
Seeing that Zongcheng didn't recognize his six relatives, Su Jianhong was so angry that his nose was crooked, and he immediately reached out and wanted to slap him.

However, he was a little older after all, not as young as Zong Cheng, and Zong Cheng's sensitive flashes pushed him down.

Seeing that his father was about to fall to the ground, Su Bai came behind Su Jianhong with a "swoosh" and supported him.


He couldn't bear it any longer, kicked Zong Cheng to the ground, and scolded, "Return the money to Eryi!"

"What? You, little bunny, do you dare to hit me?" Zong Cheng was so angry that he got up on the ground and wanted to fight Su Bai!

However, he is just an ordinary person, how could he be the opponent of "quasi-ninja" Su Bai? He was kicked to the ground by Su Bai again, and suddenly sober, knowing that he was not an opponent, he cursed on the spot!

"Little bastard, did you learn to bully your relatives at school?"

"Come on! You can kill me if you want. You want me to take the money out of my hands? There's no door!"

Zong Cheng simply lay on the ground and rolled around, looking like a rogue.

Su Bai got angry when he saw his rogue appearance, stepped forward and stomped on Zong Cheng's chest!


"Ah! It hurts to death!" Zong Cheng's chest came from a cracking sound, screaming shrill!

When Su Jianhong saw that something was wrong, he was worried that Su Bai would kill Zong Cheng, so he stopped him immediately!

"Stop Xiaobai!"

Su Bai glanced at his father, then looked at Zong Cheng, who was rolling on the ground, calmed down.

In any case, Zong Cheng is his uncle, and it is always wrong to do it yourself.

Only then did Lin Xiu'e regain her senses, and she hurriedly walked to her son's side and grabbed his arm, for fear that if he would make another move, the family would be ruined!

Lin Xiumei also cried and said, "Xiao Bai, let him go, he's a bastard!"

The whole family knew that Zong Cheng was a man. He was addicted to gambling and could not die. Once the money was in his hands, it was even more difficult to take it out than the sky!

Su Jianhong saw that his son's face was gloomy and uncertain, for fear that he was young and impulsive, and his actions were not serious.

"Get out of here, don't come to my house in the future!"

"Cough, if you don't come, you won't come, who cares!"

Zong Cheng got up from the ground in pain, patted his buttocks and walked away, walking very neatly, and he didn't care about Lin Xiumei, who was sitting on the sofa crying, as if that was not his wife.

Seeing this scene, Su Bai cursed inwardly, "It's not a human thing!"

However, he could only scold him. If Zong Cheng hadn't pushed his father just now, he would never have done it.

Su Bai's family education is very good. Although Su Jianhong and Lin Xiu'e have no skills, they have taught him to respect his elders and be a filial person since he was a child.

And Su Bai didn't disappoint his parents. From childhood to adulthood, no matter what happened, he always put his family first and respected his elders.

If this **** Zong Cheng wasn't going too far, Su Bai wouldn't want to stop doing it.

And just now, he really wanted to kill Zong Cheng!

This is not for the 10,000 yuan, it is simply unaccustomed to it!

However, Su Bai held back, he knew that he had no ability to settle a murder case, and once the murder was over, it was over.

After Zong Cheng left, the family sat together, Su Xiaoxiao leaned against Su Bai in fear, she couldn't see it, but the quarrel just now scared her.

"Sister, brother-in-law, I'm really sorry, I originally wanted to give this money to Xiaobai, but I didn't expect..." Lin Xiumei wiped her tears and apologized.

That 10,000 yuan is already all her money.

"Hey, be careful in the future, don't let that **** find out your money."

"If you don't have money, you don't need to mention it. If you can't, I'll discuss it with his uncle and collect some money!"

Su Jianhong and Lin Xiu'e also sighed and comforted Lin Xiumei.

What can they say about a husband like this?

It is not the first time that the two have divorced, but every time Lin Xiumei tolerated Zong Cheng for her daughter's sake, and did not want her daughter to be a child of a divorced family...

