"this way please.

The store manager with a calm expression led Su Chen out of the VIP room.

Then he walked through some corridors, turned around and turned around, and came to the hall where many ordinary diners dined.

So, the other guests who were still chatting softly.

They all stopped talking, and looked carefully or curiously at Su Chen who was following behind the shop manager.

Some guests who were waiting for the meal also joined in.

"Is this the mysterious 'VIP'? I don't feel very imposing. I don't quite understand the word "professional panel" from what the Ross mages said about the digitalization of professionals under the command of the Great Will. Get it, we live in a world with this kind of thing, and ratings."

"You don't have any special skills, so how can you tell the difference just by looking at it? A customer who can be treated like this by the store manager is definitely not something we can provoke... However, judging by the style of his equipment, it is very unusual. Ah...it feels more exquisite than the armor passed down from the gods in my family."

"His meal speed is really fast. I remember that Miss Sugar once said that the higher the quality of the entrance ticket you hold, the better and more dishes you can eat... Logically speaking, VIP treatment, if you use the meal, it is impossible to end the time so quickly, could it be that you packed up and left? Suddenly I had a bold idea..."

"If you want to die, no one will stop you, but don't implicate us, okay? The manager's VIP, you can move around casually? What's more, you don't even know which world he is from when he leaves from the restaurant entrance. How can you find him?" ? Stop looking for trouble, drink this jug of wine quickly, and go back to the main world."

"Who says I'm being distracted? I'm just thinking about whether I can make friends with him. Isn't he a professional? It should be easy to find...

Listen to the communication messages of some guests through special props.

There was a little coldness on the face of the store manager's lady, and finally returned to calm.

The diners, who didn't know that they were spared because they didn't say anything wrong, still chatted to themselves, and looked at Su Chen by the way.

The latter accepted these gazes calmly, and after thanking the shop manager again, he calmly walked towards the door of the restaurant.

You don't need to guess what these guests think.

But it doesn't matter if it's good or bad.

These people in the restaurant have some of the top combat strength of level 100.

But that can't be compared with the main world of his great will at all.

Even if these people find the location coordinates of the main world, so what?

Not counting his own master, there are many high-level professionals and top-notch fighters, but the heroes, heroic spirits and even gods in the two worlds in his hands, after being boosted by mythical equipment, it is completely stress-free to face level 100.

In addition, the rules of the Dimension restaurant are there, and there is a lady manager, so he is not panic at all.

Walking slowly into the door of the Dimension restaurant, Su Chen's figure quickly disappeared here with the sound of "Welcome next time" from the shop manager and the maid Granu.

The atmosphere in the restaurant returned to calm again.

The lady manager who saw off the distinguished guests turned around and walked towards the kitchen.

The maid, Granose, explained softly to the new guests who were still waiting for the dishes, telling them to be calm, and the dishes they ordered would be served soon.

Naturally, many new guests spoke modestly.

But among them, Han Xiao who was sitting at a single table did not reply.

It's not that he ignores Granu, who is stronger than his master.

but because.

Han Xiao saw a person he absolutely couldn't and didn't want to see.

Su Chen.

How did he come here?

How could he have the entrance ticket to the Dimension Restaurant in his hand?

Why was he treated as an honored guest by that terrifying lady manager who can be called the leader of Ciguang?

This should not be done at all!

The entry coupons for Dimensional restaurants that appeared in the Federation recently were obviously taken by him with good luck.

Why Su Chen also?!

Do you really think this entry ticket is something rotten on the street?

He almost broke his fortune in exchange for it!

There is still a sense of superiority in my heart that Su Chen cannot come to the Dimension Restaurant.

But now...

This so-called superiority is gone.

He also has a deep sense of frustration.

This negative emotion almost overwhelmed his shock when he learned that there is a world of all [gods].

to be honest.

Han Xiao couldn't figure it out at all. How could the other party's awakened career be so good, with such terrifying potential? He also had a suspected super-high-quality entry ticket, and was recognized as a distinguished guest by the lady manager of the Dimensional Restaurant!

And he himself, up to now, is just the number one on the cutting-edge list. He was given a fluffy comment by those senior professionals, "It may become another top fighter in the Federation in the future", and then he came to the Dimension Restaurant with a minimum High-quality entry coupons, everyone should be careful...


The resentment and dissatisfaction in my heart grew like weeds.

Han Xiao thumped his heart heavily, feeling that he couldn't vomit out a breath of gloom.

As for the other guests over there, after the figure of the store manager disappeared, they began to chat aloud again.

"This distinguished guest must be enjoying the best dishes in the restaurant, right? I heard that the store manager, Ms. 207, has recipes made with Xeon materials... Tsk tsk, it's really enviable Alright, how great would it be if I were a VIP? With so many dishes, even if they are only used as buffing potions, they can still increase a lot of strength, not to mention the taste is so good

"You are too greedy, the dishes made from the materials of the most powerful... My scalp feels numb just listening to it, it is an existence that is stronger than us by many levels... ...Of course, I am also a little envious, I guess this distinguished guest must have packed a lot of dishes, I wonder if there will be dishes with Xeon materials in it?"

"There must be... I asked the head maid here before, and she made it clear that as long as you get the invitation letter of the sixth rank below the VIP invitation letter, you can have a chance

Enjoy the dishes made of the most powerful materials...not to mention being a real VIP...."

"If his strength is only what he shows on the surface, then after he uses up the dishes in the Dimensional Restaurant, his strength may be comparable to that of the Ross Wizards, right? After all, there are some things in these dishes that make people improve Realm, comprehend the wonderful effects of skills and exercises..."

By the ear, listening to the discussions of these diners.

Han Xiao's fist clenched involuntarily, then loosened again. .

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