The two sides of the river were in chaos, and the two sides were in chaos.

Longguo, Mage Association.

Ninth floor of the Mage Tower.

Qingshan Lang personally presided over the meeting.

The Popsicle Sisters, the Little Black Room, Fenghuo Swinging the Hammer, Dajiji, Yitongtianxia...

The eight-turn and nine-turn masters of the Mage Association were basically all present, and there were also special seven-turn masters like Zhu Xianyu.

"Everyone, two things!"

Qingshan Lang looked calm, "First, prepare for the national war.

Second, Sakura Country has already sent people to assassinate the seed members of our Law Association before the national war.

It is currently confirmed that Meng Lei and Zhu Ming have been killed, and Lu Ziye is seriously injured.

Not only that, some seed members of the Shooter Association and the Warrior Association have also been assassinated one after another.

Qinghuo is teaming up with the Lu family's Huoyun ancestor to hunt down the ninja of Sakura Country. It is said that he is a nine-turn ninja, and his strength should not be underestimated."

Bangbangbing frowned: "The ninja profession is the same as the assassin, why don't you let Sister Youye go?"

Qingshan Lang shook his head and smiled bitterly: "She won't see me."

He was helpless.

As the president of the Dragon Country Assassin Association, Youye has always been a maverick and rarely has intersections with other associations.

Even his old friend, it is extremely difficult to see her.


She sighed and stopped investigating the matter. She frowned and said, "Something is strange. We were just about to declare a national war, and Sakura Country sent people to assassinate us, and then declared war!"

Qingshan Lang shook his head: "We will talk about these strange things later. Now the focus is on the national war and assassination.

From the current situation, our Law Association has received special care from Sakura Country. The lowest number of ninjas dispatched is 7th rank, and even 9th rank strongmen have participated."

"Little Black Room" frowned and said: "But why did they attack Lu Ziye, Zhu Ming, Meng Lei and others, but What if we don't touch Yang Huan, Su Mo and others?

According to the results of the last national conference, Su Mo, Yu Nanxing, Yang Huan and others ranked better, didn't they? "

"That's why I called an emergency meeting."

Qingshan Lang nodded, "In order to prevent these good talents of the Law Association from being harmed again, I decided to recall these members who are leveling up outside and arrange for them to level up together.

This will also protect them better.

After the war, no matter the success or failure, my Law Association can leave a spark."

Zhu Xianyu asked: "But, once the national war begins, we will all participate in the war, who will protect him? "

"Die for the country, die for a good cause."

Qingshan Lang said in a deep voice, "But before that, we need to do our best to improve their levels.

I have decided that from now on, all the 8th and 9th rank mages in the guild will be in charge, and all the 4th and 7th rank mages will upgrade and change their jobs.

All dungeons and secret realms in the guild will be opened to give priority to these levels of professionals.

[Refresh Scrolls] will also be supplied as much as possible.

We will strive to allow these mid-level mages to be promoted to the first rank.

After the war, they may be the cornerstone of Dragon Country and the future of our Mage Association!"


Everyone present was shocked, "You want to consume the foundation of the Law Association?"

Qingshan Lang said calmly: "The national war is the most important. If we win, these consumption will naturally be compensated.

But if we fail, these resources will become the Sakura Country."

"But, is a mere Sakura Country worth my Dragon Country's use of its foundation?"

"Little Black Room" frowned, "They are just a small country, and they don't have as many nine-turn professionals as we do."

Qingshan Lang shook his head: "You don't think that once the national war begins, it will only be a fight between Dragon Country and Sakura, right?"

"Little Black Room" looked terrified.

Others also thought of something, and their faces were heavy.


Qingshan Lang ordered, "Everyone, take action!"


Suma went ashore, thinking about whether to turn seven in Wuyang City.

Six turns seven is a gap, and the key point is that there is a task that must be recognized by the "Professional Arena".

In the "Professional Arena", the highest attributes of the same-level strongmen from various countries and professions will be transformed.

