National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 127 The pursuit of the demon army, looking for the body of the black elves!

【You found out: Devil's Underground Palace!】

【Experience +500!】

after one day.

Su Yu finally found the entrance to the underground palace. It was a huge stone door at the foot of the mountain, and strands of black mist seeped out from the crack of the door.

"The body of Mistress Helena should be in the underground palace.

"Go and see."

Su Yu walked towards the underground palace.

At this time, with a loud bang, a multicolored beam of light fell heavily in the dark cloud and hit Su Yu.

[Hint: Your current location is marked by the Demon Marshal (King of Black Fire · Tarot), please pay attention to avoid it! 】

[Hint: The army of demons has arrived, please get ready! 】


Su Yu also vomited, the day goes by, every hour, it will be marked, and then there will be an army of demons chasing after.

The days of wanted criminals are really bad~

But not so much anymore,

The task is urgent.

Su Yu dashed all the way to the underground palace.

[Hint: You must have a pass to enter the underground palace! 】

A prompt appeared at the entrance of the underground palace.

The Devil's Dungeon, of course, can't be entered if you want to, but it can't be difficult for Su Yu. When he killed the boss [Flame Lord Talis], a [Demon Lord Token] happened to explode.


[Hint: You have used (Demon Lord Token)! 】

【You are: You are qualified to enter!】


As the token was shown, the huge lion gate of the underground palace slowly opened in front of Su Yu, and with a flash, Su Yu directly passed through the gate and entered the underground palace.

inside the palace,

Just as Su Yu took two steps, suddenly, the sky was torn apart, the earth trembled, and in front of the line of sight, a huge demonic space gate was slowly forming.

The images of countless demons struggled in the space door, trying to rush out.

【Hint: The demon army is here!】


The speed of the devil's pursuit is still very fast!

If you can't dodge, just fight!


Su Yu flashed, opened the distance between himself and the space gate to 6 kilometers, raised the heavy crossbow, and was also ready for battle.



The next moment, the hell space was formed, and groups of hell hounds drilled out from the space door.



Skills: Flame Bite, Charge, Battle Cry, Claw. [Group Frenzy]: For each similar type around, add 1% attack (up to 500%) and 0.1% attack speed (up to 500%).

Description: A common unit in Hell, swarming in early summer.

good guy,

A single Cerberus has properties that can be called garbage, but thousands of Cerberus charging together is quite scary!

All 500% attack, 500% attack speed.

Just two bites!

Without further ado,

Pulling the heavy crossbow, Su Yu started shooting.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh...





The output is still very high, four or five arrows can shoot a hellhound.

Heads of hellhounds also fell to the ground.


There are too many hellhounds, and this animal moves so fast that it cannot be killed at all.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of hellhounds rushed to their feet.

【Five Layers・Sword Qi Slash】!

Motivating the sword qi slash, the fierce sword qi constantly gathers on the top of the head...

1, 2, 3, 4, 5!

sword slash,

The initial sword qi is increased by 5 levels, and an additional sword qi is generated. Now that Su YuIv is level 23, a total of 5 sword qi can be used.







The damage of Sword Qi Slash is high enough, without 5 sword Qi, just one sword Qi will plow out a ravine on the ground, killing the hellhound in seconds!!

With the sword qi slash protection, Su Yu felt a lot more at ease and continued to shoot frantically.

the fight continues,


Thousands of corpses of hounds have appeared in front of Su Yu's eyes, and the gate of hell is also showing signs of being broken, and it seems to be running out of energy.


"Mortal, I am here at the command of the Grand Marshal [King of Black Fire, Tarot], and what awaits you will be eternal death!"

The portal was shocked.

A huge demonic monster emerged from the portal, with a human head and a dog body, dragging a tail that was several tens of meters long. It looked terrifying and weird.

【lv25・Bloodthirsty Giant Dog Beast】

Title: Elite leader boss.

I: 5200.

Blood volume: 5.5 million.


【Bloodthirsty Bite】:

[Giant Tail Thorn]: The tail full of hell lava comes to you, causing 10% of the maximum HP damage, and [crippled] for 5s.

【Evil dog rushes to eat】:

【Fire Breath】:

【Defense tear】:

[Death Strike]: After the giant dog beast hits the target, it has a 1% chance to cause a one-hit kill.

