National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 106 Install the barrier for the first time, visit Liu's villa at night!

go home,

take a night off,

The next morning, the family had breakfast together. The fried dumplings and hot soy milk made by mother Wu Huilan, accompanied by the exclusive pickled side dishes and fragrant fried eggs, made the index fingers move.

Father Su Zhan is also looking good. Thanks to the support of the owners of the Emerald Palace, the company's performance has skyrocketed, and one month's sales have exceeded the sum of the past ten years.

The entire Su family is thriving and happy.

Of course,

The two elders knew that the prosperity of the Su family was due to Su Yu alone.

"The following is an urgent news.""

"Yesterday evening, a major church case was cracked in our city, and 10 people including the Jiangpu sub-rudder of the Adventist faction and the high-level sub-rudder, codenamed [Old Tapir], [Scorpion], and [Six-eyed Spider] were all arrested!

"At the same time, a senior lurking member of the church, a teacher from Magic Star University, Zhang Weiguo, codenamed [Spider], was captured."

"This case has greatly inspired our city's counter-terrorism efforts...'

"During the arrest process, codenamed [Evil Hedgehog], because the brain was overly frightened, dementia symptoms appeared, and the value of torture was lost, and a slice study was about to be carried out. 35

while eating.

A news report on the TV came out, and the second old man was immediately attracted by News 04. It has been many years, and Mo has never handled such a big case.


"This guy, the evil hedgehog, was actually scared stupid?"

Su Yu was confused.

In the video, the evil hedgehog, like a fool, kept repeating a sentence: "I found it! I found it! Qianshan Muxue is a fairy, hehehe..."

What the hell happened to this kid, he was so scared?

Of course, what Su Yu didn't know was that the evil hedgehog, because he guessed the secret of the ashtray, was injected with a large amount of tranquilizers when his brain was excited, and his brain was directly disabled.


"This case is led by the student Qianshan Muxue of Magic Star University, and the teachers of Magic Star University are jointly assisted.

"It is now decided that Qianshan Muxue will be awarded the second-class merit of the Demon City."

"[Spider] The bounty is 500,000 gold coins."

66 [Old Tapir] The reward is 200,000 gold coins. 39

66 [Scorpion] The reward is 100,000 gold coins.


"This time, a total of 1.65 million gold coins will be awarded, all of which will be distributed to Qianshan Muxue!""

The news host announced again.

The living room was silent again.

Su Zhan and Wu Huilan's eyes almost popped out, 1.65 million gold coins, 1:5000 exchange rate, converted into credit coins, that is 8.25 billion,

Solve a case and earn 8.25 billion, which is no one!

"This, is it so profitable to solve a case..."

Su Zhan couldn't help but sighed.

"This case is not easy, do you think 8.25 billion is so easy to get? 99

Wu Huilan also joked.


Su Yu silently took a mouthful of soy milk and almost choked on hearing the number.

good guy,

It's a good guy. The head of this Adventist faction is a little valuable. 11 people have been arrested, the bounty is more than 8 billion, and there is a second-class merit in the magic capital.

Cultists, these are all mobile bounties.

[Golden Barrier: Small Barrier with a maximum coverage of 300x300x300 cubic meters. ] (Enchantment operation, need to continuously consume magic spar)

Finished breakfast.

Su Yu is going to install an enchantment at home. The enchantment needs to consume magic power. The most common item on the market that provides magic power is the [magic spar].

to this end,

Su Yu went to Liu's Chamber of Commerce and bought 1,000 spar at a price of 100 gold coins per piece, a total of 100,000 gold.

The price is not cheap, but Su Yu is affordable.

In the beast cave, there are 1.11 million gold coins in the first floor of robbery alone, plus shipping, bounties, natural picking, etc., the total assets have exceeded 3 million gold coins.

Absolute billionaire!

【You have activated the golden barrier!】

【Current coverage area: Villa 88 of Jade Palace!】

[Senior administrator: Su Yu. 】

[Advanced users: Su Zhan, Wu Huilan. 】

The air shook.

The facade of the villa, the doors and windows, and the vents were instantly covered with a layer of golden light film. This light film was the golden barrier, with a durability of 2.1 billion and a 1% chance of death.

Su Yu set himself up as a senior administrator, with all the authority of the enchantment.

Er Lao is an advanced user, who can come and go freely, and can also invite others to enter and leave the enchantment.


Any creature, even if it is fully awakened, is shut out.


With a single order, the enchantment turned into a transparent light film, which became undetectable.

Su Yu also nodded in satisfaction.

With this barrier, the safety of the second elder is absolutely guaranteed, let alone encountering a cultist, even if he is fully awakened, he would not dare to attack this barrier easily.

1% chance of death, no one can stand it!

the next few days.

Su Yu has been resting at home, checking the next secret information.

By the way, the sleeping white girl was also placed in the bedroom.

"Ding dong~"

In the evening, the night was filled, Su Yu was looking up the information, suddenly the phone rang, from the elementary school girl Liu Junyao: "Senior, I miss the time in the tent so much, three evil expressions.

see the message,

Su Yu recalled the scenes in the beast cave. Every night, this elementary school girl would sleepwalk. After a long time, the elementary school girl would not like to sleepwalk, right?

With a wicked smile, he replied, "Why, do you also want to sleepwalk tonight?

"Well, senior, will you be tired..."

Liu Junyao hesitantly replied.

"How come, as long as you're happy, isn't it?"

Su Yu replied.

Long nights, unintentional sleep, always find something to do.

"Then, can the senior come to my house... But how does the senior enter the house..."

Liu Junyao had a headache again.

As the daughter of Liu's family, the family is very strict with her. There are two teams of bodyguards guarding her outside the house 24 hours a day, both of which are full awakening level. Mother Liu was also watching TV on the first floor, so naturally, the seniors would not be allowed to enter the house at such a big night.



Su Yu understood the situation, smiled and said: "Get ready, wait for the senior with peace of mind.

end the chat,

Su Yu changed clothes and left the house.

Emerald Palace District.

Taking advantage of the night, Su Yu came all the way to the vicinity of Villa 101, which is Liu Junyao's home.


At the entrance of the villa, two teams of bodyguards in black and sunglasses are in charge of guarding. From the perspective of breath, they are both full-level awakened and their strength is quite terrifying.

With the protection of such two teams of bodyguards, Liu's mother neodymium should not be too safe.

"I flash! 35

Naturally, the main entrance couldn't get in, so Su Yu directly opened the flash, preparing to flash to Liu Junyao's bedroom on the second floor.

【Flash failed!】

[The current space department has space restrictions and cannot flash!]

Flash failed.

This villa of the Liu family does not often settle in, and there is no expensive barrier, but it blocks the space and cannot escape into the house.


This can't help Su Yu,

【God can change!】

【Spiritual Changes・Little Bee!】

next moment,

A little bee buzzing and flapping its wings, in front of the faces of the two teams of fully awakened bodyguards, got into the villa where Liu's mother neodymium lived through the crack of the door.

on the first floor,

Mother Liu had just finished rinsing, she threw the towel aside, and watched TV, which also made Su Yu stunned.

However, the scenery on the first floor did not make Su Yu stay too long,


Fluttering his wings, he flew to the second floor.

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