National Occupation: Forge The Title Of 100-Fold Increase At The Beginning

Chapter 405: The Battle For The Spoils Of War (Please Customize!)


Putting the forging tool in his hand back into the interspatial ring, Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Today's forging task is declared over.

There is still some way to go before his desired goal.

"Following this momentum, if you continue to forge it for a while, within a week, your main job skills will be upgraded... At that time, you will naturally have the hope of obtaining an eternal-level forging... ..."

Feeling a little tired, Su Chen lay down on the rattan chair and rested peacefully for a while.

And outside his room.

Most of the subordinates who had returned due to the replacement of manpower sent by the federal headquarters were arguing quite fiercely with their divine sense.

"How dare you show off two mythical props to us? This time, among the other gods in the world of immortal glory, which one won no more than your "Nine Eight Three" ones? There are nearly a hundred high-level worlds that you have accepted, can you Is it comparable? Even if the combat power is stronger than mine, so what? In the final analysis, this time, we are talking on the basis of spoils, if you can’t harvest enough, just step aside and don’t repeat yourself here.”

"A legendary-level [blacksmith] sledgehammer? It's ridiculous. Master Su Chen already has higher-quality forging tools than legendary-level ones. It's fine to use yours as a substitute occasionally. Don't worry about it. I take myself too seriously... I don't have any equipment skill books here, but there are several tickets that represent strange worlds! Many of them can burst out [Blacksmith] limited A world of items!"

"Did you not understand the battle between Xuan Yi and Cang just now, and you also want to find a god to learn about the new power system? If that is the case, of course Yu will help you, but what was established during the swordsmanship competition with the two of them Like the lottery, Yu and you have to take out your own spoils, and whoever wins will take them all away... How about it? Dare to fight?"

"What's so special about the entrance ticket to the world? I have directly obtained the entry ticket for the entire universe, and there are also two entry tickets for neutral forces, which are much better than your epic and mythical equipment. ... You don't even think about it, according to Master Chen's ability, what kind of equipment he wants he can't forge? All he lacks is experience... What he wants most now is those rather novel Things, for example, props that can communicate with neutral forces..."

"Your quarrels are quarrels, can you not block the door of Lord Su Chen's room? Be careful when Lady Kecilia and Lord Rosa come to trouble you... In the first battle between the enemy and the enemy, it is said that everyone has contributed, Su Chen will naturally not be stingy with rewards, why bother arguing, if the Lord loses his temper, I will see what you will do!"

"No way, I think Master Su Chen has a good temper. He shouldn't dislike these fellow clansmen because of the competitive atmosphere......"

In the chat channel of the gods.

Almost full of invitations to fight, scold, curse, growl

At first glance, it seems that no one wants to be inferior to others in terms of loot capture.

After all, it was the first time they came out on their own to do the task assigned to them by Su Chen. Not to mention they completed it very well, and they brought back a lot of spoils, so they were naturally a little arrogant.

It is normal to not give in to each other.

After all, the gods who originally belonged to the same world all had dislikes.

Not to mention, they are from other worlds, but they are of the same race as them.

"These so-called gods... are really 'lively' in various senses.

Not far away, Yu Yu, who was quietly watching this scene, sighed softly.

As one of the few [Heroic Spirits] who can keep pace with these [Gods] in terms of combat power, he naturally also participated in the offensive and defensive battles in various universes of the main world, and his results are not bad.

"It really feels like my imagination is collapsing, Emperor." On the side, the one-eyed wizard Glenn from the far west also sighed, "A traveler who lost his family because of following the footprints of the gods once told me , Gods are ever-changing, they may be no different from ordinary people, they just have a layer of priesthood, a layer of divine power, that's all."

"Until just now, I didn't take this sentence seriously, but now..."

"It can only be said that fate is truly amazing."

"Exactly." Yu Yu nodded and glanced at the one-eyed wizard.

The reputation of the latter is not prominent among the many [heroic spirits] who are loyal to Su Chen...

However, after being enhanced by Su Chen's equipment, he has the same combat power as Yu Yu, and has become a strong man that many heroic spirits need to look up to.

That's why it was included in [Yu Yu]'s small circle of strong [Heroic Spirit].

"I heard that many of these gods have the same power system, and it seems that they can bring you a lot of inspiration in the research and improvement of spells. Why don't you try to communicate with them?

Looking at Ge Lan, Yu Yu asked a little curiously.

Grant smiled, but said nothing.

Just thinking.

This majestic emperor now looks very approachable.

"The reason why Mr. Gulen didn't go must be because he actually doesn't like to see gods very much, right?"

The voice of Lin Heming's divine sense rang in the ears of both of them.

"Huh?" Yu Yu's eyes were full of surprise.

Facing the emperor's curiosity, Ge Lan didn't hold back or keep silent, but nodded and said: "Yes, I really don't have a good impression of the gods."

"That's true." Lin Heming chuckled, "But I see that many of Mr. Ge Lan's spells are quite magical... Presumably, if you hadn't become a [Heroic Spirit], and the trajectory of the world had changed at that time If you don’t, you might be among the same clan of these gods.”

In his lifetime, he was called a fairy, proficient in many spells, and now he appears in the world as a 0.1 [heroic spirit], and he also carries the high-quality set items provided by Su Chen, so he can see clearly.

"It's just a vain pursuit." Glenn smiled, "I thought I could bypass the trajectory of fate, but in fact I was still walking in a spider's web... I used to really want to become a god, but when I got there More than half of it was discovered that this road simply couldn’t go through.”

"So, I went back the same way."

"Really?" Lin Heming was very interested, "Then how do you feel?"

"Very good." Glenn said, "Whether it's to meet my own end at that time, or to be a new existence now, to touch everything in many worlds, to me, it feels very good

"At least, it must be better than becoming a god.",

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