National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 102 Arrival dispatch, the traitor of Magic Star University!

suburbs of magic capital,

In an underground air raid shelter, several senior leaders of the Adventist faction are secretly holding a meeting.

In the center of the conference room, the pk video of [Qianshan Twilight Snow] vs [Hoga Hanzo], as well as the row of world announcements, were constantly playing.

"This son can't stay!

[Beast Blood Boiling], who is the vice president of the Adventist [Blood Alliance], said coldly.


"This Qianshan Muxue has only been out for a long time, and he has broken two SSSS-level challenges in a row. This sub has unlimited potential!"5

"Huoga Hanzo, one of the geniuses of Ronin Island, is not worth mentioning in front of Mu Xue!

"Qianshan Muxue, sooner or later will be my orc's confidant!"

"If this child grows up, it will definitely threaten the Beast Emperor's great plan to rule the earth..."

The orcs in the meeting nodded.


The doctrine pursued is that the earth is ruled by powerful orcs. Naturally, the rise of a human genius cannot be tolerated.

"in addition,"

The beast blood boiled for a while, and said: "The latest news, Ronin Island, also contacted our advent faction, and expressed their willingness to pay 5 million gold coins to get rid of Mu Xue.


After this Beast Cave Secret Realm, Ronin Island has long regarded Qianshan Muxue as a potential enemy.

In order to get rid of Muxue, he did not hesitate to cooperate with orcs and paid 5 million gold coins!

In fact, it is not uncommon for officials from various countries in the world to cooperate with orcs in order to combat geniuses in other countries. Ronin Island is even more intimate with orcs.


In the conference room, there was a sound of sucking in the cold air.

5 million gold coins is also a small fortune for the Adventist Magic Capital Branch.

"Vice President of Beast Blood."

"According to the believers, Qianshan Muxue has been hiding in the Demon Star University, where the defense is heavily guarded, and there are full-level awakening guards everywhere, and it is impossible to do anything at all."

A senior executive said worriedly.

Magic Star University, one of the four majors of the Xia Kingdom, needless to say defense.

"It's okay.

"This sect has been operating in Magic Capital for many years, and Magic Star University has also developed a group of believers. It's time to use this group of believers!"

Beast blood boiled and let out a breath.

Magic Star University, the political review is very strict, the church has spent decades of hard work in order to get into Magic Star University.

This group of believers is a trump card of the blood alliance, and only the president and vice-chairman of the blood alliance know.

Now, it looks like it's time to play this trump card.

think of this,

The beast blood boiled and turned on the phone, dialed a number, and said, "Spider, you can start, the first target is Qianshan Muxue.

Magic Star University.

Back to reality, after a night of rest, Su Yu sent a WeChat message to his parents the next morning, saying that he would go home for dinner.

Bai Niu was still sleeping and was placed on the side.

[School enchantment is activated, the current space is blocked, and displacement skills cannot be used! 】

[School enchantment is enabled, electromagnetic interference is activated in the current space, and the signal cannot be linked! 】

Just walked out of the villa.

Two rows of red messages appear.

magic star university,

As the first university in the magic capital, it is one of the four majors of the Xia Kingdom. It has a lot of money. It has a multi-functional barrier that can defend against foreign enemies, as well as space blockade, electromagnetic interference and other functions.

On weekdays,

The barrier only enables the basic defense function. Why today, it is space blockade and electromagnetic shielding, and even the mobile phone suddenly loses signal.

In the freshman dormitory area, students came out one after another to check what happened.

You don't have to eat rice, you don't have to drink water, but there's no internet. Isn't this the official forcing the people to rebel? It hasn't been posted, and the dormitory area is in an instant chaos.

When things go wrong, there must be demons.

A flash of vigilance flashed in Su Yu's eyes, and he quickly walked out of the school, preparing to leave first, this is a place of right and wrong.

Take two steps.

I saw a group of people hurriedly approaching. It was Teacher Zhang Weiguo from the Security Office, followed by a group of senior students. The group of people looked around and seemed to be looking for something.

As soon as I saw Su Yu,

Teacher Zhang immediately winked, and a group of people leaned up.

"Student Mu Xue, where are you going~~?"

Teacher Zhang asked.

"I'm going out."

Su Yu subconsciously kept a distance from this group of people, the space was blocked, he did not dare to get too close to anyone, and also asked: "Mr. Zhang, what happened, why is the defensive barrier activated?

"There's something wrong with the defensive barrier.

"At present, you can only go out, not in. Principal Situ and some teachers are out of the school for meetings... In order to prevent any trouble, we will escort you out of the school first."5

Teacher Zhang is a gentle and elegant middle-aged man who smiled very kindly.

Hear this explanation,

Su Yu's face was very dignified. The principal and the others were blocked outside the school, and the internal defense was empty. If someone did something wrong in the school, the consequences would be disastrous.

This is going to happen!

Gotta leave school ASAP!

"Student Mu Xue, why haven't you left? Don't you believe in Teacher Zhang?" Seeing Su Yu hesitate, Zhang Weiguo said impatiently.


Su Yu subconsciously took two steps back, distanced himself, and said, "Mr. Zhang, I know the way myself, so I don't need to trouble the teacher to escort me.

At this time,

Even Principal Situ couldn't believe it, let alone an unfamiliar Teacher Zhang.

"You kid, don't eat and drink fine for toasting!" 9

Seeing Su Yu's refusal, Zhang Weiguo tore his smiling face, no longer pretending, and waved his hand: "Go on, kill this Mu Xue, the Beast King will reward me!"9

Behind Teacher Zhang, there are sophomores, juniors, and even seniors, as well as followers of the Adventist faction.

