After half an hour, Su Mo came out of Tao Le Gou's store with a total of 6.95 million. Although he did not get any extra money, as a gold VIP, he received 50 bottles of blue calcium bottles from the store clerk - potions for restoring mana. These 50 bottles are high-end goods that can be consumed during combat, restoring 50 mana points per second, with an upper limit of 500, and the restoration effect will not be interrupted when attacked. The ordinary small blue bottles are simply incomparable. If you calculate it carefully, it is definitely more than 50,000. In general, the clerk is quite awesome, and Tao Le Gou's business is indeed good. Such a large amount of money is a huge sum for any newly-transferred profession, enough to buy two or three skill books of top quality or above.

Unfortunately, he didn't buy any skill books for mages.

The clerk told him that just two or three hours ago, Xu Hao personally came to the store and spent a lot of money to buy all three skill books for mages in the store.

Before Su Mo, there were other mages who came to buy skill books. The store was out of stock, and they were thinking of transferring goods from Lan Mei and Pin Xixi at a price, but they found out that the skill books for mages there were also bought by Xu Hao.

Although there was no evidence, Su Mo was basically sure that Xu Hao was targeting him.

This kind of thing is too easy to do in a remote place like Jiangcheng.

Purchase all the skill books, block Su Mo's way to power, and force him to surrender.

This routine is a relatively smart approach in the villain novels that Su Mo had read in his previous life.

Faced with such "sanctions", ordinary professionals will soon have to make a choice: either upgrade is blocked or succumb to the City Lord's Mansion.

But this is destined not to be difficult for Su Mo. At most, he can go to the wild area to kill monsters and get equipment to make money, and then teleport to other cities to buy skill books.

Funding issues may trap others, but not Uncle Su.

It's nothing more than casting a forbidden spell in the wild...

Not only that, once the job transfer is successful, he can comprehend two skills again, and the skill book doesn't seem to have such a big impact on him.

Thinking of this, Su Mo turned and walked towards the job transfer temple.

The job transfer temple has a simple shape, neither immortal, Buddhist, nor Taoist. It is located in the city center and is a building that automatically appears after the game world descends.

Primary professionals who want to transfer jobs need to reach level 30 and enter the temple to accept the job transfer task.

Job transfer tasks are roughly divided into several categories: killing, dialogue, assassination, collection, etc.

Three tasks will be randomly assigned when transferring jobs.

It is said that a professional with a European physique will randomly receive three dialogue tasks in the sixth and seventh transformations, and complete the job transformation by listening to the NPC telling a story, which is very smooth.

Of course, there is only one such lucky person. Although Su Mo is very handsome, he really doesn't have much confidence in "face recognition"...

Once the job transformation is successful, the attributes of the professional will be greatly improved.

At the same time, two new skills will be learned.

The new skills that are randomly obtained are more dependent on luck. Some people can even advance to special professions or even hidden professions with this.

Teacher Liu, who led them to the trial, was an ordinary mage in the first transformation. In the second transformation, he learned a [Whisper of the Wind] and became a special profession all of a sudden. He is famous throughout Jiangcheng.

Even the City Lord's Mansion has to give him some face!

Therefore, before the job transformation, the professional will restore his state to the best, and only accept the job transformation task after thorough preparation to ensure that he can pass it.

Otherwise, the professional's strength may stop here for life.

There are not many people like Su Mo who can go from the first job to the second job in less than three days in the whole Jiangcheng, or even the whole Longguo...

When Su Mo arrived at the job transfer temple, there was only a girl with black frame glasses sitting at the counter waiting at the entrance.

This made Su Chen think of a sentence - when she took off her glasses and put her hair up, I knew she was getting serious.

It seems that the work is boring, so the girl is playing connect the dots.

Seeing her frown, the game should be quite difficult.

"Beauty, I want to change my job."

The girl with glasses didn't even raise her head: "Wait a minute."

Su Mo frowned.

After all, he is in the system, and his service attitude cannot be compared with that of the clerks in Taolegou.

But he still said "um" honestly and looked into the hall.

The hall is 20 to 30 meters high and covers an area as large as a football field.

