National Highway Survival, I Have A Small Map System

077. Horror driving, crazy points (at the beginning of the month, ask for a monthly pass!)

Next, the vehicle drove continuously for an hour and a half.

Lin Nan's points also came to 400 points.

That is,

During this period, Lin Nan encountered three more supply stations.

"Through the verification, Xiaoyue's ability has been affirmed!

"With the addition of the Mi Ke drone, Satsuki is equivalent to an enhanced version of me with driving ability, and a weakened version of me with the mini-map system! 99

Lin Nan didn't dare to compare his driving level with that of Xiaoyue.

That is, any top racer before crossing, is a younger brother in front of Satsuki.

Xiaoyue can use big data to calculate and take into account any situation on the road.

No matter what road, what emergencies, what weather conditions.

Satsuki is just like setting the fastest driving route in advance, galloping all the way without any mistakes.

"Unfortunately, Xiaoyue can only help me in the car. If Xiaoyue controls the drone, the drone cannot leave the vehicle for 300 meters!

"It's up to me to enter the wilderness!"

Regarding the information on the supply station, Lin Nan came to a general conclusion.

You'll encounter one about every 100 kilometers!

If the player is driving at full speed, it is not a problem to encounter ten supply stations in a day.

Lin Nan, about 25!

According to each 100 points, Lin Nan can get 2500 points.

Lin Nan is very happy to get this number.

Advanced water maker requires 1200 points, gunpowder making diagram 900 points.

The two add up to only 2100 points, and after the exchange, there will be 400 points left.

All 12 in exchange for advanced electronic components can be exchanged for 40!

According to yesterday's King's Challenge event, that's a total of 4 airdrop chests!

at the same time,

Lin Nan also found that he didn't need to get off the bus when he encountered a supply station.

As long as he passes the supply station, he can earn points.

When you need to exchange items, just go to the supply station and you can!

"So, it's imperative now..."

"It's to go to sleep first! 35

Lin Nan glanced at the game board, 7:49.

At this time, when he was in school, he must still be unconscious.

Now, there is Satsuki.

Lin Nan was blowing the air conditioner, and his comfortable eyelids were fighting.

"Xiaoyue, just drive all the way forward. I'll sleep for a while."

After Lin Nan finished speaking, he got down on the steering wheel.

I closed my eyes and thought to myself before going to sleep.

Wait for the upgrade of the third-level vehicle, and the space is large.

How to load a bedroom and get a bed.

Lying down and sleeping is the kingly way!

Anyway, Xiaoyue's driving is absolutely stable, the speed is not only always maintained at 220 kilometers per hour, but also don't have to worry about shaking and sleeping well!

Lin Nan thought about it and fell asleep.

The body swayed slightly as the vehicle turned, which was more helpful for Lin Nan's sleep.

Unbeknownst to Lin Nan, after he fell asleep, the regional chat room exploded!

"My God, what a devil's challenge!

"The Eighteen Bends of Qiu Mingshan? It's okay to discover that there are bends at the beginning of the drive, but the more you go, the more outrageous it is!

"This is not a racing challenge at all, this is clearly a drag racing challenge!"

"Xiao Mengxin, who is on the fourth day of the car's age, has soft legs! 35

"Also, what the hell is this high-altitude chain barrier-free rope bridge! With a dozen steering wheels, it falls directly into the abyss?

at this time,

Luo Shuhe was also nervous, but Luo Yuhe was in high spirits.

Her sister is gentle and virtuous and inherits the family business.

She has been pampered by everyone since she was a child, wild and big.

In Qiu Mingshan, she has a second title.

Ruthless racing little sister!

Just two days ago, she was injured and her sister drove most of the time.

Now, she is alive.

Especially when I ate the T-Rex meat yesterday, I felt my body was full of energy.

"Yu He, slow down, slow down, dangerous! 35

"Sister, where are you going? Let me tell you, I have driven roads that are more dangerous than this, sprinkle water, small problems!

"Huh? Didn't you say that you signed up for a night driving school to practice driving? You used to practice driving like this?

"Hahahaha, sister, that, hahahaha, don't pay attention to the details!

Lin Nan slept with his head tilted, extraordinarily sweet.

That is to say, he has not opened his eyes now, or he will never be able to fall asleep again when he wakes up.

At this time, the six-wheeled pickup truck was speeding on a winding mountain road without any protection.

The speed remains at 220 km/h.

Every time you turn, the wheels are pressed firmly on the very edge of the road.

As long as Lin Nan looks through the car window, he can see the endless cliffs when he looks down.

The adrenaline is absolutely soaring!

After sleeping for about an hour, Lin Nan's eyelids twitched.

Dazedly opened his eyes.

Just glanced at the front so casually, and the whole person instantly became stiff.

"I am hastily, the is the car...floating in the air! 35

"I slept for a while and the car flew?"

Looking at the surrounding clouds, Lin Nan's calf only twitched.

This is more terrifying than being in a daze for a few minutes in a high math class.

