National Occupation: Forge The Title Of 100-Fold Increase At The Beginning

Chapter 269: Starting The World Of [Gods]! (Please Customize!)

"Sorry, I want a [Xun Jinquan Boiled Dragon Carp] and two glasses of [Yu Ling Wine].

In the Dimensional restaurant, Han Xiao put down the menu after making difficult choices, and picked out the dishes and drinks he wanted.

Then he walked to the counter and spoke to the girl with a high ponytail named [Sugar] whose level was marked as 100. While being very polite, she couldn't help lowering her eyes slightly.

First, after all, he is stronger than his master.

The second thing is that the other party's flawless face... is really attractive.

He didn't dare to look more.

"I'm very sorry, the store manager is currently preparing dishes for the distinguished guests, and there is no space available for the time being... You can go back to your original seat and wait, and I will let you know when the dishes are ready

The maid, Sugar, said something in a gentle tone, and then continued to stand behind the counter without making a sound.

Han Xiao froze for a moment, nodded silently, turned around and returned to his seat~.

In the Dimensional restaurant, whether it is the guests who come to eat like him, or the waiters such as maids, at present, he cannot provoke them.

What's more, what the other party said was a distinguished guest.

A distinguished guest who can be treated respectfully by such a horrible existence as the manager of the Dimensional Restaurant...

I'm afraid the personality is quite high.

Han Xiao thought in his heart, feeling a little helpless.

Although he has repeatedly made up his mind to himself, but he has truly faced this kind of existence that he is completely unattainable at present, and it is impossible to say that he has no sense of defeat.

"It would be great if I could become a regular customer of Dimension Restaurant."

Han Xiao thought silently.

The various dishes, desserts and even drinks here have quite good effects, and it is said that there are so many kinds, almost comparable to the number of the heavens.

Even if you don’t eat a lot of food, you may not be able to see the tip of the iceberg for thousands of years.

Even if Han Xiao is holding the lowest-quality entrance ticket, there are so many dishes that he can eat. If he didn't use his willpower to screen the menus, he would not be able to browse through them all in a few years.

While he was silently thinking about whether he could collect some dimensional restaurant entrance tickets in the future.

The guests dressed as swordsmen at the next table got up after eating, cupped their hands and said to the acquaintances present: "Everyone, I have finished my meal, so I will take my leave.

"I hope I can survive the catastrophe this time... If I am still alive after a thousand years, I will meet you again at the Dimension Restaurant."

As soon as this remark came out, many guests responded one after another.

"Walk slowly with Mr., there must be a chance."

"While surviving as much as possible, you must grab the opportunity to eat, your guy's sword magic is still very good.

"We will cheer for you, we must kill that big devil."

"It's the devil, right...and Mr. Sui is obviously using fairy art, how could it be magic? Why are the Lost mages always making mistakes?"

"Hahaha, it's easy for people to do this when they're old... Anyway, Mr. Sui, please do your best."

The swordsman known as Mr. Sui didn't say much, he just clasped his fists to all the guests present with emotion, then turned around and strode away, disappearing in the restaurant in just a blink of an eye.

However, the eyes of many guests still stayed at the door.

At the end, someone sighed softly: "Although I really don't want to say it, but this should be the last time I saw Mr. Sui, right?"

"Eh?? Why do you want this river? We all have a long lifespan, right? A thousand years is just a short time? Especially after eating the dishes at the Dimension Restaurant..." named Isa Er's brave girl couldn't help but speak out, her tone full of doubts: "Could it be that you think Mr. Sui will lose to that big devil?"

"Alas." The mage known as Los sighed when he heard the words, put down the fruit wine in his hand, and said in a slightly complicated tone: "Little girl brave, you didn't understand what Mr. Sui said before. "

"What he has to face is not just a big devil...

"Ah?" Isael still didn't react.

Mr. Chang, who was picking up vegetables, said lightly: "The big devil Mr. Sui mentioned is a certain 'world willpower'.

"Originally, the 'world willpower' was unable to defeat Mr. Sui, and was even injured... But in the continuous promotion later, everything was different... only surrounded by His subordinates, There are countless strong men, many of whom are stronger than Mister Sui himself."

"If you want to take the initiative to conquer the world he is in, you don't need to exert your strength at all, it's all in the palm of your hand.

"Mr. Sui, there is no chance of winning."

0......seeking flowers......

"Eh? But Mr. Sui didn't include these things in what he said just now, right?" Isael expressed her doubts again.

This time it was the wizard Ross who answered the question, and he said: "He just said this in a very cryptic way... Of course you didn't understand, little girl of the brave.

"Although I have always claimed to be just an ordinary swordsman, I know very well that he is already the strongest existence in the world I live in. I have used magic for divination... and the conclusion is that , Mr. Sui, is the embodiment of the willpower of the world he lives in... If I were to fight him, I would be killed in a dozen or so breaths, but he is definitely not injured at all .”

"Willpower?!" Isael was completely shocked, "That is to say, Mr. Sui is actually a god?"

"Strictly speaking, yes, and it's at the level of the god who created the world." A short-sized dwarf creature from another table also said, "I've known this for a long time, but, can you The willpower of the world that even Mr. Sui can't match... is really unimaginable."

"His extremely abundant sword power, the supreme alchemy god in my world, is no match for him at all... Mr. Sui can be ranked among the top three powerhouses among our group of diners, right? But even he can't solve it... Hey, it would be nice if the world can get along with each other in a friendly way."

"That kind of thing is impossible even if you think about it?"

Han Xiao, who was listening silently, couldn't help laughing secretly.

The heavens and worlds have evolved to the present, and the world with a little ability will be like the first batch of [enemies from other worlds] that came to the main world, plundering resources, the source of willpower and other things, so as to improve themselves.


The grievances and grievances between many worlds have long been a bad debt, and it is impossible to tell who is right and who is wrong.

It would be nice not to be hostile to the black hand, but also friendly?

Even if they are allies who form an alliance, don't they each have as many careful calculations as oxtails?

As for those low-level worlds, it doesn't matter what their willpower or what the strongest person in the world thinks.

It's all said and done.

At most, I can only pray that I am not the prey of other worlds. .

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