The two were helpless, and it was not the first time they persuaded Lin Xiumei to divorce.

But Zong Cheng is very smart. He treats his daughter very well. He uses the child to tie Lin Xiumei, so that she can't bear to get divorced!

All three frowned and were silent.

Seeing this scene, Su Bai smiled and said softly, "Mom and Dad, Second Aunt, you don't have to worry, just leave the money to me!"


The three of them looked at him at the same time, only to see Su Bai took out a scroll from his schoolbag and put it on the table.

"This is... a ninjutsu scroll!" The three of them were shocked at the same time, their eyes widened in disbelief.

Although they are not ninjas, they also know the value of scrolls. This is something that ordinary people can't afford for their entire lives!

"Xiao Bai, where did this thing come from?" Su Jianhong grabbed Su Bai's shoulder and asked with a serious face.

My son is just a student, how could he have the ability to get a ninjutsu scroll worth millions of federal dollars?

"Could it be..."

Thinking of this, he was even more anxious, and asked quickly, "Xiao Bai, where did you get it? Dad heard that this thing is worth millions. This, this, you, a student... Have you gone down a wrong path?"

"Don't worry, Dad." Seeing his father worrying, Su Baixiao explained, "How could your son do such a thing? This was given to me by the principal after he knew that I was talented. I hope I get good grades in the exam and win glory for the school."


After he finished speaking, the whole family was shocked.

Did you see Su Bai's talent?

The ninjutsu scroll worth millions of federal coins was given by someone else...?

Chapter 18 Chu Yuan's Shock

"Mom and dad, the principal said that as long as I can master this ninjutsu, I have a great chance of being admitted to Kyushu University!"

"And the school's scholarship has been predetermined for me in advance. There is a full 100,000 yuan, which is enough for me to go to college."

"Not only that, but I also know a strong Genin, who fights with monsters in the wasteland all year round. His strength and experience are very terrifying. He said he is willing to give me pointers!"

Su Bai said a lot in one breath, not because he wanted to show off on purpose, but because he wanted to make his parents feel at ease.

My parents have worked so hard to raise me for so many years, now it's time to reap the "reward"!

After Su Bai finished speaking, his parents and sister and aunt were all stunned...

After a long while, Lin Xiu'e murmured with tears of joy...

"My son is promising, my son is promising!"

Su Bai's huge transformation made her feel like she was hit by happiness, so happy that she felt unreal...

A few days ago, she and Su Jianhong were still worried about Su Bai's future. They were worried that their son would live at the bottom of society like them all his life.

But now... Su Bai is suddenly outstanding to a level they never dreamed of before!

Scholarships, ninjutsu, ninjas, Kyushu academies... These things are so far away for ordinary people that they never dared to imagine before!

A child from someone else's family is enough for the whole family to hold a big banquet to inform the neighbors to celebrate.

But his son... he took all of it, which made the family praise Su Bai for half an hour!

In the end, Su Bai couldn't take it anymore, and immediately "escaped" after lunch...


"I've never seen my parents so happy in my life, hehe." Walking on a secluded path, Su Bai showed a silly smile.

"But I can't be proud, this is just the beginning, and now I don't even have the ability to buy a house for my family in the safety of the city center."

"Yes, my next goal is to buy a big house for my parents and my little sister to live in, and my next goal is to give Xiao Xiaozhi eyes... In short, I must make my family happy!"

After a while, he came to an abandoned slaughterhouse with a "big dream".

It was still in operation a few years ago, but it was later heard that the owner quit at a loss and left a few huge factories.

This place is closer to the edge of the base city than the Xingfu Community, and it can't live at all. If you walk about 20 kilometers ahead, you will be the city wall of the base city of Yangcheng. Outside the city wall is the wasteland area, the paradise of monsters...

"Just here." Su Bai looked at the empty space in front of him and nodded with satisfaction.

