Chu Yuan leaned against the wall, frowning slightly.

He is a little dissatisfied with Su Bai now. When he was in Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School, he clearly gave him the phone number, and told him to call him when he did ninjutsu when he didn't understand something... But so far he has not waited for a call. !

Originally, he found Su Bai quite pleasing to the eye, and since he was the only hope for Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School to turn over, Chu Yuan was still happy to take care of this junior.

But now...

"Could it be that he is complacent with his current achievements? Lost his self-motivation?" Chu Yuan pondered in his heart and took out his mobile phone.


In the empty space of the abandoned slaughterhouse, Su Bai was practicing ninjutsu when his phone suddenly rang.

"Huh? Brother Chu?"

That Su Bai called Brother Chu was exactly what Chu Yuan meant. He felt that he was only a few years older than Su Bai, and that he was also a student of Wang Hai, so he simply omitted the troublesome "etiquette."

Su Bai quickly stopped practicing and answered the phone: "Hello brother Chu?"

"What are you doing, kid? Why haven't you called me for so many days? Didn't you practice the ninjutsu that the principal gave you?" Chu Yuan's dissatisfied voice came from the phone.

Su Bai was stunned and said, "Brother Chu, why do you think so? I'm practicing ninjutsu!"

"Cultivating? Then why don't you ask me for advice?"

"Uh, I've already made it..."


Outside the base city, Chu Yuan's eyes suddenly widened!

Su Bai has mastered the art of beheading in his heart?

How many days has he been using?

How long did it take you to master D-rank ninjutsu for the first time? two months? Or three months?

Su Bai's "terrifying" talent... Have you ever heard of it?

Chapter 19 Earthshaking Changes

"You didn't lie to me? You really got it?"

"Really, how could I lie to you brother Chu about such a thing?"

"Okay, okay, haha!"

After confirming again and again, Chu Yuan laughed and hung up the phone.

His laughter made his companions unhappy: "Chu Yuan, this is wasteland, what are you doing?"

The sturdy man said dissatisfiedly.

As we all know, the most important thing in the Warcraft area is to keep hidden and not attract the attention of Warcraft. Otherwise, once you are entangled with Warcraft and cannot escape, more Warcraft will be attracted, and you will not be able to leave even if you want to leave!

Unless it is certain that the battle can be quickly resolved or that there are no other monsters around, the ninja team would rather give up the "prey" they are targeting than risk fighting.

As the "perception ninja" in the team, Chu Yuan has a wealth of experience, so he shouldn't make such a low-level mistake.

Chu Yuan suppressed his "excitement" and smiled apologetically at the sturdy man: "Sorry brother Li, I really didn't suppress my mood."

"Oh? What made you lose your calm?" Brother Li gave him a surprised look. Chu Yuan was not like this on weekdays.

"Is such that…"

Chu Yuan explained to Brother Li with a smile, and after a while, Brother Li opened his eyes wide as he did just now...

"And this matter? Your junior brother is amazing!"

"That's right, it doesn't matter who his senior brother is!"

"Ha, you bastard!"

Su Bai was a little amused after he installed his mobile phone, "It seems that Brother Chu was surprised by my 'talent'."

Thinking of his "talent", he looked at the panel in his mind.

Host: Su Bai

Substitute: LV1 (126/200)+

Clone: ​​LV1 (125/200)+

Transformation: LV1 (136/200)+

Tu Dun·Heart Beheading Technique: LV1 (173/200)

Xueji Boundary: Sharinyan (Shenwei Kaleidoscope) is not turned on

Chakra Volume: 1.12 (cal) +

Earth attribute: LV0 (73/100) +

Water attribute: LV0 (1/100) +

Wind attribute: LV0 (1/100) +

Fire attribute: LV0 (1/100) +

Lightning attribute: LV0 (1/100) +

Yin attribute: LV0 (0/100) is not turned on

Positive attribute: LV0 (0/100) is not turned on

Currently available attribute points: 9 (add 1 daily at 0:00)

Current mission: Master three D-level ninjutsu (10 attribute points available for mission reward)

Overall assessment: Shimonin

In the past 5 to 5 days, he gained a total of 10 available attribute points after completing the previous tasks. He did not move the remaining 9 attribute points, except that he added a point to practice the "Heart Beheading Technique".

An attribute point adds 100 "experience" to the decapitation technique in his heart, which directly allows him to release from the moment he has just mastered a little fur to the entry level!

Not only that, he found that practicing Ninjutsu after getting started would increase his experience faster than training before getting started.

But that's right.

It's like learning to drive by yourself. It must be difficult to get started, but if you can barely get on the road, you will definitely learn it much faster than at the beginning.

Therefore, the 5-day practice of "Decapitation in the Heart" increased 73 points of experience, and the earth attribute also increased the experience value with the use of earth escape ninjutsu.