The surroundings are like the courtyards in the previous life, with a "patio" of about 100 square meters in the middle.

In the middle of the courtyard is the Holy Spring. When changing jobs, the job changer can get free Holy Spring water to restore the damage.

This is similar to the

The sacred tree has a similar purpose, both of which are benefits provided by the game world to real professionals.

The "stone pillars" supporting the hall are actually independent job transfer houses for receiving job transfer tasks.

"Oh, it's over. It's all my fault..."

The girl with glasses complained impatiently, but stopped immediately when she looked up and saw Su Mo's handsome face.

Instead, she smiled warmly, sincerely, and sweetly: "Hello, how can I help you!"

"I want to change my job."

Su Mo said calmly, thinking that being handsome is still good.

The girl with glasses threw a coquettish glance: "Okay, report your name and identity information, and I will give you permission."

"Su Mo, Jiangcheng Game Academy."

"Pah pah pah!"

The girl with glasses quickly tapped the keyboard, called up Su Mo's information, browsed it carefully, widened her eyes, and looked at Su Mo in disbelief: "You changed your job just the day before yesterday, and now you are going to change it again?"


The girl with glasses took a deep breath to calm her shock.

It's only been less than three days, from level 1 to level 30?

Who would believe it if I told them?

This leveling speed can only be achieved by the direct descendants of the big families and big guilds in Shendu, right?

At least in Jiangcheng, she has never heard of anyone who can do it.

Even Xu Gang, the city lord who is known as the local emperor of Jiangcheng, can't do it!

Sensing that the girl with glasses was distracted, Su Mo whispered, "Beauty?"

"Oh, sorry!"

The girl with glasses recalled her thoughts, tapped the keyboard with one hand, and handed him a key with the other hand, "This is the key to the job transfer house No. 008, you can go in by yourself.

The job transfer tasks are divided into five levels: simple, general, difficult, nightmare, and hell.

The job transfer can be completed when the completion degree reaches more than 60%, and the difficulty will affect the rewards after the job transfer.

It may even affect the newly awakened skills...

But this will appear randomly, and there is no specific pattern."

"Try to complete the job transfer task in one go, because the awakened skills completed in one go are all of the best quality."

"Once the job transfer task fails three times, you will never be able to transfer again."

"Good luck, handsome boy!"

"Thank you!"

Su Mo is not stingy with his politeness to those who are polite to him.

He took the key and slowly came to the No. 008 pillar, and then he noticed that the "stone pillar" was made of a special green unknown metal.

There are intricate and exquisite patterns on the pillars, revealing mystery.

He inserted the key into the keyhole and twisted it gently. With a "click", the door was opened.

A mechanical and unfamiliar voice sounded: "Dear Mr. Su Mo, the job transfer station No. 008 is ready. Please enter as soon as possible to receive the job transfer task!"

Su Mo walked in.

What came into view was a corridor-like passage that went straight forward.

On both sides were various colors of light flowing, and various magic elements such as gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, and thunder were filled in it.

"I didn't expect there was another space in the job transfer room."

Su Mo thought to himself.

He followed the passage forward and finally came to a "suspended" high platform.

Opposite the high platform was a "display screen" suspended in the "high sky", on which it was written:

Name: Su Mo

Occupation: Mage

Level: Level 30

[Judgment: Meet the job transfer conditions, do you want to start the job transfer? ]

Su Mo subconsciously answered: "Confirmed!"

The "display screen" was updated again:

[Second-level task one: Killing - Sniping the Lord of the Mi Lin]

[Difficulty of the task: Hell]

[Task introduction: In the Mi Lin north of Jiangcheng, there is a powerful lord who controls a large area of ​​mineral resources and hinders the development of Jiangcheng.

Reminder: The strength of the Lord of the Mi Lin is unfathomable, and he once killed a third-level strongman! ]

[Please ask the professional to kill the Lord of the Mi Lin and eliminate the harm for the people. ]

Looking at this task, Su Mo felt like he was screwed.

What kind of luck is this?

The first task of the second-level task is a hell-level one?

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