National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 105 Is Qianshan Muxue a ghost? The Jiangpu Branch Haunting Incident!

Inside the secret room.

Spiders, tapirs, and scorpions, the top leaders of the Adventist faction, also chatted very vigorously.

When it comes to the magic star,

Zhang Weiguo, the spider, had a sullen look on his face, and said viciously: "Qianshan Muxue, I have been played by him this time, if he kills him, the beast emperor will definitely give him the blood of the beast!

"No way?"

"Master Spider, you are an eighth-order awakener, and you didn't kill a second-order Muxue?"

"It must be Lord Spider careless! 99

"Master Spider, calm down."

The old tapir was also amazed, the strength of the spider, don't doubt it, a mere second-order awakened person escaped the pursuit of the spider, unbelievable!

How did this Qianshan Muxue do it?


"This Mu Xue has the ability to fly, with wings on his back, the speed is like electricity, very strange... But next time, when I meet Mu Xue again, I will definitely smash him into tens of thousands of pieces!!

Zhang Weiguo slapped the table hard.

The secret room was also silent.


At this moment, a sneer "683" echoed in the secret room: "Oh, Mr. Zhang, I heard that you are going to tear my corpse into ten thousand pieces, I am looking forward to it!

Hearing the voice, Zhang Weiguo's expression changed immediately, and he would never forget the tone of his voice!

"A thousand mountains and twilight snow?

Zhang Weiguo's eyes narrowed as he glanced around the secret room.

The secret room was empty, with empty walls. There were only a few chairs and a table in the middle. Tea, sunflower seeds, cigarettes, and ashtrays were placed on the table.

There are anti-hidden traps on the ground.

Impossible to hide!

"Where did the sound come from?"

[Evil Hedgehog] was also shocked. There were only 11 people in the secret room, but the 12th voice appeared. This is too scary.

Are there ghosts?

everyone present,

They are all coming from strong winds and waves, and I have never seen anything, but at this moment, I feel that the back of the forehead is cold, as if there are a pair of invisible eyes watching everyone behind.

"Ha ha……"

"The spider, the old tapir, the scorpion, the six-eyed spider... The top officials of the Adventist faction are really gathered together. I, Qianshan Muxue, are really honored to be able to participate in such an important meeting.

Evil whispers drifted in the chamber.

Zhang Weiguo and others tried their best to find the source of the sound, and their faces became more and more panicked. Could it be that this place is really haunted?

100% sure, this twilight is hiding in the secret room,

but can't find each other,

So angry!!

From the perspective of the content, this Qianshan Muxue actually listened to their meeting talk, and the old tapir, the dark hedgehog, the scorpion, and others were all exposed.

"Must find Twilight!"

"Otherwise, if we want to expose all of our Jiangpu Fei sub-helmsmanship, I'm afraid it will be finished!

The old tapir was sweating coldly.

Once exposed, he will leave the bustling city and go to the wild wilderness to survive.

But goose, it's too late!


A violent roar sounded, the entire villa was split open with a knife, and the ceiling of the secret basement was split into two, directly cracking!

Awakening at full level, Situ Yu, the headmaster of Demon Star, appeared above the crack with a sword in hand.

Then, a full-level awakened magic star teacher appeared.

The villa has been surrounded by iron barrels!

When they were searching for Mu Xue just now, hundreds of full-level awakened people had arrived secretly.


Zhang Weiguo was startled, shouted loudly, and together with the old tapir, scorpion and others, rushed out of the villa desperately.

A believer, falling into the hands of the official Xia Kingdom, is a hundred times more uncomfortable than death!

But they think too much,

At this moment, let alone a big living person, not even a fly can fly out. As soon as they rushed out of the villa, the old tapir, the evil hedgehog, the scorpion and others were all captured.

Zhang Weiguo sprang several dozen meters away, his legs were chopped off by a knife, and he fell to the ground.

It was Situ Yu who shot.

"Headmaster Situ.

"This battle is really a good harvest. The old tapir, the scorpion, the six-eyed spider, the bamboo leaf green... The entire top of the Jiangpu sub-rudder of the Adventist faction was caught in one net."

