Chapter 111 Ordered by Heaven, Eternal Chang!!

Ah Yao is dead.

The last trace of the mount’s obsession also dissipated.

And now, Qin Yun himself may also be coming to the end. Qin Yun looked at those gods.

Those gods are eager to divide themselves and eat them. And he is also desperate, and there are no hole cards.

At this time, Qin Yun did not think of A Yao, not Qin Xiaoyu, let alone the First Emperor more than two thousand years ago.

It was Qin Xiao, the person who showed a knowing smile at the last moment of his life. The kind of world that Qin Xiao described to him, why didn’t Qin Yun yearn for it? An acre of fertile land, a ploughing cow, a hut, several degrees of spring and autumn. Without war, everyone can live and work in peace.

It’s just that everything exists only in fantasy.

“I… When can I go home? ”

Such a sentence suddenly appeared in Qin Yun’s heart. This is what many comrades-in-arms have asked him before. And now, Qin Yun actually asked himself. Only this time, there was no human happiness.

Because, your life is likely to come to an end! Race against the clock yourself, still can’t change this fate?

Will Qin Xiaoyu, who has not yet grown up, become the last hope to complete his unfinished mission?

Qin Yun didn’t know.

The black horse, Qin Xiao’s mount, bit Qin Xiaoyu’s clothes and threw Qin Xiaoqiu onto his back.

The dark horse knew that now, only he could save Qin Xiaoyu. Originally, it just wanted to wait for Qin Xiao to come back.

Now I can’t wait, I want to die with Qin Xiao, but I was pulled on a boat by Qin Yun.

Now it is even more necessary to take on such a heavy task!

The dark horse didn’t think much, perhaps, this is his own life.

Those who entered the forbidden land, whether they were men or horses, did not end well

“Old ancestor…”

Qin Xiaoyu’s hoarse voice shouted. Tears couldn’t stop flowing out of my eyes. This is my last relative.

The care and love of the ancestor are all vividly remembered, which is a gentleness that Qin Xiaoyu has never experienced in his life.

And in the end, even Old Ancestor Qin Yun was going to leave him……… From now on, there will only be Qin Xiaoyu left in this world.

Qin Xiaoyu didn’t feel the slightest bit like that before, but at this moment, his entire heart seemed to be torn apart.

It was loneliness like never before.

Before, she had been in loneliness and had not experienced that kind of tenderness, so she would not feel how lonely she was.

But now, feeling the gentleness and love of the ancestor, Qin Xiaoyu felt unprecedented warmth.

But ruthlessly cut off this relationship.

That unprecedented loneliness seemed to completely engulf Qin Xiaoqiu at this moment, Qin Xiaoqiu felt as if nothing mattered.

She just, she didn’t want the ancestor to die!

A group of Longguo netizens are not much better than Qin Xiaoyu.

“Old ancestor, are you really at the end of the road?”

“Why is Lao Zu this forbidden nightmare, if only Lao Zu was an ordinary god.”

“Behind the strong strength, there must be a huge pressure, these gods, just hope that the ancestor is weak, and then they all fiercely gnaw a piece of meat from the ancestor.”

“Lao Zu has paid too much for us, and now he can’t end well.”

“Qin Xiaoyu run, staying here will only become a burden to the ancestor.”

“Write down all these gods, and when the time comes, avenge the ancestors one by one”

“Blocking these gods is already the last thing Lao Zu can do for Xiao Qiu, don’t let down Lao Zu’s kindness.”

“Running away now is not cowardice, it’s for the sake of being strong in the future!”

The dark horse also used its top speed.

Like a black lightning, running towards the distance!

Running wildly without a destination, as long as he left the sight of this gods, Qin Xiaoyu would be safe.

Qin Xiaoyu looked at Qin Yun, who gradually turned into a black spot, and he couldn’t cry anymore. She wanted to grab something, but there was nothing in her arms!

In the battlefield, watching the black horse take away Qin Xiaoyu, Qin Yun was also relieved Qin Yun clenched the halberd in his hand, and trembled a little because of the loss of strength.