Some attributes are even transformed after taking drugs, in order to increase the difficulty for professionals from other countries to pass.

Many professionals are stuck at the seventh turn, and this is also the reason.

Of course, if you can get a relatively high ranking, the level cap will also range from level 200 to level 400.

Obviously, the higher the level of professionals of the same rank, the higher the combat power.

As for tasks such as collecting materials and killing monsters, they are no longer difficult for Su Mo.

Originally, he was confident about challenging the "Professional Arena", but the experience of Abe Qingyu made him realize that others

The professionals in the country also have their own strengths and magic.

If they accidentally capsize in the gutter, it will be tragic.

He decided to go to Tao Tesco to get a copy of the "Professional Arena" information and prepare.

On the way, he received a message from Zhu Xianyu: The national war is imminent, return to the Law Association as soon as possible, there is an important matter to discuss.


Su Mo's eyes lit up, and he immediately changed direction and went straight to the teleportation station.

Two hours later, it was late, and Su Mo walked out of the teleportation array.

Zhu Xianyu was already waiting for him at the station.

"Let's go, get in the car!"

Zhu Xianyu waved to Su Mo to follow, and drove him into the traffic.

Without waiting for Su Mo to speak, Zhu Xianyu spoke first and told Qingshan Lang's decision.

Su Mo frowned and was very surprised.

He wanted to tell Zhu Lao that he had also been assassinated.

But thinking that the fact that he killed Abe Haru was too bizarre, he simply didn't say it.

He was pleasantly surprised by what Zhu Lao said about the Law Association opening up its resources to professionals below the eighth level.

In this way, as long as the mission is not too outrageous, his seventh level is basically stable.

He may even be able to enter the eighth level with this opportunity.

But how can he tell Zhu Lao that he is actually already the sixth level and is just about to ask him how to do the seventh level mission?

"Su Mo, are you listening?"

Zhu Xianyu noticed that Su Mo was distracted and frowned and asked, "Have you reached the fifth level? Starting tomorrow, I will take you to brush the wild, try to complete the fifth level mission first, and then try to reach the sixth level...

This way, when the national war really duels, you will have more means of self-protection.

I can only spare three days, and then I will enter the secret realm myself, and try to reach the maximum level as soon as possible to try the eighth level..."

Su Mo was moved.

From beginning to end, Zhu Lao, the Law Association, and the president did not ask him for anything.

They only adhered to the guild rules of the Law Association.

The more so, the more he agreed with it.

The predecessors planned for the younger generation and the countrymen, so selflessly, what reason does he have to hide his rank at this time?

Besides, the Sakura Country has sent a ninth-level master to assassinate him, so how much need is there to hide from his own people?

As for the previous test by Qingshan Lang, it seems cold and ruthless, but it is a helpless move for a high position.

Anyone who has a sense of responsibility, who is not a person of perseverance, thinking and ruthlessness?

If it were me, I would probably be the same.

As the helmsman of the Law Association, how can I be strong without some moral means?

He took a deep breath and said seriously: "Well, Mr. Zhu, I have something to tell you."

Uncle Su is going to show his cards, no more pretending!

"What's the matter? Tell me."

Zhu Xianyu looked serious. "Although I don't know why Sakura Country didn't assassinate you, this is a good thing. It means you are safe for the time being. You should hurry up and upgrade..."

"No, Mr. Zhu, I... am already level 200."

"Level 200, you upgraded quite fast... What!"

Zhu Xianyu almost crashed the car into the roadside railing.

After he tried hard to turn the steering wheel and park the car on the side of the road, he looked at Su Mo with wide eyes, "Say it again, I didn't hear it clearly just now!"


Su Mo scratched his head, knowing the impact of this incident on Zhu Xianyu, and apologized, "Well, I'm level 200."

"Oh my God!"

Zhu Xianyu's eyes were wide open, and his face flushed because of being too excited, "You actually reached the maximum level of the sixth transformation!"

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