National Highway Survival, I Have A Small Map System

076. On the fourth day, a sudden reminder (please order it)

"Just use Bai Yuekui's voice!"

"Di, the sound has been set, please complete the last setting for the driver!

The image is Bai Yuekui, and the voice is Bai Yuekui.

That name.


Little Moon!

"Set name, Satsuki! 35

"Di, the initial setup of the L9 intelligent driving assistance assistant has been completed, and Xiaoyue is very happy to serve the driver! 35

When I first got Xiaoyue, Lin Nan's playfulness also came up.

"Xiaoyue, let's talk about a week someone's rainbow!"

"Ok, driver~"

The next second, a moving melody sounded in the carriage.

Tell me where the rainbow

Can you give me back my wish

how can I fall asleep without seeing your smile

Your voice is so close I can't hold you

Lin Nan's eyes were full of unexpected joy.

Originally thought that Xiaoyue could only help him drive, but he did not expect to be able to control the equipment in the car.

If you want to listen to any song in the future, you don't have to switch it yourself.

"Xiaoyue, don't listen to this anymore, it's too sad, change it!"

Lin Nan didn't stop, and still tried Xiaoyue's wisdom.

According to what he just said, after listening to Xiaodu and Siri, he will definitely say something.

I do not understand what you meant.

However, Satsuki gave Lin Nan a surprise.

"Little "February 77" replaces a confession balloon for the driver, I hope the driver can have a good mood!"

Lin Nan heard the words, and the smile on his face became more intense.

Satsuki not only understood what he meant, but switched songs.

He also helped him choose a song on his own initiative.

Even the sadness and joy of music can be distinguished!

"No vehicle upgrades, that's right, Xiaoyue's existence alone is worth the money!"

With Xiaoyue's presence, Lin Nan can face the next challenge more easily.

"If there is another king challenge, under Xiaoyue's plan, I will definitely be able to find ruined towns more efficiently and open more treasure chests!"5

"Even in normal times, I just need to close my eyes and watch the changes on the mini-map system!

"When I encounter a treasure chest, I will let Xiaoyue stop!"

"If you don't encounter the treasure chest, let Xiaoyue continue to drive forward!"

After researching Xiaoyue for a while, Lin Nan authorized all the current equipment on the vehicle for it.

Then, start to check one by one, the new production drawings obtained today.

Soon, Lin Nan found several useful drawings.

[Making diagram of Chinese herbal toothpaste]

[Materials: 1 unit of charcoal, 1 unit of herbal medicine]

【Toothbrush making diagram】

[Material: 5 units of plastic]

Lin Nan couldn't find the facial cleanser or something.

However, Lin Nan obtained the soap making map, which can be regarded as a solution to the urgent need.

After entering the bathroom to wash up again, Lin Nan lay back on the bed.

"Xiaoyue, turn off the lights, and play a soothing song for an hour on a regular basis. 99


Then, the inside of the car fell into darkness.

Only the sound of soft singing came from the speakers.

An hour later, the car fell into complete silence.

Lin Nan lay down with his eyes closed, looking at each drawing one drawing at a time.

I don't know when I fell asleep.

The next day, it was Lin Nan who woke up in the morning by Wang Daheng.

The transaction received 26,000 units of fuel, and Lin Nan went to sleep.


Luo Shuhe announces dinner!

Lin Nan didn't want to get up.

However, Luo Shuhe said.

Breakfast today.

Dragon meat vermicelli soup, add scallion pancakes.

Lin Nan is very fast, no longer sleepy!

After a storm, Lin Nan completely woke up.


Just when Lin Nan was ready to enjoy a relaxing morning drive like all the players.

Arrived at 6:00 in the morning.

The game's indifferent prompt sounded suddenly.

【Game panel】

【Road Racing Challenge Begins】

【From 6 o'clock this morning to 6 o'clock this evening, start the road racing challenge! 】

【In this challenge, every time you drive a certain distance, players will encounter a supply station, and players can get rich rewards through the supply station. The specific gameplay, players explore by themselves! 】

[Temporary speed does not represent the final result. 】

【Only persevere to get the final prize!】

【Of course, you have to live to the end!】

The game prompt sounded, and the players in the regional chat room suddenly collapsed.

Early in the morning, some players who had not slept well at night still had bloodshot eyes in their eyes.

"Did you make a mistake, the event time is getting earlier!"

"At this pace, wouldn't there still be a 24-hour challenge?"5

"Hehe, don't come to the Night of Horror Challenge someday!"

"Driving, driving, yarding, I will drive the car all day!"

Lin Nan was also surprised. He didn't expect that today's challenge had changed again.

road racing?

Do you encounter a supply crate every time you travel a certain distance?

Is it better to drive as far as possible?

So simple?

Lin Nan didn't believe it subconsciously.

As for the supply station.

"Xiaoyue, full speed ahead! 35

The sound fell, and the vehicle started with a swish.

Lin Nan did not relax.

Because he didn't know what the supply station master looked like.

I don't know what kind of changes will be made to the minimap system.

Be cautious, Lin Nan is going to take a look at it first.

Huge six-wheeled pickup truck, humming along.