However, Qin Yun laughed. He’s a forbidden nightmare!

Then let these gods experience the fear of being dominated by themselves again. I just don’t know how many gods I can take away with this last-ditch effort.

The power of the killing rules is constantly being triggered, relying on a strange way to run the rule power, as if to go to another height.

Those gods have long since fallen into mania.

But at this moment, an even more terrifying force broke out, covering the entire forbidden land!

All the gods are in their hearts, is this Qin Yun’s last desperate fight?

At this point, could Qin Yun still use such a terrifying power?! And Qin Yun himself fell into a state of confusion.

I was ready to fight, but the power I contained in the end was definitely not so terrifying.

This kind of terrifying power is probably only possessed by the existence in the deepest part of the forbidden land.

That turquoise color covered the entire forbidden place, every corner. It’s as if the whole sky has been replaced.

That color is like a king.

And Qin Yun was illuminated by this turquoise light, and the pain all over his body seemed to disappear.

The entire forbidden place was quiet at this moment. It’s complete silence.

Even the black horse that was galloping all the way stopped. Like Qin Xiaoyu, look up at the sky.

This is far beyond their imagination! Eight small characters seemed to float in the sky.

That……… It seems to be the ancient font of the Dragon Kingdom.

“That sky… Like a king, a huge piece of jade. ”

“Is there any word engraved on it?”

“Probably too old to recognize.”

“That should be the font of our Dragon Country, right?”

“This should be Lao Zu’s last hole card, right?”

“Probably not, if it is Lao Zu’s last hole card, this dark horse should not be surprised, how to say it is Qin Xiao’s mount, and the relationship with Lao Zu should not be shallow.”

“So what happened again?”

And at this moment, in a research institute in the Dragon Country, an old pedant carefully looked at the eight big characters that appeared on the live broadcast room.

Accept……… Life……… In……… Sky……… Already…… Longevity……… Yongchang? Ordered by heaven, both life and eternal prosperity!!


It’s these eight big words, not a single one! The old pedant trembled with excitement.

These are the characters engraved on the jade seal of the country, eight big characters written down by Li Si!

Even if the old and new dynasties change, there will be no problems with that jade seal. Commanded by heaven, both life and eternal prosperity.

Who can refuse these eight big words?

At this moment, the power of terror was revealed from these eight big words. The ravines that formed the graben are healing.

The crumbling mountains are beginning to reunite. The scarlet blood also seeped into the earth. It’s like going back in time.

At this moment, Qin Yunke finally saw clearly.

Where is it like jade, it is originally a piece of jade. A piece of heirloom jade seal.

“Ordered by heaven, and eternal life is everlasting.”

“It turns out that His Majesty the First Emperor has long anticipated this day.”

This power is very terrifying, but it shines on Qin Yun or other gods, and it is very gentle.

It seems to have the greatest tolerance in the world.

It was as if this forbidden land was its rivers and mountains, and Qin Yun and a group of gods were its people.

After a big battle, the entire forbidden land seemed to be riddled with holes. And at this moment, all are healed.

Qin Yun’s irreversible injury seemed to have healed. In that white hair, a few green strands also appeared.

He recovered from his injuries some………

In other words, Qin Yun’s lifespan will also be a little longer. Slowly, the shadow of the jade seal gradually dissipated. The shadow of a black dragon appeared in the sky!

Not the dragon in Western mythology, but the totem of the dragon country. A real dragon of the Dragon Country!

In the entire forbidden land, everyone witnessed all kinds of gods and beasts, but there was no phantom of any mythical existence in the Dragon Country.

There are even many people who believe that the myth of the Dragon Kingdom does not exist at all! But at this moment, just after seeing the inheritance of the jade seal.

A black dragon appeared in the sky.

That kind of aura is more than a hundred times more terrifying than Qin Yun.

Even the existence in the deepest part of the forbidden land could not have such a terrifying momentum.

It’s just that Qin Yun faintly feels that this breath is very familiar. Suddenly, Qin Yun’s eyes widened.

He thought about who it was. That black dragon phantom……… Isn’t it His Majesty the First Emperor?!

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