National Highway Survival, I Have A Small Map System

044. All Defenses Stem From Insufficient Firepower (210)

Lin Nan does things neatly.

After making a decision, don't procrastinate at all.

I took a photo and directly sent the information about the [Pistol Glock Manufacturing Diagram]!

Luo Shuhe was stunned when he saw the picture sent by Lin Nan, and even dropped the things in his hand.



Not to mention how precious pistols are in this survival world!

Just before crossing,

She has never seen a real pistol! ! !

For a while, the brain was buzzing, and the brain seemed to be frozen, unable to turn around.

"Sister, sister, what's wrong with you!"

Sister Luo Shuhe just hunted a wounded bison.

Back in the car, I was chatting happily.

Unexpectedly, while chatting, my sister suddenly became silent.

Like being stunned, Luo Yuhe shouted several times but didn't respond.

While worried, Luo Yuhe came up and shook Luo Shuhe's arm.

Only then did Luo Shuhe react, and when he regained his senses, the shock in his heart became even stronger.

However, Luo Shuhe ignored his sister.

Looking back at the game panel, he hurriedly replied to Lin Nan.

"Brother Lin, I'm sorry, I ran away just now!"

"It's really... the news you sent is too shocking."

"You actually... got a drawing of a pistol, oh my god!"

Xia people have a natural awe for firearms.

In this crisis-ridden world, the sense of security that firearms bring is indescribable.

"By coincidence, by coincidence, I got a rare treasure chest! A treasure chest that is one level higher than the rare treasure chest!"

Lin Nan chose to trust Luo Shuhe and regarded her as his own, so there was no need to hide this kind of news.

"Rare treasure chest..."

Luo Shuhe didn't believe the coincidence in Lin Nan's mouth.

However, Lin Nan came out like this.

No matter how smart Ren Luo Shuhe is, he can't think of what Lin Nan is going to do if he wants to break his head!

"Gudong, Brother Lin, I don't know... What do you mean by this picture?"

"It's very simple, I want to do me a favor! I'll trade this blueprint and materials to you later, you can make the finished product and trade it to me!"


For a while, Luo Shuhe suspected that he had heard it wrong.

"It's urgent. I can't go back to the car for the time being, but I need a pistol urgently, so I think of you!"

"I trust you more than anyone else!"

Now, Luo Shuhe finally understood the reason why Lin Nan posted this picture.

However, there is still some hesitation in my heart.

"Brother Lin, this thing is too precious, you just believe me?"

"To be honest, I also hesitated, but in the end, I still choose to believe!"

Hearing this, Luo Shuhe felt a touch of emotion in his heart.

At the same time, Luo Shuhe could also hear the urgency in Lin Nan's mouth.

Guess, Lin Nan desperately needs a pistol now.

Possibly in danger?

Or are there any difficulties to face?

If Lin Nan was affected by her hesitation, then her sin would be great.

Gritting his teeth, Luo Shuhe took a deep breath and nodded in agreement.

"Brother Lin, I'll help you, but we must have the necessary agreement!"

"You can't refuse me!"

"Otherwise, I don't know if I can hold back!"

Luo Shuhe knew that things were important, otherwise how could Lin Nan hand over such important production drawings to her.

So, in disgust, he pushed Luo Yuhe, who had been in the way in front of him, and quickly wrote a system transaction agreement.

Luo Yuhe: ? ? ?

Then I go?

In less than a minute, Luo Shuhe wrote the agreement.

After confirming that nothing was missed, I sent it to Lin Nan directly.

"Brother Lin, time is running out, you can see if there are any shortcomings in the agreement!"

"Let me see..."

【Transaction Agreement】

[Trading blueprints, Luo Shuhe and Luo Yuhe only have the right to manufacture the [Pistol Glock] drawings, and cannot be produced for any reason without Lin Nan's consent, including but not limited to trading, selling, private production and use, etc., and Lin Nan reserves the right of final interpretation]

After reading it, Lin Nan couldn't help laughing and crying.

It's a pretty strong deal.

Especially the last sentence.

Lin Nan reserves the right of final interpretation.

Is there a more rogue agreement than this!

However, Lin Nan knew Luo Shuhe's temperament.

The agreement is listed. If Lin Nan does not agree, Luo Shuhe will definitely not agree to accept the drawings.

However, it is precisely because of this that Lin Nan believes in Luo Shuhe.

"Okay, that's it, time is running out, I won't say more about it."

After sending the message, Lin Nan initiates a transaction application.

There is a blueprint [Pistol Glock Manufacturing Drawing (Rare)] on the trading column.

As well as the crafting materials for ten pistols.

Luo Shuhe didn't stop. After agreeing to the transaction, he immediately went to make it.

Soon, several bright lights appeared on the production table one after another.

Then, Luo Shuhe traded it to Lin Nan at a speed that Luo Yuhe couldn't see clearly.

After the transaction was completed, Lin Nan had ten more pistol Glocks in his hands.

A pistol comes with 20 rounds of ammunition.

Ten pistols, representing that Lin Nan has 200 rounds of ammunition at this time.

"With so many bullets, all the treasure chests in the desert ruins are mine!"

Fortunately, Lin Nan had a lot of pockets on his body, so he could barely fit all these pistols.

However, the shield and hand crossbow were thrown on the ground by Lin Nan.

"What's the use of shields and crossbows with a pistol?"

"All defenses are due to lack of firepower!"

"With two pistols in hand, what beast can withstand?"

Lin Nan smiled slightly, holding a pistol in each of his left and right hands.

His fingers lightly stroked the delicate lines on the surface of the pistol.

His eyes fell on the small map system, one by one red exclamation marks.


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