The old man was so angry that he didn't reply to the message.

Mel didn't reply to the message either!

Kato Hirofumi was angry.

"Baga, the conscience of the people of the Sun Never Sets is very bad. They want to deal with Longguo, and I did my best to help them. But now it's their turn to repay, but they are pretending to be dead!"

Not only the Sun Never Sets, but even the white-haired Trump of Eagle Sauce didn't reply to his message.

In desperation, he had to seek other ways.

He opened a social circle of "Dongping Sea Alliance" and posted a message on it: Everyone, don't you think Longguo has robbed too many resources in the game world recently?

Then he stared at the "circle" and waited for things to ferment.

"Dongping Sea Alliance" refers to the exchange circle of coastal countries on the west coast of Dongping Sea, which is a regional organization.

The organization aims to promote exchanges between countries in the region, reduce conflicts, and achieve the purpose of reasonable allocation of game resources.

However, ideals are full, and reality is very skinny.

This organization not only failed to promote exchanges and cooperation among countries, but also often became a place for complaints and verbal battles.

Of course, there are also some "players" who are really angry online and really fight offline.

Several of the offline conflicts were fueled by the Sakura Country.

Kato Hirofumi is well aware of this and hopes to incite the countries in the "East Pinghai Alliance" that have long been unhappy with the Dragon Country to hate the Dragon Country and share the pressure of the Sakura Country.

So he deliberately started a head as an introduction.

Sure enough, someone soon replied:

[Annan Hu Mingming: @Sakura Kato, it's okay, our neighbor respects friends, and those who are not friends should not be respected, right? 】

Kato Hirofumi frowned, Annan, this backward small country is really disgusting, and it actually turned the tables on him.

Seeing that he was being tagged, he had no choice but to reply, so he replied directly:

[Kato from Sakura: People from Annan should stop talking. How can people whose backbones were broken by Longguo still stand and talk? ]

How dare the tiny country of Annan bark?

[Hu Mingming from Annan: People from Sakura shut up. I can smell the full smell of nuclear waste when you open your mouth! ]

Kato instantly got angry.


He never thought that he would fail to provoke Longguo, but was scolded by others first.

Fortunately, someone else finally "spoke" at this time, but it was not the result he wanted:

[Moerdi from Asan: The coastal countries of the East Ping Sea are generally good, except for Annan. ]

[Hu Mingming from Annan: @Moerdi from Asan, please speak properly. Why do you have such great malice towards the peace-loving Annan? 】

At this time, another "diver" popped up:

[Korea Pubucheng Smida: @Annan Hu Mingming, brother, because you Annan people always like to make Asan's wife into various delicacies. 】

Kato's mouth twitched.

This Asan is really something, actually doing such a disgusting thing to lizards, it really shatters people's three views.

The key is such a serious circle, why did the hateful Korea lead the topic to this aspect?

However, the following discussion completely exceeded Kato's expectations and caught him off guard.

[Asan Mordi: Koreans shut up, how can a country that eats kimchi and has diarrhea all year round have the face to comment on others? 】

[Korea Pubucheng Smida: That's better than Asan, it can make any food as unpalatable and ugly as shit, no one else can! 】

【Hu Mingming from Annan: Brothers from Goryeo, Asan can turn any food into shit, and Sakura can turn shit into food, both are disgusting! 】

Kato looked at the discussion that had "gone astray" at the beginning, and angrily slapped the table in front of him.

He never expected that no one said anything bad about Longguo, but Asan and Sakura were scolded like pigs.

However, the news in the circle reminded him:

Annan had a conflict with Longguo before, and was defeated by Longguo.

Since then, he has no intention of competing with Longguo.

Goryeo, needless to say, has always hated Sakura.

Only Asan, which borders Longguo by land and has territorial conflicts, is an ally that can be won over!

So he hurriedly showed his goodwill to Asan in the "circle":

[Sakura Country Kato: @Asan Country Mordi, brother, don't pay attention to these garbage. I heard that you and Dragon Country are fighting for the secret land of the snow mountain. Can you tell me what's going on? ]

[Asan Country Mordi: A shit-eating country, who are you brothers with! Don't tag me, I don't know you. ]


Baka! "

Kato was furious, "Are all the people in India sick? Why do they scold everyone without distinguishing between friend and foe?"

Since the other party ignored his goodwill, he didn't need to indulge the other party, and decisively fought back:

[Sakura Kato: I laughed, a poor country that doesn't even have enough toilets actually has the nerve to criticize others? Are you so poor that you can't even afford tableware and can only eat with the hands you wipe your butts?]

[Asan Mordi: You have the nerve to say we are poor, but you Sakura are poorer, right? I have never seen your women wearing clothes, so pitiful!]

[Korea Pubucheng Smida: @Asan Mordi, although I hate you very much, I think you are right this time, they are indeed very poor, even the female stars on TV act naked!]

[Korea Pubucheng Smida: Sure enough, India, who breathes Ganges water, is just like Sakura, who breathes nuclear waste water, their brains are broken.]

"Baka! "

Kato was completely furious, forgetting his original intention, and turned into a keyboard master, typing crazily:

[Kato from Sakura Country: Koreans are the most uncultured people I have ever seen. They always shout and scream at any time and for any matter, for fear that others don't know that they like barking dogs!

People from Annam, hurry up and catch rats in the stinking ditch, or there will be nothing to eat if it's too late!]

[Pu Bucheng from Goryeo Country: Well, people from Sakura Country are the most cultured. It is said that you don't make any sound at a high temperature of 5,000 degrees.]

[Hu Mingming from Annam Country: Eating rats is better than eating shit, right?]

"Baga! "

Kato's eyes were full of bloodshot.

After being exposed repeatedly, he was furious and prepared to organize his words and show his strength.

Just then, he received a message from the Emperor of Sakura Country: Enough, stop your farce!

Kato woke up instantly, and his eyes changed drastically: His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, actually paid attention to the news of the "circle"!

Before he could reply, another message made his eyes shrink:

[The Emperor of Sakura Country Toba announced today that he would start a national war against Dragon Country!]

"What! "

Kato's heart twitched. His Majesty the Emperor of Japan actually bypassed him and directly announced a national war?

But Sakura Country is clearly not ready yet!

At the same time, all professionals in Dragon Country received a message on their attribute panels:

[Sakura Country Emperor Toba announced to the world channel one minute ago that a national war would be launched against Dragon Country!]

[From now on, all Sakura Country residents within Dragon Country will stay where they are and wait for local official arrangements!]

[All Dragon Country professionals, but if they encounter Sakura Country combat professionals, they will be killed without mercy!]

Su Mo, who had just landed not long ago, was walking on the street. He was startled when he received the news and immediately looked around vigilantly.

After making sure that no one was following him, he relaxed.

"So fast? "

Su Mo thought to himself, he had just killed Abe Haru and Minamida Yoshiko a few hours ago, and now Sakura Country has announced a national war?

How did they announce it before Dragon Country?

Su Mo's heart tightened, I have to quickly turn 7, otherwise it will be troublesome if I am targeted by those bastards in Sakura Country when the war comes.

After all, I killed two of their 9th turn professionals, how could they not notice anything?

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