Chapter 112 is coming today, the rules should be changed!!

The First Emperor has always been a mysterious existence in Qin Yun’s heart.

Although Qin Yun was very clear about the life of the First Emperor, the more he delved into it, the more he felt the extraordinary nature of the First Emperor!

It’s like, not like the characters of that heaven and earth. And now, that magnificent momentum.

It was even more imposing than the existence in the deepest part of the Forbidden Land. It is similar to the momentum of the First Emperor two thousand years ago!

Although the strength is very different.

But Qin Yun didn’t know how, he could be sure that this was the First Emperor! All netizens in Longguo were stunned.

And a group of top ~ pointed gods trembled.

They are born gods, born to be the masters of this forbidden place, destined to be high!

Their bloodline determines their class!

But this time, they felt that their bloodline was suppressed! There was only a shadow hovering in the sky, which actually made them want to crawl.


“How can there be a bloodline higher than ours in this world? Even the one in the deepest part of the Forbidden Land will not be higher than us! ”

“Such a thing can’t exist at all!”

“We are the highest bloodline, the noblest existence in the entire forbidden land!”

A group of peak gods panicked.

And Beelzebub, the sin of gluttony watching the play from afar. It’s also a heartbeat.

It was Beelzebub who wanted to facilitate this battle the most.

Since the power that dyed the entire sky turquoise just now burst out.

All this exceeded its predictions and went in an unpredictable direction! Beelzebub’s forehead was bruised.

“Bastard! Just a mortal, why is it so difficult to kill?! ”

Beelzebub looked deeply. Qin Yun glanced at it and retreated into the darkness. It’s as if it never happened.

As for the black dragon that appeared in the sky, Beelzebub was not as shocked as those gods.

With more contact, the wider your horizons, you will naturally be able to let go of those existences whose bloodline is higher than your own.

But fortunately, the existence that is higher than one’s own bloodline is unique. The black dragon was still hovering in the sky, as if to stir up the wind and clouds of the entire forbidden land. The momentum destroys the heavens and the earth, but those forces spill in the forbidden land, but they warm this land.

The contrast is striking.

At this time, an emperor’s voice came from the sky. Just like the Great Qin War Song that Qin Yun sang at that time.

“Unify the six countries, and the world will be one!”

“Build the Great Wall to town the Dragon Vein of Kyushu!”

What a boldness!

How spectacular!

Only one who can say such a thing exists in the whole world! First Emperor!!

This sentence proved the identity of the first emperor!

Just one sentence seems to make people’s hearts tremble!

“Unify the six countries, and the world will be one!”

“Build the Great Wall to town the Kyushu Dragon Vein.”

“Defend me Daqin, protect my society.”

“I swear here in the name of the First Emperor!”


“When you defend the territory and open up the territory, sweep away the four Yi, and determine the foundation of my Great Qin Dynasty!”


“I will also turn into a dragon soul and bless me with eternal immortality!”

“This oath, the sun and the moon are proof!”

“Heaven and earth learn together!”

“Immortals, devils, gods, listen to it!”

Endless imperial aura filled the entire forbidden land.

The black horse that fled with Qin Xiaoyu had already knelt on the ground, shivering.

Not only this black horse, but all the creatures in the entire forbidden land, including these top gods, were shocked!

Don’t dare to move!

It seems that if you move yourself, you will completely disappear! They can be felt.

This power has ignored the rules. Or rather, the rules have been exceeded!

If they really provoked this being, they would probably truly die, death in the third sense of the gods!

This is the bold words left by the First Emperor standing on the Great Wall back then! In a word, shock the crowd.

In a word, all turmoil can be quelled!

In that era, as long as the First Emperor was still alive and there was still a breath, then the whole world would not be chaotic!

And no one dares to rebel.

This kind of achievement, this kind of bold words, throughout the history of the Dragon Country, I am afraid that I can’t find a second person.

Two thousand years have passed, and Qin Yun doesn’t remember what realm the First Emperor reached back then seems to be slightly weaker than himself.

After all……… There is a specialization in the art industry.

Later, Qin Yun entered the forbidden land and fought in all directions. I don’t know anything about the back of the First Emperor.