In less than half an hour, Lin Nan discovered an abnormality in the minimap.

A starred green dot appears on the minimap.

"Is this the depot in the Road Race Challenge? 35

Lin Nan sat up straight, "Xiaoyue, when you reach 1,000 meters in front of the left, change me to drive!

Satsuki is very intelligent.

In the assisted driving stage, Lin Nan accidentally touches the steering wheel and the accelerator, but the vehicle will not change.

That is to say, when Satsuki assists driving, Lin Nan can sleep on the steering wheel.

Even if Lin Nan is switched to driving, Satsuki will confirm whether to switch according to whether Lin Nan has already started driving.

For example, this time, if Lin Nan did not operate the steering wheel accelerator at 1000 meters, Xiaoyue would control the vehicle to stop at this position first.

"Unfortunately, there are no on-board cameras.

"Otherwise, let Xiaoyue meet the supply station and tell me, I might be able to sleep back.

Lin Nan thought regretfully.


Lin Nan was stunned.

"I'm grass, I don't have a camera, but I have a drone!!

"If Satsuki can control the drone, I will put the drone in front of the bridge!"

"In this way, wouldn't it be a simple manual detection?"

The drone can monitor everything within a range of 300 meters, as long as Xiaoyue knows what a supply station is, wouldn't it be good to stop when you encounter a supply station?

In the future, when I encounter a treasure chest on the road, I don't have to keep staring at it!!!

Thinking of this, Lin Nan quickly took out the drone tied to the multifunctional belt.

After the drone is successfully made, in addition to the drone, it also comes with an operation panel similar to a psp handheld.

The display above can display everything within 300 meters of the drone.

"Xiaoyue, can you control the drone? 35

"Drip, get pilot's permission, loading equipment, Mikro drone! 99

Lin Nan was overjoyed, as expected.

"Xiaoyue, can you identify items through drones..."

"Just like..."

At this time, 1000 meters have come.

Lin Nan also saw what was at the location marked by the green star.

A device similar to a vending machine.

"Just like this machine called a supply station, I put the drone on the bridge, can you detect the supply stations on both sides of the road while driving?"

"Di, back to the pilot, Xiaoyue can accurately locate all the supply stations within the visible range of the drone!!

Being affirmed, Lin Nan is even happier.

Next, as long as you encounter two supply stations and try it, you will know whether Satsuki can really do it.

The supply station is on the road, and the visible range of the drone is 300 meters, which is absolutely enough.

Suppressing his joy, Lin Nan got off the car and came to the supply station.

With the help of Xiaoyue, Lin Nan can always maintain the highest speed forward, much faster than him!

Not to mention, compared to the straight avenue on the first day, there are many more corners today.

Let Lin Nan drive by himself, and he will definitely slow down when he encounters a curve.

However, under Satsuki's hands, there is no pressure at all to corner at 220 kilometers at full speed.

While Lin Nan was deeply stimulated, his heart was full of excitement.

With Satsuki around, in today's road race, he is still No. 1 without any pressure!

Thinking wildly, Lin Nan looked at the supply station.

Right at this moment,

A game prompt sounded in Lin Nan's ear.


[Get supplies, add 100 points]

[The points obtained decrease with the ranking, the first place is 100, the second place is 90, the third place is 70, and the fourth place is 50, until it is the mandatory minimum 1 point]

【The exchangeable items at the supply station are as follows:】

[Production drawing of advanced water maker (one-time), points 1200]

[Gunpowder making diagram, 900 points]

【Intermediate Water Maker 800】

【Fully automatic sausage making machine, 500 points】

[Advanced electronic components, credit 10]

【Purified water 500ml, points 5】

[Advanced metal hard block, points 4]

【Braised Bucket Noodles, Points 3】

【Sausage, point 1】

There are many types of exchangeable items, with more than ten pages.

All kinds of food, drawings, and the value of each exchanged item are also very different.

However, in 2.8, the blueprints are all marked that they can only be exchanged once.

Food does not have this mark.

Lin Nan focused on the top two drawings.

Advanced water maker drawings!

There are also long-awaited drawings of gunpowder making.

Making a gun requires a lot of resources.

In the past two days, Lin Nan has accumulated nearly a hundred pistols with empty magazines.

If it hadn't been used for trading, it would have been placed in the store's warehouse, and there would have been nowhere to put it on the car.

Now, finally, there is a map of gunpowder making.

Gunpowder is an essential material for making bullets!

Lin Nan is bound to win.

In addition, the advanced water maker also deeply attracted the attention of Lin Nan.

An intermediate water maker can make 20-30 liters of water a day.

What about the advanced water maker?

Water, in regional chat rooms, is a well-deserved hard currency.

If Lin Nan had more water yesterday, he would definitely be able to acquire more advanced materials.

I just don't know how high the probability of encountering a supply station is.

"Anyway, no matter how high it is, the number one in every supply station must be me!"

Lin Nan took a deep look at the convertible list, stopped wasting time, and got on the bus quickly.

"Xiaoyue, except when encountering a supply station, move forward at full speed! 35

Lin Nan just closed the door,

The car starts with a swish!


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