

"Husband~ I'm here!"

So Fia obediently lay beside Lin Nan's ear.

Although Suo Fia has no body, Lin Nan can easily hear Suo Fia's voice!

"Well, next, let's try the frequency you mentioned!"

Lin Nan laughed.

"Yeah, Sofia will try her best to help her husband!"

Although Lin Nan has just mastered the ice emperor state, the next stage is still far away from him.

However, according to what Suo Fia said, even so, Lin Nan can try early adopters and enjoy the benefits of the next stage.

Because, the current state of the Ice Empress does not need to be maintained.

Suo Fia has the ability to free up his hands and help Lin Nan master some of the abilities of the next stage of the ice emperor state in advance!

However, the difficulty of the second stage of the Ice Empress is much higher than that of the first stage.

Not only with the help of Suo Fia, but also Lin Nan and her to reach a cooperation.

Lin Nan and So Fia didn't talk much, after greeting each other, they tiptoed, and Angela and the others rushed towards the dark mirror images.

After about 5 minutes.

All 1000 dark mirror images were defeated by them.

The densely packed black light gates also disappeared.

After finishing the work, Angela made a dodge and returned to Lin Nan's head.

A group of slimes around them also thumped and changed back.

Lin Nan stood where he was, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

This is not the first time he has used the ice emperor state by himself.

He used it once in the morning in the car!

However, this is indeed the first time he has used the Ice Empress state in actual combat.

It is very different from the Ice Empress state that Sofia forcibly activated.

‘Originally, I could only maintain the Ice Empress state that Suo Fia forcibly entered for 3 minutes at most. If the energy of ice and snow is consumed intensely, it will be difficult to maintain even a minute!

Whether it's the first move of Ice Slash or the second move of Ice Slash, it won't take many times!

'And the duration of the Ice Empress state that I have activated has been greatly increased!

'The time has come to almost 5 minutes, and if I use all the energy of ice and snow, it can last for almost 2 minutes!

Using the ice emperor state personally, Lin Nan no longer has the feeling of looking at flowers in a fog.

Vaguely, he understood why the Ice Empress state had a 30-minute cooldown.

It is not skill-specific.

Everything about Sofia is not in the statistics of the survival game panel.

In itself, there is no clear skill introduction for the Ice Empress status.

It all depends on Lin Nan's own perception.

The 30 minute cooldown here,

In fact, it is the time for the body to restore the ice and snow energy on its own!

'It's kind of like Naruto's sage mode

The ice and snow energy here is equivalent to the natural energy area of ​​the immortal mode

‘The difference is that I don’t need to take the initiative to absorb it, the energy of ice and snow can be recovered by itself. "

'And this time is exactly 30 minutes!

A flash of understanding flashed in Lin Nan's eyes.

'But what if I actively absorb snow and ice?

‘Can you reduce this cooling time!’

Lin Nan thought of this, and So Fia also spoke with great interest.

"Husband, it seems very likely that it will work. Your idea is very similar to what we did just now!"

In the Ice Empress state, Lin Nan and Suo Fia are spiritually integrated, and the other can know immediately what the two are thinking.

'What did we just do?'

Lin Nan was stunned.

When I was in the ice and snow castle last night, Lin Nan didn't quite understand what Suo Fia meant by trying.

All I know is that after they enter the Ice Empress state, if he and Suo Fia can maintain a 'special frequency' "Suo Fia can greatly prolong Lin Nan's Ice Empress state.

Now, reviewing Suo Fia's description, Lin Nan understands how Suo Fia did it.

This special frequency, to put it bluntly, is that Suo Fia established a channel to help Lin Nan actively absorb ice and snow energy when Lin Nan was fighting.

It feels like a power bank.

In this way, Lin Nan can use the ice emperor state for a longer period of time.

However, this 'specific frequency' is not as simple as it says.

Even if two people have the same mind, it is difficult to achieve.

Not to mention the need for Lin Nan to focus on two tasks and maintain it for a long time.

In other words, to achieve this specific frequency, it is only possible if two people are in the same mind.

Otherwise, don't even think about it.

And now this specific frequency’, isn’t it just the same as what Lin Nan was thinking just now?

The only difference is,

What Lin Nan thought was that after the battle, the incarnation body would passively absorb ice and snow energy, because it would absorb it actively.

The second phase of the attempt that Suo Fia said was to help Lin Nan absorb the energy of ice and snow when Lin Nan was fighting!

After Suo Fia's affirmation, Lin Nan had a clearer understanding of his conjecture just now.

"So Fia, I'll call you again later, now I'm going to try to absorb ice and snow energy!"

Lin Nan laughed.

When the second wave of monsters is solved, the survival game has already prompted the time for the third wave of monsters to come.

Now it's just a matter of waiting.

"Yeah, husband, then we'll see you later!" After Sofia finished speaking, her figure began to blur, and soon disappeared.

The mask on Lin Nan's face and the wings behind him also clicked, turning into dots of white fluorescent light.

Lin Nan didn't care about the changes in his body, and sat cross-legged on the spot.

Close your eyes and start perceiving everything around you.

To be honest, Lin Nan is the first time to try to perceive the energy of ice and snow outside of the ice and snow castle.

at this time,

Lin Nan's spiritual attributes are as high as more than 800 points.

