National Online Game: Super God Enchanter

Chapter 128 The Demon Marshal is here, is this the perfect place to brush buffs?!

[lv25 Demon Warhorse]


Skills: galloping horses, trampling horses' hooves, collision with giant force, magma path...

Description: A grumpy hellish species.

Kick, Kick, Kick...

War horses neigh, thousands of horses gallop!

In the space gate, swarms of demon warhorses rushed out. Unlike the Cerberus, the attributes of the Demon War Horse have been greatly improved.

40,000 2 hp is not a matter of seconds.

Whoosh whoosh!




Ten thousand horses charged, and the speed was extremely fast. Before a few war horses were killed, the flaming horses were pressed over.

【Five Layers・Sword Qi Slash】!

Instant kill!

Instant kill!

Instant kill!

Su Yu opened the sword qi slash, and the five sword qi fell in sequence, ploughing the ground into a huge ravine, and the war horses were corpses.

But it didn't work, there were still too many demon warhorses, attacking like a tide.


"If that's the case, don't blame me for not talking about martial arts!"

There are too many demons.

The space in the underground palace was inconvenient to move around, so Su Yu simply started the "rogue play", turned on the refrigerator technique, and froze himself into large ice cubes.

【Refrigerator Technique】!





This group of low-level demon units, without the power of space law, cannot break the "Refrigerator Technique". Gunma attacked fiercely, but it dealt a ton of "0" damage.

"You can attack.""

"If I take 1 point of damage, I will lose..."

Su Yu also smiled.

Hiding in the refrigerator is indeed a bit unspeakable of martial arts. Generally, it is not a last resort, and Su Yu will not use it. It also prevents the feeling of dependence and leads to unfamiliar skills.

Soon, the skill cooling was over, Su Yu unlocked the refrigerator technique, and a [Five-layer Sword Qi Slash] slashed forward!

700 seconds kill!

Instant kill!

Instant kill!

The second kill appeared in the film.

After using his sword energy, Su Yu opened the "Refrigerator Technique" and hid in the ice again.



The horses were angry and neighed~

Obviously, I didn't expect someone to be so rude!

【Refrigerator Technique】!

【Five Layers・Sword Qi Slash】!

【Refrigerator Technique】!

【Five Layers・Sword Qi Slash】!

familiar recipes,

familiar taste,

Using the combination of "Refrigerator Technique" + "Sword Qi Slash", Su Yu quickly emptied the dense herd of hell horses.

After clearing the mobs, the big boss also appeared.

It's a nightmare warhorse!

【Iv20 Nightmare Warhorse】

Title: Elite leader boss.


Blood volume: 4.5 million.

Skills: Nightmare Shockwave, Dream Coil, [Death Strike], Hellfire, Nightmare Shroud,

Description: A physical demon condensed from the power of nightmares.

good guy,

Sure enough, it's a deadly monster again!

From the perspective of skills, this nightmare warhorse, I don't know how much more powerful than the giant dog beast, it is also trained in monsters, and its mental control is extremely strong.

"Deal with this Nightmare Warhorse."

"Have distance and fly kites remotely!

Su Yu looked cautious.

There is a famous saying in the past life: No matter how high the martial arts is, the fear of sheep knife (control) is the fear of control skills.

A strong control of the boss, + a fatal blow, it is a nightmare for players!




The battle started, Su Yu relied on the advantage of the range, and kept a distance from the boss, one arrow at a time, to grind the boss's HP.

When the boss is close, use [Flash] to run away.

When the flash cools down, turn on "Ghost Form" + "Flying Wings".

In short,

Must not be controlled by the boss.

a fight,

Tired fingers numb, and finally killed the nightmare warhorse.

A row of information is swiped.

[Congratulations: You successfully killed a deadly unit, your buff (Blessing of Life) +1 layer! 】

[Blessing of Life (10 layers): Permanent +100,000 hp! 】

Another layer of buff has been added.



"Every wave of the demon army is led by a [Death Monster], and I have been guarding here, waiting for the demon army to come to the door, can't I just keep buffing?

Su Yu suddenly thought.

Wouldn't it be beautiful to stay here and fight demons by yourself?

A wave of monsters, brush a layer of buff, the blood volume is permanently +10,000, and you keep brushing it, it's really cool!


While waiting for the pursuit of the demon army, Su Yu searched for the body of the black elf girl in the underground palace.


An hour later, the underground palace shook, the sky crumbled, and another [Devil Space Gate] appeared.

Su Yu's eyes lit up instantly, and his heart was excited!

Here's your chance to get a buff!

at the same time.

An army of human players, as many as 20,000 to 30,000, came to the entrance of the devil's underground palace.

It is the prince's gang that has come from afar!

"The boss! 99

"Judging from the marking beam, Qianshan Muxue is hiding in this devil's underground palace!

A subordinate said a report.


"I didn't expect that this Mu Xue was actually hiding in the underground palace, is he acting like an ostrich with a shrunken head? My army is here, and now he can't escape with his wings. 35

[Imperial City Domination] Hahaha.

"Yes! 35

The subordinates received the order and immediately organized the Prince's Gang to attack the stone gate of the underground palace.

In addition to the Prince's Gang, many scattered players also came from thousands of miles and joined the ranks of attacking Shimen.

