National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 101 The third sacred object, the secret realm of the beast cave ends!

【Angel Wings】

Category: Relic.

Location: 1st pair of ribs.

Divine Power: 20 points. (level x1 point)

Effect: +100% base movement speed.

Effect 2: +1★ Strength Qualification, +1★ Agility Qualification, +1★ Spiritual Qualification, +1★ Physical Qualification.

Effect 3: +100,000 hp, +10,000 mp.

Effect 4: Spread the wings, you can activate the skill "Angel Flight", consume 1 divine power/second, gain the ability to fly at low altitude, obtain: +1000% movement speed, +1000% range, 100% absolute crit (ignores crit resistance) .

Description: The wings of Angel Trillier.

(can be enchanted)

angel wings,

Properties are also very powerful.

moving speed,


blood blue,

All have.

It also comes with a flying skill. As we all know, humans are land animals, but in the future, Su Yu will be a flying species.

After flying, 10 times the movement speed, 10 times the range,

Ignore the target's anti-violence attribute,

100% crit!

You must know that under the blessing of the title "Angel Killer" 04, Su Yu is five times the crit, and in the flying state, the knife is five times the crit, who can withstand this.

【Enchanting success!】

【Enchanting success!】

【Enchanting success!】

Taking out three "Perfect Enchantment Tickets", Su Yu performed three perfect enchantments on the wings.

【Angel Wings】

Enchantment: [Golden Flight], in the flying state, get (intermediate magic immunity state), immune to all non-advanced magic skills.

Enchantment 2: [Fast Flight], when flying, +100% attack speed.

Enchantment 3: [Fast Flight], when flying, +100% attack speed.

Enchanting is complete.

There are 3 more attribute entries.

This is just great,

In the flying state, the intermediate level magic immunity, you can fly more arrogantly.

Attack speed +200%, reaching 3 times the attack speed.

No explanation.

Su Yu immediately became delighted, and fused the wings into the first pair of ribs on the back. At this point, he also possessed the three sacred relics: [Skull King's Heart], [Ghost Armor], and [Angel Wings].


"Thank you for sparing this angel's life. I once fell into hell. Fortunately, the warriors gave this angel a chance to return to the kingdom of heaven, and these wings should be my punishment.

"I also hope that the warriors can bring glory to these wings."

Trillel smiled relievedly.

【You spared Trillier's life and gained (Broken Wings - Trillier) Favorability +1,000,000! 】

【Trellier regards you as a (friend)!】

ok ∼

I fooled this angel with a pair of wings, and also gained 1 million favorability points, which is no one else!

"The labor of raising your hand, the labor of raising your hand~"

Su Yu laughed "sincerely".

Although he slapped this angel, the other party still regards himself as a friend, and this person, Triril, can handle it!

"So, goodbye Warriors. 35

"When this angel returns to heaven and grows his wings again, maybe, we will meet again!

Trillier waved goodbye,

At this time, a golden beam of light fell,

Triril bathed in the beam of light, slowly ascended, and was about to return to the kingdom of heaven.

【You have successfully completed the SSS level test of the sky goddess!】

[You are very satisfied with Trilier's handling of the goddess of the sky, reward: "God's Agility Card" x1! 】

A row of information emerges.


I guessed right before,

He spared Trilier, just in line with the meaning of the goddess. As for the matter of extorting Trilier's wings, the goddess didn't seem to care.

By the way, awarded myself a card.

"God's Agility Card"

Description: A card containing incredible power, after use, your agility aptitude is permanently x2.


It is an agile qualification double card.

In "World of Gods", agility, relation, movement speed, attack speed, hit, dodge and other values ​​can make players more flexible and are essential attributes of the physics department.

Double the agility aptitude, in the future, taking 1 agility star is equivalent to taking 2.

The more it goes to the later stage, the more obvious this effect is.

【Thousands of Mountains and Twilight Snow】

Strength Qualification: (5★)x2→(6★)x2. (+60 Strength/Level)

Agility Qualification: 7★→(8★)x2. (+80 Agility/level)

Spiritual Qualification: 8★→9★. (+45 spirit/level)

Physical Qualification: 8★→9★. (45 physique/level)

(Note: The total qualification is 46★)

good guy.

Under the action of [Sacred Artifact・Angel Wings] and "God's Agility Card", the aptitude grows and explodes instantly.

Agility aptitude, 7★, increased to 16★ in one go.

The total qualification has been raised to 46★.

level up,

Increases stats by 230 points.


The aptitude of this explosion, those third-order awakeners and fourth-order awakeners should also cry.


"What about the white girl?"

After sorting out the attributes, Su Yu let out a sigh of relief and was about to leave the seventh floor of the beast cave. Then, Bai Niu suddenly disappeared.

After some searching,

I saw a little white wolf with a round belly, nestled in the grass, drowsy.

Beside Xiaobai, the wolf clan bosses such as the Wilderness Wolf King waited carefully.

"Sleep during the day?"

Su Yu shook his head and hugged Bai Niu as well, but he didn't know if he didn't hug him. He was startled when he hugged him. As soon as he touched Bai Niu, a hot burning sensation came over.

At this moment, Bai Niu is like a fireball!

"what happened?"

Su Yu was shocked. Just now, Bai Niu ate all the corpses in Triril's flaming giant lion form. This angel has eaten too much flesh and blood, so she won't eat badly, right?

eyes converge,

A row of white and transparent words appeared on Bai Niu's body.

【Bai Ling】

Status: This unit has consumed a large amount of angelic flesh and is sleeping and digesting, please do not disturb it.


It turned out that he ate too much and couldn't digest it, and Su Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.


Bai Niu has the [Devouring] feature, and when she devours all the angel's flesh and blood, she doesn't know if she will evolve again, and she is also looking forward to it.


Su Yu was about to leave with Bai Ling in his arms, but the wolves headed by [Wild Wolf King] were reluctant to part.

This wolf clan army has regarded Bai Niu as the leader.

Many were also given the [Blood of Overlord].

"Have the opportunity……"

"The great King Bai Ling, continue to visit everyone... If the elephant misses King Bai Ling, we will erect a statue for her and worship her every day."

Su Yu thought for a while.

Leaving is definitely going to leave, so let this group of wolves cast Bai Ling into a statue as a spiritual leader.



With the roar of wolves, Su Yu hugged Bai Ling, his figure slowly dissipated into the void, and left the [Beast Cave Secret Realm·7th Floor].

Shortly after.

In the seventh floor of the beast cave, a statue of a white wolf was erected, huge, majestic and lifelike.

Tens of thousands of wolves, kneeling and praying under the statue, are extremely pious.

Maybe too pious,

While praying,

A trace of invisible power of belief emerged, and belief gathered in the sky above the wolf clan, forming a cloud of clouds, slowly blending into the majestic white wolf statue.

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