Compared with when I first entered the world of survival games, my perception is sharper and I don’t know how many levels.

However, after a few minutes of trying.

Lin Nan frowned slightly.

In the ice and snow castle world, he can easily perceive the energy of ice and snow at any time.


Lin Nan can't even sense the energy of ice and snow now!

It was as if there was nothing in the air.

This... shouldn't be!

Lin Nan thought about the difficulty of trying this way, but he didn't expect to encounter a dead end at the beginning...

'Could it be that my posture is wrong? Or... the perception time is too short?

Lin Nan put aside distracting thoughts and devoted herself to the perception of ice and snow energy.

Time passed quietly.

Until the third wave of dark mirror images appeared, Lin Nan still got nothing.

Lin Nan had no choice but to put it aside temporarily and focus on the third wave of dark mirror images.

With the experience of the first two waves, when Lin Nan saw the third wave of dark mirror images, his mentality was much more stable.

'Heh, besides the number of dark mirrors has increased from 1000 to 2000, the attributes have increased by 20% to 14

0%, and the number of skill mirror images has increased by one, it seems that there is no change at all!'

Lin Nan snorted coldly, took out the mysterious blade in his hand, and rushed forward with a cold face.

Angela and the slimes followed closely behind.

In less than ten minutes, the battle is over!

Angela and slime are the same as before.

The pink light fell on Lin Nan's head, and balls of white slime scattered around Lin Nan's feet.

Lin Nan ignored them, sat down on his own, and asked Suo Fia behind him the question in his heart.

"Honey, why can't I feel the energy of ice and snow?"

This is very strange.

Because, Suo Fia wants to help Lin Nan continue the ice emperor status, but also by actively absorbing ice and snow energy.

Sofia can do it, and it stands to reason that he can do it too.

The two are theoretically interlinked.

And, Lin Nan can remember.

Sofia said that his ability to perceive the energy of ice and snow is not weaker than hers.

Otherwise, no matter what happens, if Lin Nan wants to master the state of the Ice Empress, it will definitely not be accomplished in a day or two!

So Fia didn't answer immediately, but glanced at Lin Nan's memory first.

Immediately, I understood what Lin Nan was talking about, and why Lin Nan didn't succeed.

"Husband, all my ice and snow energy is absorbed from the ice and snow castle, I can't perceive the energy of the outside world!"

Absorbed from the Ice Castle?

Lin Nan suddenly realized that he had also sensed the energy of ice and snow in the ice and snow castle before.

And after Lin Nan has thoroughly mastered the state of the Ice Empress, the light gate linked to the Ice and Snow Castle in his mind no longer needs to enter a specific place to activate it.

Lin Nan can perceive the light door leading to the ice and snow castle anytime and anywhere.

However, if you want the soul to enter it, you still need the help of the training room.

At other times, Lin Nan can only perceive it.

However, this is enough.

He could perceive that theoretically speaking, absorbing ice and snow energy from the light gate should not be a problem.

Next, just try slowly how to call out the energy of ice and snow in the light gate.

However, Lin Nan's attention was attracted by Suo Fia's last sentence.

‘Can’t perceive the energy of the outside world?

Is this a limitation of Sofia?

Or is it different from the outside world?

Mentioning this, Lin Nan once again became curious about the origin of Sofia.

What is the energy of ice and snow in the world of ice and snow castles?

However, Lin Nan didn't ask Suo Fia.

In the state of soul fusion, he knows everything about Sofia.

These answers can only be found by him slowly in the future.

After a while, Lin Nan bid farewell to Suo Fia, and began to try to absorb the energy of ice and snow.

Needless to say, this 0.0 attempt has just begun, and Lin Nan has found a way.

Feel the long-lost energy of ice and snow.

Then, Lin Nan discovered that the energy of ice and snow was overflowing from the light gate and absorbed by him all the time.

It's just that this amount is very weak, and Lin Nan couldn't detect it if he didn't observe deliberately.

And these ice and snow energies are the basis for his body to automatically absorb ice and snow energy, thus entering the state of ice emperor.

What Lin Nan needs to do now is to increase the amount of this energy!

With a direction, Lin Nan quickly threw himself into it.

The original weak amount gradually increased.

Everything is as Lin Nan expected before, the cooling time of the Ice Empress state is decreasing...

However, at the same time, Lin Nan also discovered new problems.

This amount was only increased under the intervention of others.

Once he removed his consciousness, this returned to its original state.

However, Lin Nan is already satisfied with being able to reduce the cooling interval of the Ice Empress state.


Sky Island Defense Station Round 4, Round 5....

until round 9,

Only the number of dark mirror images, the attributes of dark mirror images, and the number of skills mirrored by dark mirror images increase in difficulty.

Just when Lin Nan thought that today's event would end like this.

The last wave, the 10th round of defense, came.

This time, there is no dense black light gate in Lin Nan's imagination.

A black door of light appeared on the entire sky island.

The sudden change made Lin Nan get serious immediately.

Angela and the others also sensed the change in the atmosphere, and cautiously looked at this special light gate.

under the gaze of the crowd,

one hand

Slowly stretched out from the black light door...

A 5,000-word chapter (you can get 3 chapters if you take it apart)

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