The Prince's Gang besieged and killed Qianshan Muxue,

Such an explosive event, but a traffic hotspot, some players directly use the recording function of the [communicator] to start the live broadcast.


On the major online platforms of Xiaguo, relevant live broadcasts have been launched one after another!

"Live: Prince Gang vs Qianshan Muxue!"

"Live: The Prince's Gang dispatched all to successfully surround Qianshan Muxue in the Devil's Underground Palace!"

"Live: The Shocking Battle of the Scarlet Plain, Coming Soon!"

"Live: Shocking Battle, Right in the Secret Realm of the Holy Tree!"

this title,

It also attracted countless netizens to the live broadcast room.


"It's awesome, more than 20,000 members of the Prince's Gang (aeee), besieging a thousand mountains and twilight snow...

"I'm darling, this battle is too big, isn't it?!"

"I heard that Qianshan Muxue is blocked in the underground palace, and dare not come out. Haha, Qianshan Muxue, you have today too..."

"Qianshan Muxue: When I come out, I will kill you all!"

"Impossible, the Prince's Gang is not a vegetarian! 35

"Mom, I'm so nervous!"

"The toes are all clasped together, just waiting for Qianshan Muxue to come out, the battle begins!"

“Looking forward to the duck!!”

Every live broadcast room is hot!

The Prince's Gang is powerful, and its members are all the second generation of the imperial capital. They were ahead of most players from the moment they were born, so there is no need to say much about their strength.

Qianshan Muxue, since his debut, has never been defeated!

This battle is undoubtedly the most shining battle in the third-order awakener stage!


The Prince's Gang was unable to open the gate of the underground palace for a long time, and Qianshan Muxue never came out, and the two sides fell into a deadlock like this.

At this time,

A dark crowd of demon beast players appeared at the entrance of the underground palace. There were more than 10,000 people, and they were members of the blood alliance.

All netizens were shocked,

I thought that the Prince's Gang and the Blood Alliance would fight first,

Unexpectedly, not only did the two sides not fight, but the Prince Gang [Dynasty Domination] and Blood Alliance [Black Wind Crazy Blade] greeted each other and announced that they would deal with Qianshan Muxue together.


"Meow meow meow?"

"I heard it right, humans and orcs united?"

"Hi Nima, I vomited!"

"Damn it, a small Qianshan Muxue actually united the human [Prince Gang] and the orc [Blood Alliance]?

"Qianshan Muxue, who can offend the two major forces all over the place, is also a skr talent..."

"Joining with the orcs and dealing with your own people, this is the Crown Prince Gang?"

"Sure enough, the Prince's Gang is still infighting!"

"The Prince's Gang is still a bull's-eye. I only agree with the orcs, and I hit my compatriots hard! 35

"These two devils!

"A group of people raped!"

There was a lot of scolding on the Internet.

The Prince's Gang controlled a lot of Xia Kingdom's industries, and some users who insulted the Prince's Gang were quickly banned by the administrators permanently.

The barrage quickly became harmonious a lot.

inside the palace,

This wave of demons was quickly emptied by Su Yu.

the last boss,

It was a [Hell Flame Demon] with the [Death Strike] skill. After being killed by Su Yu with one arrow, a row of messages appeared.

[Congratulations: You successfully killed a deadly unit, your buff (Blessing of Life) +1 layer! 】

[Blessing of Life (11 layers): Permanent +110,000 hp! 】

One more layer of buff!

[Congratulations: You successfully killed a deadly unit, your buff (Blessing of Life) +1 layer! 】

【Congratulations:...+1 layer!】

【Congratulations: +1 layer!】

【Congratulations: +1 layer!】


Su Yu is addicted to brushing demons, unable to extricate himself,

About every hour, the demonic space gate appears once, and a wave of demonic army emerges. And every time the boss is a deadly monster.

That's cool,

Constantly brush monsters, keep stacking buffs!


Su Yu has been in the underground palace for about 12 hours, picking up more than 400 corpses, and 12 waves of demons.

【Blessing of life】

Layers: 20 layers.

Effect: Permanent +200,000 hp!

good guy,

The number of layers of this buff has reached 20 layers!

Just this buff,

Just added 200,000 HP for myself, and no one else!!

if it is possible,

Su Yu wants to stay here forever!


At this time, the space shook instantly, the space in front of him split open, and a huge space door with a height of several hundred meters appeared. The skulls were surrounded by the space door, and the scarlet blood flowed out like rain!

Su Yu was surprised!

This is the first time he has seen such a terrifying space gate, and this time chasing his own demons is probably not easy!

"Stupid humans!"

"Offend a powerful demon lord and must pay the price of death... I, Lord of the Black Fire Tarot, will declare your death!"

A supreme roar came from the space door, shaking the earth, and the eardrums were painful!

Immediately, a row of blood-colored information appeared.

[Warning: A powerful presence is coming, the Demon Grand Marshal [King of Black Fire Tarot] will be teleported to the current space, please prepare for battle! 】



see the warning,

Su Yu's expression changed slightly,

Unexpectedly, in this wave, the Grand Marshal of the Devil in the Holy Tree Secret Realm would actually take action against himself!

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