National Occupation: Forge The Title Of 100-Fold Increase At The Beginning

Chapter 406: Invitation Letter From The Elf Empress! (Please Customize!)

Recovered from a short break.

Su Chen, who had already recovered to a full state, stood up, packed up all the items he had just forged, and did not rush out of the room, but took out an item from the space ring.

[Invitation Letter of the Elven Empress: After using it, you can enter a world full of elves and become the guest of the Elf Empress Na Bell]

(only one person can enter, minimum level requirement: 55)

(Note: This world has not been brought under the control of the Great Will, and there are traversers from other worlds, the world level assessment has changed)

This invitation letter was an item he had obtained a long time ago.

At that time, I originally wanted to keep it for later use, but along the way, Su Chen didn't think about it until he now has extraordinary combat power.

It was discovered by accident when I was counting the props just now.

To be honest, he has no interest in a world where the minimum level requires level 55.


The lowest level required for this invitation letter was level 35!

Moreover, in the [Note] below, the last two sentences are also newly added!

Su Chen is very sure that when he got it, the content on this invitation letter was different from the current 07!

"The props have changed for some reason... This is the first time we have met."

"There are traversers from other worlds..."

"I always feel that it's a pity not to see it."

He thought silently, thinking that there was still half a day before Master Zhu Yuaner came back, so he simply asked Dazhi that the final boss in this world was only level 106, and he chose without saying a word. use.

【You used the 'Elf Queen's Invitation Letter'】

[You start to enter the world of fantasy lords "Fallen Dragon God"]

[Because of the quality of the invitation letter, your identity begins to be substituted

【You became one of the many guests invited by Bell, the Empress of the Elf Empire】

The cross-transmission from the main world to the new world is quite fast.

When Su Chen opened his eyes, he came to a small room with luxurious decoration but full of natural atmosphere.

"This is... the 'fallen dragon god' of the world of fantasy lords?"

Glancing at his black robe and body, Su Chen annihilated it casually, and while showing his true face, he could not help but feel a little surprised by the divine power in the air.

It is indeed a world with an unconventional boss, although it is not enough for him at the moment, but, in terms of the quality of divine power floating in the air.

The quality and aptitude of the creatures and various items and props living in this world are absolutely the same!

"A world full of elves.....There should be a lot of elf units, and there is an extraordinary final boss...Maybe there will be elf units of mythical quality..."

"Summon a god-named mecha directly, and quickly bring this fantasy lord world into your palm.

Su Chen, who was quite satisfied with this world, was about to summon his god-named mecha, when several reminders suddenly appeared in front of him.

[Professor Su Chen, you have triggered the core mission of this world: The Dilemma of the Empress]

【Elf Empress Bell is in danger at this time, even though you are dressed in a black robe and look quite mysterious, you are actually not favored by her】

【However, on the other side of the hostility to Na Bell, the traveler from another world has an even worse attitude towards you guests invited by Na Bell, and plans to kill you all in one fell swoop at any time】

[As a guest invited by Na Bell, you can choose to help her, or you can choose to help the time traveler

[No matter which option you choose, it will be regarded as the completion of the task, and the rewards for the two options are different]

[Please note that this mission is more difficult...a large number of champions, rare mysterious heroes...obviously, the traverser from another world possesses many elements of a powerful lord]

Another core task?

Su Chen raised his eyebrows.

The first time he triggered the core task was when he formed a team with Luo Hua and the others.

Since then, he has basically received temporary tasks.

Like a core mission...

There are also triggers, but they can't be compared with the number of temporary tasks.

Unexpectedly, now the core is triggered as soon as you enter this world...010701107 Feilu 104151131]

This surprised Su Chen a little.

But, it was just an accident.

Regardless of whether there is a core task or not, he will call out the god-named mecha and bring this world into his palm.

As for helping the Empress or a time traveler...

Su Chen felt that he had reached a conclusion the moment this question arose.

He has a lot of elves heroes.

Elf Queen, Elf Queen both have,

Missing an elf queen.

That's...just right.

The main world, somewhere outside the Starry Sky Gate.

The two most powerful men who repelled the enemies from the other world were sitting on the broken battlefield, chatting casually through the team communication.

"There are quite a few opponents at the breakout level this time. The main world was caught off guard, and even Luo Yan was sent to dispatch spirits, but in the end the results were not satisfactory...It's unbelievable. A [War God] actually had a day when he was deflated? It's a pity that I couldn't see his expression with my own eyes."

"Don't gloat here, if Luo Yan knows that you are arranging him, let's see how he will deal with you at 400... I am curious now, what is the force that can take back many universe domains?" Who is under the command of the big boss, gods, mythical units, or subordinates... just hearing it makes people envy and hate."

"You don't have to ask, it must belong to that [Blacksmith]. I heard that he sent someone directly this time, and Luo Yan didn't dare to stop him......

"Aren't you talking nonsense? He has to be able to stop him? Isn't it an offense to stop him if he can't? Besides, I heard that he has a good relationship with Su Chen, and he has always intended to let him take over the position of commander in chief... ...Plus, this time, it's pulling the world again, Luo Yan won't stop him because of emotion or reason, okay?"

"Sigh, the future is awesome. I will stay here for another two years, and I will return to the main world to retire. I have been fighting these enemies from other worlds for nearly a thousand years. I am really tired..."

As the two talked, they couldn't help sighing again.

It is also at this time.

above their heads.

A huge figure surrounded by purple thunder cut through the void and slowly appeared.

Sensing the tyrannical aura, the two powerhouses immediately raised their eyes. After seeing the 210 level above the head of the visitor, their pupils trembled instantly!

"My God...the existence of a 210-level exception?!"

"No way... such a strong enemy from another world, why did he come to our barren universe!".

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