Description: Dangerous and deadly hell creature, best stay away from it.

All right,

Possessing the skill [Death Strike], this is an extremely rare [Death Monster]. Although the 1% chance is not high, it is also very scary if it is triggered.

Generally, players encounter death monsters, and they will avoid them far away.

And Su Yu was a little excited,

His permanent buff [Blessing of Life] will add a layer every time he kills a deadly monster. This deadly monster is the number of buff layers that move.

【Evil dog rushes to eat】!

The giant dog beast launched an attack, its limbs bent and bounced, and it rushed over like an electric light.

In the blink of an eye, the giant dog came to Su Yu.

【Five Layers・Sword Qi Slash】!

Su Yu was not in a hurry to dodge, he had expected the boss to charge, and he charged ahead with a sword qi slash and slashed head-on.

Click! Click! Click...

-48888! (Submit)



Five-layered Sword Qi Slash,

All hits, on time, dealt 200,000+ terrifying damage, and the terrifying sword qi coercion directly overwhelmed the giant dog and knelt in front of Su Yu.

boss, kneel down!!

Whoosh whoosh!

-34444! (When surrendering, take 500% damage)




Taking advantage of the giant dog and beast kneeling down, Su Yu made up for it several times. Surrender state 500% damage, each arrow is 30,000+ output, so don't be too ruthless.

After a moment of effort, the boss lost hundreds of thousands of HP in seconds.

"Stupid humans.""

"you wanna die!

The giant dog couldn't bear it any longer, and after standing up, the claws the size of the grinding wheel slapped it.


At the critical moment, Su Yu flashed, and the boss took a picture of loneliness!

Relying on [Flash], Su Yu kept dealing with the boss.

This is not a bronze boss after all,

The means are a little worse,

Once the blood volume is worn off by Su Yu,

for a while,

The giant dog's 5.5 million HP was shot into the air, and with a thud, it fell to the ground.

A row of information emerges.

[Congratulations: You successfully killed a deadly unit, your buff (Blessing of Life) is increased by 1 layer! 】

Not bad,

Although this battle was a bit exhausting, Su Yu was very satisfied with the addition of a layer of buff.

【Blessing of life】

Category: Permanent buff.

Number of layers: 9.

Effect: Permanently increase 90000hp.

Permanently increases HP by 10,000.



Su Yu took a rest, and after cleaning the battlefield, he began to search in the [Demon Labyrinth].

Devil's Labyrinth.

As the name suggests, it is a huge labyrinth, or, in other words, a huge underground city.

some search,

A sarcophagus caught Su Yu's attention, stepped forward, and pushed the sarcophagus away. Inside, there was a well-preserved, somewhat alive corpse of Neodymium.

Pointy ears, slender beauty, exotic facial features, moon-white skin,

It's the black elf girl.

"`~ Okay. 35

"Start picking up corpses.

Su Yu smiled self-deprecatingly, this is the corpse of the dark spider clan, bring it back to the clan, and fuse with the corresponding soul, then it can be resurrected.


Maybe it was too long, one pull, all the clothes of the black elf were weathered...


It's embarrassing now,

But I have to say (Zhao's) that in terms of human XP, the black elves are definitely at the level of monsters. Although this black elf is a corpse, it cannot be said to be dead because its soul survives.

some operation,

Su Yu threw the fruit corpse into the backpack and continued to walk towards the depths of the maze.

【You pick up: Black Elf Neodymium Corpse x1!】

【You pick up: Black Elf Neodymium Corpse x1!】

【You pick up:

【You pick up: 1

search all the way,

One by one, corpses were picked up into the backpack, and before they knew it, about thirty or forty were picked up.

From the experience of "picking up corpses",

Su Yu is very satisfied with the structure of the black elf, whether it is the black elf Lolita, the black elf Shao Neodymium, or the black elf royal sister, they are all excellent.

As for the black elf aunt...

Sorry, there are no such creatures in the black elves!

that's it,

After searching for about an hour.

The space fluctuated again, and a black aura gathered in the air, gradually forming a huge hell portal.

[Hint: The devil is chasing soldiers! 】


Su Yu took a deep breath, it seemed that as long as he stayed near the marked point, the army of demons would chase and kill him every hour.

However, among the demons chasing after this wave, I don't know if there is a [Death Monster]?

There was also a faint anticipation in my heart.

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