On the way back to the city, there were water stains from melting ice and snow everywhere.

The green bamboo forest was in a mess.

For a long time, it would be difficult to restore this novice leveling area.

That's not all. Jiangcheng is a small place, and there are only a few places where you can fight monsters and level up.

If there is one less leveling area, someone's leveling will definitely be affected.

But this was all done by the mage Su Mo. What does it have to do with the future god of magic, Master Su?

Back in the city, Su Mo first went to the forging shop to sell all the materials he had obtained, and got 80,000 blue star coins.

There was no way, the materials were cheap.

Then he went to a trading house called Tao Le Gou to sell equipment.

This is a national chain trading house with strong strength. There are big guilds and big money owners behind them. No one dares to make trouble for them.

In the previous professional course, the teacher said in the lesson of "field explosive equipment consignment" that there was a seventh-level professional who was doing an eighth-level task and was in urgent need of a task material. Because he was short of money, he took the risk of robbing from Taolegou.

As a result, he didn't even touch the material, and was slapped into thin slices by the store manager and pasted on the wall.

For the purpose of warning, Taolegou did not remove the mummy.

The transaction price given by Taolegou is also fair compared to its peers, and is favored by more and more professionals.

It is said that in Taolegou, as long as the price is high enough, dark gold equipment can be sold!

So customers like Su Mo go in to sell some blue equipment, and the most ordinary clerks greet him.

But after he took out more than ten pieces of blue equipment, the polite clerk's face immediately became more friendly.

He realized that there might be more than that on Su Mo.

"Guest, please follow me!"

Su Mo nodded in understanding.

Although transactions in Tao Le Gou are protected, they cannot be guaranteed outside the store.

The clerk's doing this is also a kind of protection for his "not showing off his wealth".

Su Mo followed the clerk to a VIP room. The clerk had already offered a glass of water with both hands and said respectfully: "Dear guest, I just noticed that you have taken out twelve blue suits and ninety-six green suits, with a total value of 1.32 million.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble for you, I brought you to the VIP room. I hope it will not cause you any trouble."

Su Mo smiled and nodded: "Thank you!"

I have to say, it feels so good to be treated as a god.

The clerk politely responded: "You're welcome. This is what Tao Le Gou should do for you.

Excuse me, do you want to settle now or--"

Su Mo smiled slightly and continued to take out blue suits, a total of thirty-nine pieces!

The clerk's eyes lit up, and the smile and kindness on his face became stronger.

The importance of blue suits to junior professionals is self-evident.

In the Taolegou national chain trading house, the most sought-after items by professionals within the first or second level are blue equipment.

Therefore, the entire trading house has the largest business volume in the acquisition and sale of blue equipment.

The commission for the sale of a single piece of blue equipment is not much for the clerk, but it is different when thirty or forty pieces are accumulated together!

This is equivalent to his business volume for two or three months!

The clerk is also a professional-a businessman, and a large part of his promotion and job change is related to doing business.

So when he saw Su Mo take out so many equipment, he got excited all of a sudden.

Although he knew the result, the clerk still held back his excitement and politely confirmed: "Dear guest, with so many equipment, do you want to sell them all at once?"

Su Mo nodded: "Yes, all sold!"


The smile on the corner of the clerk's mouth was no longer concealed, and it was as big as a pair of leather shoes with broken threads, "Okay, okay, customer, I will give you an estimate right away...

The total value of these equipment is 3.8 million Blue Star Coins, and I will settle it for you now."

The clerk was so happy to come to this conclusion.

Once this transaction is completed, I can resell it and take 10% of the net profit, which means I can get at least 130,000 or 140,000 yuan!

"No hurry,"

Su Mo smiled and said, "You seem to have skill books for sale here, right?"


The clerk was stunned for a second, and then immediately reacted, "Ah, that's right, sir, we have potions, equipment, and skill books for sale here.

Excuse me, do you want to buy or sell skill books?

Don't worry, with your current transaction amount, you can get the gold card membership service of our trading house, and you can get a 5% markup on the goods you sell and a 10% discount on the goods you buy."

Su Mo nodded with satisfaction. It is indeed a professional trading house, which makes people feel at home.

He took out the skill book and said

: "These two books are sold. See if you have any mage skill books. If you do, bring them to me."

The clerk was ecstatic.

The commission from the blue equipment transaction was already equal to his sales for two or three months, and now he had two more skill books.

You know, equipment is just a transition, and skills are forever.

The value of skill books is not comparable to mere equipment.

He took the two skill books handed over by Su Mo, [Shadow Assault] and [Guardian Shield], read the skill introduction, and smiled:

"Customer, this [Shadow Assault] is a fine skill for assassins. Creating a clone can confuse the opponent on the battlefield. You can bid 2 million.

As for this [Guardian Shield], it can only be regarded as a medium-quality one.

You also know that there are many buff auras for the guardian profession. This kind of shield and burn is very common.

To be honest, our store now has five books with the same effect, which have not been sold yet..."

Su Mo waved his hand: " Just make an offer. "

"Customer, I can only offer a medium-quality skill book for 1 million."

The clerk said frankly, "Because you are a gold member, you can get a 5% premium, and the two books together are 3.15 million."

As if he was afraid that Su Mo would not sell, he added, "These two skill books can only be sold for between 2.9 million and 3 million on Pinduoduo.

They can be sold for 3.1 million at Lanmei Trading House, but the salesperson will take 10% of your money..."

Su Mo waved his hand: "It's okay, sell it!"

He thought it was a small profit, but he didn't expect to make a big profit!


"In addition, do you have any mage skill books? Recommend a few based on the money I have earned from selling these equipment."


The clerk's face was embarrassed, "Customer, I'm sorry, we don't have any mage skill books in our store."

"No more?"

Su Mo felt like he was screwed.

I trust you guys so much, but you told me you don't have any?

Seeing Su Mo's displeasure, the clerk hurriedly explained: "It's like this, sir, not only do we have no magic skill books here, but all the magic skill books in the trading houses in Jiangcheng are sold out!"

"All sold out?"

Su Mo frowned, feeling uneasy, "Who bought it?"

"Xu Hao, Young Master Xu from the City Lord's Mansion."

The clerk looked apologetic and said cautiously: "Sir, are you still selling these things?"

Su Mo thought for a moment and waved his hand: "Sell!"

At the same time, he narrowed his eyes: "Xu Hao, you've bought them all, right..."

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