National Highway Survival, I Have A Small Map System

045. The Two Sisters Who Are Confused (310)

After completing the transaction, Luo Shuhe felt physically and mentally exhausted.

As if he was overdrawn, his body softened and he sat on the seat behind him.

Seeing this, Luo Yuhe came up again.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?"

"Just now... just now it was as if I had lost my mind~"

Saying that, Luo Yuhe also reached out to touch her sister's forehead.



Luo Shuhe knocked off Luo Yuhe's claws without hesitation.

Then, rolled her eyes.


"Want to know what happened, don't you just take a look at the manufacturing station?"

"Crafting table? What happened to the crafting table?"

Luo Yuhe opened the game panel and looked over with disapproval.

next second,

Luo Yuhe's ups and downs of screams appeared in the van.

"Ah? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

The tired Luo Shuhe laughed when he looked at his sister who was so shocked that she lost her ability to speak.

Then, he turned his head to look at the lifeless desert outside the window, his eyes gradually blurred.

At this moment, on the glass window,

It seemed that Lin Nan's confident smile appeared.

I believe you in that sentence!

It was deeply rooted in her heart. . . .


Desert ruins.

Lin Nan goes straight along the tunnel.

After five minutes, walk out of the tunnel and see the sun again.

Familiar huge yellow stone pillars, one after another, the ruins reappeared in front of Lin Nan's eyes.

The difference is that Lin Nan was located outside the desert ruins before.

Now, Lin Nan is in the depths of the desert ruins.

At this time, look at the small map system, and you can find that Lin Nan is surrounded by dense red exclamation marks.

Even one of the red exclamation marks was less than 100 meters away from Lin Nan.

However, when Lin Nan saw what the red exclamation mark was, he couldn't help but smile.

"Yo, coincidentally, it's a wild dog again?"

Lin Nan's first hard-steel beast was a wild dog. He didn't expect that after the shotgun was replaced by a cannon, the first beast he encountered was a wild dog.

What a fate!

The wild dog sensed Lin Nan's breath, and suddenly stood up from the ground.

However, he could see a trace of doubt in his eyes.

As if wondering, where did Lin Nan come out of nowhere.

Lin Nan didn't have the nervousness he had before facing the ferocious wild dog.

He raised his hands slightly, and aimed the muzzle at the position of the wild dog.

Wild dogs have never seen a pistol, let alone the power of a pistol.

Smelling the fresh meat smell emanating from Lin Nan's body deeply stimulated his brain.


With a low growl, the wild dog rushed up without hesitation.

Seeing this, the smile on Lin Nan's face became even stronger.

Not at all flustered, and even a little wanting to laugh.

After the dog ran twice, Lin Nan pulled the trigger and said lightly.

"Dog, it's time to eat shit, times have changed!"

Then, the sound of 'da da da da' echoed in the air.

The vicious wild dog didn't even know how he died.

With a loud bang, how could its body be like a sieve, spitting out blood frantically!

Seeing that the dog was smashed, Lin Nan slowly raised his hands.

Facing the smoking muzzle, he blew lightly.

"Although the hit rate is worrying, but I can't stand my bullets!"

"I can empty countless guns, but you only need one shot and you're dead!"


Holding the gun in hand, Lin Nan's mood was obviously much better.

After crossing over, the sense of crisis in his heart that he couldn't breathe has faded a lot!

"Game panel, decompose the corpse!"

[Successful decomposition of wild monsters and wild dogs]

[Get: Beast Soul x1]

[Get: Tattered Wild Dog Hide x1]

[Get: Wild Dog Meat 10kg]

"There is no false wolf tooth in this decomposition?"

"It seems that the fake wolf teeth may really be a very rare material?" Lin Nan secretly wrote down this matter.

Then, Lin Nan traded all the items he obtained to Luo Shuhe.

This is also what Lin Nan said to Luo Shuhe just now.

It is also one of the reasons why Lin Nan prefers to spell it.

He is alone, even if he can kill all the wild monsters, he can't take it with him.

Lin Nan needs someone to assist him.

Look now, Lin Nan made the right bet.

Luo Shuhe is definitely a credible person!

Then, Lin Nan walked towards the closest treasure chest.

【Rare treasure chest opens】

【Get: Coca-Cola x3】

【Get: Comfortable steering wheel cover, made of precious leather, can reduce driving fatigue by 5%. 】

"Not bad, talk is better than nothing!"

With the deal of wild dog meat ahead, Lin Nan familiarly initiated the deal, and the other side agreed in seconds.

However, in these two transactions, Lin Nan and Luo Shuhe did not sign an agreement.

Signing an agreement for every transaction is too much trouble.

Moreover, there is the big killer of the pistol.

Lin Nan believes that the Luo Shuhe sisters will definitely not covet this material.

Not to mention, Sister Luo Shuhe is not that kind of person.

However, Lin Nan was going to wait for the end of this matter, and in return, gave the Luo Shuhe sisters a few pistols.

As a result, Lin Nan has gained too much this time, and it is not an easy thing to just trade out.

Not to mention, Luo Yuhe had to help him and trade it into valuable items.

Second, the pistol drawings are in the Luo Shuhe sisters.

At this stage, the fates of Lin Nan and their two sisters are bound together.

Both are prosperous, and both are lost.

Lin Nan naturally hopes that the Luo Shuhe sisters can live more safely.


There is also a little bit of Lin Nan's selfishness mixed in here.

That's the ratio...

Bang bang bang!

For more than half an hour, huge gunshots continued to sound in the desert ruins.

At the same time, Lin Nan traded a steady stream of supplies to Luo Shuhe.

At the beginning, Luo Shuhe was very confused.

Over time, Luo Shuhe became numb as he watched the supplies gradually piled up in the van.

At this time, Luo Yuhe, her sister Luo Yuhe, who has always been lively and troubled, also quieted down.

not moving at all.

a long time,

A word broke out.

"Sister, I just said that your relationship with Brother Nan is definitely not pure!"


Thanks to 'Long Kongming', 'Weicai' and 'Fei Tongtong' for the rewards!

Don't say it, try to pay off the 'debt'


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