Su Bai couldn't figure out what changes would be brought to him after the attribute upgrade, but it was certain that there would be benefits.

Since he majored in the technique of decapitation in the heart, his three-body technique and extraction of chakra have slowed down a bit.

"First train the technique of decapitation in my heart to the second level. After all, the most important thing for me now is to meet the entrance examination of the Kyushu Academy in three months!"

After recovering a little chakra, Subei released again "the technique of beheading in the heart!"

I saw that Su Bai began to form seals on his hands. After about six or seven seconds, he suddenly escaped into the ground... After a while, he broke through the ground from more than 100 meters away!

The whole process was unknowing, and there was no chakra flowing at all. This is the power of the "beheading technique in the heart"!

After all, in the original work, it seems that other ninjas except the perceptual ninjas have been tricked. Although the level of this ninjutsu is only D, but Su Bai is very satisfied with it!

"If my current chakra normally releases the 'heart beheading technique', I can use twenty hearts, and the surprise attack; Yu, group? 9, 8! 0? 2%0, 5:8EUR5#!6 The distance is 130 meters to 150 meters.”

"If I increase the chakra output to expand the power of ninjutsu, it can reach as far as 300 meters, but the disadvantage is that it is only enough to release twice."

"And the proficiency I have now is not high enough. It takes six or seven seconds to activate ninjutsu... This is a bit too slow, and it must be improved!"

After 5 days of practice, Su Bai has already figured out the power of the "Heart Decapitation Technique", so he can decide how much Chakra he should use to release this ninjutsu depending on the situation.


At this moment, two crows flew over his head, and Su Bai looked up and saw that it was already dark.

"Let's stop here for today's practice. It's too late to go back and parents should be worried."

Su Bai finished today's practice and walked towards home.

At dinner, Su Jianhong and Lin Xiu'e looked at Su Bai with a smile, and kept serving him vegetables, "provoking" Su Xiaoxiao for a while, bluntly saying that they were not biological!

"Ha ha!"

The family was amused by Su Xiaoxiao, and Su Bai rubbed her little head and laughed loudly. This warm atmosphere made him more "motivated"!

After dinner, he returned to his room and decided to turn the 9 available attribute points into his own strength!

After 5 days of deliberation, he decided to add a point to the "earth attribute" to see what changes would be brought to him after the attribute upgrade.

As for the remaining eight points... He intends to add all of them to Chakra.

After all, the most important thing for a ninja is the amount of chakra, otherwise he can't perform a single ninjutsu.

Thinking of Kakashi, Su Bai thought of an unsolved mystery in Hokage from his previous life.

"I don't know why Kadian has to waste his little Chakra to carve a few dog heads on the 'Tuliu Wall'... I really can't figure it out."

"Go ahead, let me see your real face!"

Su Bai put away his thoughts of "taunting" Kakashi, and added an available attribute point to the soil attribute.


Suddenly, a mysterious force filled his body, making him feel refreshed, and he couldn't help but want to cry out.

[You have added an available attribute point to the soil attribute, and the soil attribute has been upgraded]

[Earth attribute: 173/200]

"Huh? Is this gone?"

Su Bai felt his body carefully, and he found that nothing had changed except "cool", which made him frown.

"No, it seems that I am running the decapitation technique in my heart faster?"

Su Bai tried to form the seal with both hands, but he did not activate it. This time, he only took about 5 seconds to complete the seal of the decapitation technique in his heart.

"This is... the launch speed is more than a second faster?"

The benefits of upgrading the earth attribute immediately showed, which made Su Bai very happy!

What does the quick start of ninjutsu mean?

That means that two ninjas with the same strength will strike first, and the other will only be beaten passively.

Or if Su Bai can "run" one point faster than others when escaping for his life, this is equivalent to increasing his confidence in saving his life!

"Okay, the decapitation technique in my heart has reached my satisfaction for the time being, and the remaining attribute points are all added to Chakra!"

Su Bai added all the remaining 8 available attribute points to Chakra, and suddenly there was a strong feeling in his body that was many times stronger than before!


At this moment, Su Bai felt that his body was like the sea, and every cell was a drop of water in the sea.

At this time, these waters are constantly getting bigger, cheering, and desperately absorbing that mysterious power!



This strong feeling lasted for about 10 minutes before it gradually subsided... At this time, Su Bai was sweating profusely, feeling that there was inexhaustible power in his body!

"This... I feel that the current me is much stronger than the previous me!"

Su Bai clenched his fists and looked at the Chakra item on the board in his mind.

[Chakra: 9.12 cards]

"Eight times the amount of chakra! It feels so good!"

"I'm afraid Xueqing's chakra volume is not as much as mine now, right?"

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