The strength is the third-order awakening, and even the fourth-order awakening.

originally planned,

It was to trick Su Yu into a trap and kill him on the spot. Seeing that Su Yu was not fooled, these believers became angry and attacked directly.

【Ghost Form】!

The siege of a group of Tier 3 and Tier 4 Awakeners is no joke.

Su Yu said nothing, activated the holy artifact, her skin was extremely radiant, her whole body burst into darkness, and her absolute evasion rate increased to 99.9%!





A row of misses appeared, and Su Yu dodged all attacks.


"This kid's evasion is a little too high, if he continues to attack, I don't believe it, I can't hit him!

Teacher Zhang said viciously.

The dozens of believers, like crazy, continued to besiege them.

【Five Layers・Sword Qi Slash】!

At this moment, Su Yu had already finished gaining momentum, and five sword qi soaring to the sky appeared above his head. When the disciples rushed over, the sword qi split the air and fell head-on!

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom...


-39150x5! (Submit)


Five Swords Qi,

cut in sequence,

Unable to resist the pressure of the sword energy, the cultists knelt down one after another, and then, a row of dense wounds popped up,

The quintuple sword qi, all hits, the damage is very considerable, up to about 200,000!

The third-order awakeners died one after another!

The fourth-order awakened person is also injured or killed!

"But so.

Su Yu took back the dagger, turned around and left without fighting, the spirit ring +200% movement speed, the angel wings +100% movement speed, a total of 4 times the movement speed.

Step on four times the speed, and instantly run hundreds of meters away.

This Zhang Weiguo, after all, is a teacher in the defense department, and his strength is an 8th-order awakener.

Thirty-six strategies, walking is the best strategy!

"Want to go.""

"It's not that easy! 35

Zhang Weiguo was furious. He was a hidden professional druid. He raised his hand and threw out an elf staff, which shot out one after another of natural magic and rushed towards Su Yu.




In front of "Ghost Form", the eighth-order Awakened had to be obedient, and Zhang Weiguo instantly hit a ton of misses.

【Natural Cage】!

Zhang Weiguo raised his hand again, and in an instant, the ground split open, and one after another giant vines burst out of the ground, weaving and intertwining, slowly forming a giant cage.

This is his big move.

As long as Qianshan Muxue can be trapped in a cage, he is confident that he will be able to break through the opponent's dodge sooner or later!

"`~ Terrible.

"Must run away!"

Su Yu screamed badly, absolutely dodging, not invincible, the dodge chance was 99.9%, which also meant that there was a 1 in 1,000 chance of being hit.

In case of being trapped in a cage and fighting against Teacher Zhang for thousands of rounds, wouldn't it be over?

【Angel Flight】!

shutdown time,

Su Yu opened the [Sacred Artifact・Angel Wings], and in an instant, a pair of xuebai wings slowly unfolded behind him, with a wingspan of more than three meters, and the feathers were as pure as snow!


The wings flapped, and Su Yu flew directly, and the speed soared 10 times again!

Like a white lightning bolt, Su Yu flew out of the cage in an instant.

disappear in a blink of an eye~


"You read that right? 99

Zhang Weiguo looked confused. As we all know, human beings are all land animals. Even if they are fully awakened, they generally cannot fly without the aid of foreign objects.

How could a second-order awakener just fly away like that?

And that's right, those wings are very similar to the legendary wings of the heavenly unit and angel!

"Do not!

"Qianshan Muxue, if you can't escape, I must find you out! 99

After the shock.

Zhang Weiguo jumped up and quickly chased after him.

As a beast worshipper, he has been quietly lurking in the magic star for decades. In order not to be exposed, he is cautious and cautious every day, which is not easy.

In order to kill Mu Xue, this risk was exposed.

So Twilight must not be allowed to escape!

【Spiritual Changes】!

【Magic Changes・Little Bee】!

the other side.

Su Yu opened his wings and flew far away, and he was about to fly out of the campus (Wang Qianhao), but he immediately turned back, opened the [Divine Movement], and turned into a little bee.


Su Yu's real trump card is Su Yu's ability to change and perfectly integrate into the environment!

Even if he was trapped in the [Natural Cage] just now, he could still rely on his gods to change and blend into the cage perfectly, making Teacher Zhang mistakenly think that he had escaped.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz~

Fluttering his wings, Su Yu flew in the air for a while, and also saw that there were fights between believers and students everywhere,

An outstanding student of the magic star was brutally murdered by the Adventists,

To this,

Su Yu was very sad, but he couldn't help it. After all, in Su Yu's dictionary, his own life came first.

Putting yourself in danger in order to save others, this kind of "good thing", let others do it.

fly for a while,

I saw a figure chasing after him, it was the crazy teacher Zhang Weiguo.

along the way,

Zhang Weiguo kept attacking and killing the students on the roadside, his hands were covered with blood, but unfortunately, the only target given to him, Qianshan Muxue, still escaped!

"Tsk tsk..."

"Let's go down first and see, what is the origin of this Zhang Weiguo falling to the ground. 99

Su Yu thought.

Immediately, he raised his wings and swooped down, drawing a curve in the air and rushing into Zhang Weiguo's jacket pocket.

this small action,

Teacher Zhang was so eager to kill, of course he didn't notice it.

Of course,

This is not an ordinary bee, but a blood cow bee with more than 300,000 blood volume.

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