Lin Nan subconsciously grasped the armrest beside him, and asked Xiaoyue quiveringly.

"Little... Moon, how come it's flying!"

"Driver, now driving to the glass flyover, it's not that the vehicle is flying! 35

glass bridge?

Lin Nan was stunned, and then found that the scene in front of him was indeed the same as what Xiaoyue said.

Instead of flying, the vehicle was driving on a four-lane wide glass.

It's just that this glass is erected a little high, side by side with the clouds.

Below, is the endless desert!!!

"Fortunately there is Xiaoyue, otherwise, in this kind of place, I can drive 20 kilometers per hour, and I feel very brave!"9

After being nervous, Lin Nan entered the regional chat room.

Only then did he know what he had experienced while he fell asleep.

Eighteen bends of the death card, winding mountain road, a line of sky......


"I knew that racing challenges were not that easy!

"I didn't expect it to be so easy!!!"

At this speed, players don't have to mention ten supply stations, half of them are good.

However, when Lin Nan looked at his points.

He was dumbfounded.

Quickly glanced at the time and fell asleep for an hour.

According to the previous rhythm, it should be increased by 200 points, which means that the accumulated points are now 600 points!

However, Lin Nan's score is now 1000 points.

Far exceeded the previous expected score!

"Xiaoyue, what's the matter? 35

"Go back to the driver, now about 40 kilometers, you can meet a supply station! 35

The frequency of encountering supply depots has increased?

Also, if you still follow the previous frequency, other players don't want to encounter the supply station!

"Xiaoyue, wait until the next supply station to stop for a while! 95


Now that there are 1000 points, Lin Nan is going to exchange the gunpowder making map first, so as not to have many dreams at night.

Although he believes that it is impossible for someone to have 900 points now.

But one day, in case someone can really accumulate it.

As for the water maker, Lin Nan plans to change it for the second time.

1200 points is much more difficult than 900 points.

If it is 900 points, Lin Nan thinks that it is still possible for some players to fight for one day.

But 1200 points, basically impossible.

Lin Nan has now scored 1000 points, and the difficulty is already a glass flyover.

The difficulty behind it can be imagined.

This is the first place in the supply station in front of Lin Nan, and each supply station is 100 points.

If you change to other players, you have to run farther to get 1000 points!

in a while,

Satsuki controlled the vehicle and stopped in front of a supply station on the glass flyover.

Lin Nan exchanged the gunpowder making map and went back to the car to move on.

The road race is on, and every minute is a score for Lin Nan and should not be wasted.

After Lin Nan exchanged the blueprints, all the options related to the supply station (gunpowder making drawings) dimmed.

Shows that it can no longer be redeemed.

The player who discovered this matter immediately sent it to the regional chat room.

"Impossible, it's absolutely impossible!"

"Looking at my 3 points and thinking about the 900 points of the gunpowder making diagram, I was silent, how about you!"

"Even if they're all first, they're going to be the tenth supply station! It's scary!"

"Be aware that the first five depots are dolls, and the sixth one is hell!"

"Blind guess, big brother Lin!

"This is still a blind guess, this is clearly the 277 brand! At this stage, there are only two people in the vehicle that are not vans, one is the Luo Shuhe sisters, and the other is Mr. Lin! Personally think that the Luo Shuhe sisters are impossible, so in addition to Who else is Mr. Lin?

"Looking at their car, I feel that it is running faster than us, otherwise, even if the van is at full speed, it is impossible to run through 10 supply stations in such a short time!

"Let's make a wave of prophecy posts, Big Brother Lin will really become a God of Lin in the future!"

Luo Shuhe and Luo Yuhe were also stunned when they saw the news.

Because of the advantages of vehicles, one step ahead, one step at a time.

They have remained in second place.

But from the sixth supply station, the speed dropped sharply.

It's so hard.

Unexpectedly, Lin Nan has passed 10 supply stations now!!!

"Yuhe, don't get excited, take it slow, think about your parents, think about your grandparents, we're already second, that's enough!"

Luo Yuhe glanced at her sister with a wry smile.

"Sister, what are you thinking, how could I have more ideas than Brother Nan~'

"I'm just too shocked, Brother Nan is amazing!"

"Brother Nan was definitely a super-class racer before crossing!"

With Lin Nan's current physique, reaction speed, and a little training, he can definitely become a super-class racing driver.


Lin Nan still doesn't think he can be more powerful than Satsuki!

Satsuki is no longer a category that can be compared by manpower!

Lin Nan has absolutely no need to train!

Over time, the distance between each depot is getting shorter and shorter.

Even in the afternoon, Lin Nan encountered a supply station every few kilometers.

The points began to rise wildly, and even Lin Nan became a little numb.


The mood has become extremely excited.

"At this rate..."

"The material for the upgrade map of the third-level vehicle is just around the corner!"

"Even, we can collect all of them after the event ends today!!!

Thanks for the reward of 'Judgment', plus 1.

Current flowers 18828, plus 1.


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