"The senior lurker of the Adventist faction, the spider, has also been arrested and brought to justice!"

An excited report from a teacher.

It is very rare in the entire Xia Kingdom to bring an old nest of the Adventists at a time, and it is also a great achievement!

"Ha ha……"

"Yeah, now, in front of that group of old people, there is more bragging rights!

Situ Yu was also in a good mood when he took back the sword.

After solving such a big case, when I met the principals of Jiannan, Zhongzhou, and Hanzhong, I couldn't help being touted for a while.


"Mu Xue, in this case, Mu Xue should take credit!""

Situ Yu said again.

"Principal, Mu Xue posted a recording of Spider and the others meeting, and then said, go home first.

The teacher was bewildered.

Judging from the current information, Mu Xue was in control of everything from the beginning to the end of the whole case, and what was even more bizarre was that neither the Adventists nor the school had seen Mu Xue!

"This doll, how did he do it?

Situ Yu stroked his beard, bewildered, the top of the Adventist faction was not a good stubble, Mu Xue, a second-order awakened doll, played around with a group of bigwigs.

This is too incredible.

In this world, everyone has their own secrets, the more genius, the more secrets, Situyu didn't go too deep into it.

"The others are gone.

"But merits still have to be made, this battle Muxue is the first merit, and it must be reported for merit!

"Besides, the heads of the Adventist faction are very valuable. Each high-level helmsman has a bounty of at least 100,000 gold coins. For spiders, it starts with 500,000 gold coins... Muxue's bounty can't be less than a cent!"

Situ Yu said again 0...

As a principal, it is natural to do everything in your power to fight for the interests of your students.

on the escort car.

Spider, tapir, scorpion, evil hedgehog, etc. 11 people, you look at me, I look at you, but also look confused.

The moment before, they were still talking in the basement, drawing grand plans.

The next moment, they were tied together.

the ups and downs of life,

It was so exciting.

And when they thought of the inhuman torture, human body test, and slice research that they were going to undergo next, everyone shuddered.

"I admit it!"

"But the only thing I can't rest is that Mu Xue, where is he hiding?!'

Zhang Weiguo's legs were broken and he was dying.

silent for a while,

They are all eighth-order, ninth-order, and full-level awakeners, and their means are sky-high, but they didn't find a second-order awakener hiding beside them, which was really weird.

"Wait, something doesn't seem right?"

The evil hedgehog held his head in his hands, always feeling that something was wrong, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

A hair was torn off,

The pictures in the secret room are reproduced frame by frame in my mind,

Finally, the evil hedgehog noticed the tabletop that no one paid attention to. Yes, it was the tabletop. In his impression, there were only 6 ashtrays in the house, all of which were placed in the secret room.

However, during the meeting,

The number of ashtrays is 7!

One more ashtray!

In the entire secret room, the only strange thing is the ashtray under the eyes of everyone. Could it be that Mu Xue is proficient in a superb camouflage technique and can disguise it as an ashtray?

How is this possible, I have never heard of people who can disguise themselves as ashtrays...unless Bi Luo is an immortal!

My mind is exploding...

Evil Hedgehog was startled by this idea, opened his mouth and prepared to tell everyone this inference.

And this 4.4 hours, the soldier came, and a high-concentration sedative was injected into the arm, the brain was instantly cold blooded, and then groggy and fell into a deep sleep!

the other side.

Su Yu took a taxi and headed home.

"Tsk tsk..."

"I'm afraid this group of high-level Adventists would never have imagined that the person they have been looking for is the ashtray under their noses, right?

on the back seat.

Su Yu smiled, smiling happily.

This battle has also fully confirmed the power of [Gods and Changes].

in this world.

There is a full-level awakening, even a title awakening, and a second-level awakening. If you want to walk among these giant crocodiles, it is your confidence!

"After spending so long in the secret realm, go home and rest for a few days."

"By the way, think about the choice of the next secret realm.

Su Yu also thought.

After level 20, entering the secret realm has a certain probability of true death probability, and it is also necessary to be cautious.

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