Closing his eyes, he began to recall the contents of the scroll.

In fact, he didn't need to think about it. When he tore the scroll at home...the scroll turned into a light and got into his mind, and suddenly there was some information in his mind, it was the information of practicing ninjutsu!

The technique of decapitation in the heart: earth escape ninjutsu, D level.

Ninjutsu description: The caster uses the earth to sneak into the ground, and cracks will appear on the ground where it is activated and appear, which is used for surprise attack; Yu, group? 9, 8! 0? 2% 0, 5: 8EUR5#!6 and dodge the opponent's attack.

After "reading" the basic information, Su Bai then "looked" at the cultivation method, and he understood after a while.

There are only three marks in the decapitation technique in the heart, which is considered moderate in D-level ninjutsu, not counting many marks.

After all, this was originally a surprise attack; Yu, group? 9, 8! 0? 2%0, 5:8EUR5#!6 Ninjutsu, if you print too much, you won't get a sudden attack; Yu, group? 9, 8! 0? 2% 0, 5: 8EUR5#! The effect of 6 hits is gone.

"Now I can make a seal in a second, and it takes three seconds to prepare for the decapitation in my heart."

"But this is only the speed of the seal of the three-body technique. I am afraid that the decapitation technique in my heart is not so fast."

It was said in the school that the speed of the ninja's knot is not just a matter of how much or how little practice is usually done. For ninjutsu, the knot is not just a few simple gestures.

When ninjas use ninjutsu, the function of the seal is to condense the chakras in one place, and through the rehearsal combination of the handprints, the chakras are gathered into ninjutsu and released.

So the speed of this knot is not only the speed of the movements on the hand, but more importantly the speed of the chakra in the body, so whether the chakra can quickly complete the connection and finally release the ninjutsu is also a big indicator to judge whether the ninja is excellent!

When Su Bai's hand began to seal, the Chakra in the body was jerky according to the route of "beheading in the heart".

One seal...two seals...three seals...

It only took three seals, and it took him nearly a minute!

"No wonder the teacher said that it would be good for me to learn this ninjutsu in two months. It turns out that running chakra is so difficult?"

The school only teaches students Sanshenjutsu, and Sanshenjutsu belongs to D-level ninjutsu, which is similar to ninjutsu.

There are actually many of these ninjutsu, but most of them are not as practical as the "Three Body Art", so the school chooses to use "Three Body Art" as a teaching material. Before the students become ninjas, they should familiarize themselves with the feeling of chakra circulating in the body.

And the chakras of this world are extremely violent, and they must be carefully refined when they are usually refined, not to mention the release of ninjutsu? So ninjas are extremely careful when running chakra in their bodies!

This also leads to the fact that the ninjas in this world are not as "talented" as the ninjas in the original work, and it often takes several months to master a low-level ninjutsu.

Su Bai had seen many posts on the Internet before, which said that some people with B-level and A-level ninjutsu could not learn it for a year.

But now he believes it, it's just a D-rank ninjutsu, and he can't get a clue.

"But I have a system, so you don't need to worry too much about practicing ninjutsu." Su Bai glanced at the system panel.

At this time, "Heart Decapitation" has not yet appeared on the panel, but he feels that it will definitely appear with his own practice.

After all, the three body arts have appeared, there is no reason why this ninjutsu will not appear.

Calm down, Su Bai practiced over and over again without feeling bored at all.

Time goes by little by little...

About three hours later, when Su Bai practiced hundreds of thousands of times, a line of prompts suddenly appeared in front of him...

【You have practiced Earth Escape·Heart Beheading Technique...】

[Tu Dun. Decapitation in the Heart: LV0 (1/100)]


Outside the Yangcheng base city, wasteland area.

In a 30-story abandoned building, two men are resting against the wall.

One of the two men is strong, about 30 years old, and the other is slightly younger, about twenty-five or six years old, with a prominent claw mark on his neck!

"It's been five days, and that kid Su Bai hasn't even called me..."

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