And at this moment, just hearing this voice, Qin Yun seemed to have let go of all the burdens.

It’s like, as long as he’s there, there won’t be any problems. Qin Yun vaguely remembered what the First Emperor had said to him back then.

“Without the method of immortality, can’t you live forever?”

In that world, the Qin Emperor’s Mausoleum drove away mercury night and night, but no descendant had ever seen the true face of the First Emperor!

Perhaps, the First Emperor has really obtained true immortality by his own strengthPerhaps, the First Emperor really does not need this method of immortality!

However, all this is just Qin Yun’s conjecture. And at this moment, compared to the silence in the forbidden land.

The entire Dragon Country seemed to be silent for a moment. Dynasty change, starting with the Qin Emperor!

In history, there are mixed reviews of such a figure. But both the praise and the derogation inside.

All reveal the powerful charm of the First Emperor.

And before the forbidden land was opened, that kind of admiration was only like that of mortals. But now, the voice of the emperor.

But it has broken the cognition of countless people!

That One is not only revered by thousands of people in the mortal world. Even in this forbidden land, it can shock the gods!

“This… Is it the First Emperor? ”

“What kind of era was that?!”

“Maybe the history we know is biased, and the war at that time may be the real war of the gods!”

“Even those high gods can’t say such a thing.”

“This First Emperor, I’m afraid the strength is stronger than that of Old Ancestor Qin Yun, right?”

“With the First Emperor out of the horse, Old Ancestor Qin Yun will be able to survive.”

“Thank God, thank God!”

Many old pedants were trembling and tears welling up in their eyes.

Some people, even after thousands of years, still guard the country. Now, the entire Dragon Country is guarded by Qin Yun, an old-timer.

When I saw this old-timer about to die in battle, I don’t know how many people burst into tears.

People are not grass, how can they be insensible?!

Qin Yun dragged his seriously injured body, and he also had to explain the doubts in the exercises to the Dragon Country scholars late at night.

Such a person deserves the tenderness of the whole world!

It should not be like that, a person should die alone in a forbidden place. Fortunately!

Fortunately, everything is gone! Old Ancestor Qin Yun was rescued.

And it was also their ancients who saved Qin Yun’s ancestors!

Everyone knows His Majesty the First Emperor! Seeing this scene, some people even burst into tears and laughed.

“Life in the world, be like the ancestor of Qin Yun, be like His Majesty the First Emperor.”

“Only when I have no regrets being born in this kind of flower family, I have no regrets……… This man walks in the world! ”

In the forbidden land, the huge black dragon hovering in the sky gradually faded and turned into a back.

That bold remark was not what the First Emperor said now.

Instead, Yu Wei, which was left over from two thousand years ago, burst out in an instant at this moment! It didn’t take long.

A black gown with a six-inch hair crown.

A man with twelve coats of arms embroidered appeared in the sky.

A heirloom jade seal appeared in front of him, and a black dragon was hovering and roaring behind him! First Emperor.

It really appeared.

Although it is just a ghost, it is enough to shock the heavens and people. Under the angular and domineering!

In ancient times, those nobles.

Excellent genes are accumulated from generation to generation, not to mention this imperial family!

The First Emperor’s face was not under Qin Yun.

Those who said that although the First Emperor was endlessly charming, his appearance was not necessarily extraordinary, but they slapped their faces.

Although Qin Yun was dressed in black, his white hair was fluttering red.

But he still supported his body and gave the First Emperor a big gift!

“See the First Emperor.”

“My Emperor, long live……… Banzai……… Hooray! ”

This worship, heaven and earth are gloomy!

Two thousand years!

Qin Yun finally saw His Majesty the First Emperor again!

And Qin Shihuang, who was standing in the sky, smiled faintly at Qin Yun.

“In these two thousand years, you have done well.”

An ordinary praise, but suddenly made Qin Yun burst into tears. This is an affirmation of his mission of more than 2,000 years!

The First Emperor just glanced at Qin Yun, and then looked towards the deepest part of the forbidden land.

“National Fortune. Forbidden…… Explore……… I don’t care how you bounce around. ”

“But today… I’ll come, and this rule will be changed. ”

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