"I have arranged all the dishes you need for you, and they are all in this storage item... The time in it is static, so you don't have to worry about any problems with the dishes.

Seeing the shop manager handing a boxy item in front of his eyes with both hands, Su Chen raised his hand to take it, and before his eyes, a lot of boosting reminders floated up one after another.

How should I put it, it was the kind that was enough to make his scalp tingle.

Fortunately, Su Chen was fast enough to turn it off in an instant.

While he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he also nodded to the shop manager and said: "I'm sorry to trouble you.

"That's what I should do, you're welcome."

The latter nodded slightly, then stood quietly aside, waiting for the next move of the distinguished guest in front of him.

See this scene.

Su Chen was a little emotional.

An epic prop "467" can actually make a 150-level powerhouse so humble.

How to put it, it makes people feel a lot, but it is impossible to talk about it for a while.

I remember just now when he asked if he could invite the other party to be a bodyguard, the shop manager just shook her head slightly, but then gave an unexpected answer from Su Chen: "As a VIP, you can bind yourself as an exclusive VIP in the Dimensional Restaurant In the room, if you encounter any unavoidable danger outside, you can use an instant teleportation to go directly to the VIP room. Once you arrive at the Dimension Restaurant, you will be protected by me... As for the time of instant teleportation There are also restrictions. After using it once, you need to cool it down... Um... Calculated with the time of your professionals, it is seven natural days. During the transmission process, no causal or special damage can be imposed on you. ...…… If there is damage or curse, I will take action to remove it for you."

After hearing this passage, Su Chen was a little surprised.

After all, he just wanted to experience the dishes in Dimensional Restaurant with boosts and special effects at first.

As a result, now, it seems that there is another 150-level powerhouse as the backing?

It can only be said that many future developments are unexpected and unexpected.

In the Dimensional restaurant, many diners other than Han Xiao chatted, but they did not stop.

Among them, faced with the words spoken by the dwarf spirit, the Ross mage said with a faint smile: "A friendly relationship... sounds really unrealistic.

"Even in my world, among elves, humans, orcs, demons... between different races of creatures, it is very difficult to do this."

"Not to mention, it is between the world and the huge existence of the world."

"Plundering servants, forming forces, improving the origin... everything is for my own promotion." Mr. Chang beside him added, "The world I live in has faced three worlds before. The joint efforts to encircle and kill."

"Through the information given by willpower, I learned that these three worlds are all called [lords]...It is said that the human race in this world is eligible to obtain a [Recruitment Building]......... If you can successfully take over a world, you will get the [Lord Status], through the recruitment of [Recruitment Building], different arms with various strengths, and the people of the world The creatures started to fight... That battle was indeed earth-shattering, but fortunately, I was the one who won the game in the end, and the willpower of the three worlds was absorbed by the willpower of the world where I was, and became the food for promotion."

"[The lord] world?" Ross heard the words, and said with a little thought: "I remember, what Mr. Sui faced seemed to be that type of world? The [Lords] who are called according to the same kind of world... But I don’t know why, after this return, all the [Lords] have become [Gods]. In that world, adult human races can Obtain the identity of a god and a small world, and then cultivate your own [believers] in this world... Those [believers] have the same function as the [army] you mentioned, but the difference should be very Big."

"A [god] that can cultivate [believers]? This sounds similar to the [lord] that Mr. Chang said..." the brave Isar, who felt that his brain was completely insufficient, said dizzily.

"There is still a difference, one is the [lord], the other is the [god], the existence that can be called a [god], I am afraid it is already extraordinary and refined, in terms of personality, the lord is not comparable to (god) .

Another guest commented.

And Han Xiao, who was listening secretly, had already put away his disdain and frustration at this time, and only felt that a stormy sea was turning up in his heart...

Speak the truth.

A world of lords, martial arts, magic, and abilities.

As a professional, he has also come into contact with a lot.

But I have never heard of anything, the world of gods for all people.

To know.

Even in a world with a low level, beings who can be called gods have the power to call wind and rain, move mountains and fill seas.

Such an enemy will not be lower than level 60 at the start...

As these diners said, those human beings who have been granted the status of "God" should not be that strong at the beginning, but... they can directly gain a world line of development...

It is definitely better than their professionals!

After all, even facing the [lords] with the same starting point, ordinary professionals cannot fight against the multiple arms they summon.

Not to mention, it is a [God] that is even more exaggerated than a [Lord]!

To be honest, this kind of information is really too absurd and exaggerated.

However, Han Xiao dared not believe it.

Because, among this group of diners, even the red-haired brave Isael, who doesn't look very smart, is a level 97 existence!

Not to mention the wizard Rose, that Mr. Chang who seems to come from a certain cultivation world, and the dwarf Moro who is known as an alchemist...


Putting it in the Federal Master 2.7 world, it can be said to be a complete top combat power!

This kind of existence, for no reason, just talks about it.

It just doesn't make sense.

As for fooling him, a professional who is not even level 80, it is even more impossible.

That's totally worthless!

"It's really hard to imagine that all living beings start out as [gods] in the world. Once they come here, how will the world we live in resist? Will it follow in the footsteps of Mr.

Another magician dressed as an aristocrat in the fantasy world sighed softly, even with elegant movements, he looked a little more sad and fearful.

"I don't know...but in short, we still need to make preparations."

Sorcerer Ross said so, putting an end to this chat. .

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